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Everything posted by D.L.S

  1. D.L.S

    I'm very fond of both of those also. I recently downloaded Zenonia 2 and I kinda like it, but it is does get boring.
  2. D.L.S

    Why do people post in unicode? It just seems pointless.
  3. D.L.S

    No. Ready to get raped?
  4. You'd think that, but he now has a ton of jobs lined up. The Cleavland Cavilers want him to be an announcer, and gave him a HOUSE. Not homeless anymore! Good for him then. One down, millions more left...
  5. D.L.S

    It would have happened if you were alone for too long. The streets of SF(by the piers) were EMPTY after the concert and I was sure that we were going to get jumped(by the crazy crackhead hobos).
  6. Because he is homeless he will get nowhere.
  7. D.L.S

    Hell yes. Need to get a job you lazy bum?
  8. D.L.S

    I would give him a dollar. What would you do if visual kei faded into nothingness?
  9. D.L.S

    8/10 That's not Asasgi... is it??
  10. D.L.S

    You get the plane and concert tickets, but I steal them and go in your place. MWAHAHAHA! I wish that E'm~grief~ was done with their hiatus already.
  11. D.L.S

    9/-1?? Because that is just -9. Anyways... 8/10
  12. D.L.S

    That's all major cities... SF sure does have a lot of "honest" beggars though. I did not see one beggar who was not asking for drug money. :/
  13. D.L.S

    No. Going to hell when you die?
  14. D.L.S

    I would cry for my mom. What would you do if it started to rain sharpies?
  15. D.L.S

    MGMT - We Don't Care
  16. D.L.S

  17. D.L.S

    Yes! Ever eaten musubi?
  18. D.L.S

    Another cookie.
  19. D.L.S

    They plan the 2 man, but are extremely late to the show and the whole thing has to be rescheduled. I wish that I could buy the photo set in my sig.
  20. D.L.S

    It gets to that level, but you realize that you are totally wasting your life playing wow. I wish for someone to record Versailles new comedy drama show.
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