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Original Saku

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    Original Saku got a reaction from CAT5 in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    A bit of back story real quick.
    So a few years ago (early 2015 I believe) I re watched the original Mobile Suit Gundam for the first time in many many years, I enjoyed reliving the classic gundam so much that I intended to re watch all of the Universal Century series in order of production all the way up to Unicorn... but shortly after downloading all of the series needed I got extremely sidetracked with stuff (literally I don't remember what ) . Well some time passed and eventually my anime HDD with my archived collection shit the bed and I lost my entire collection last year... welp fast forward to now and I've finally hunted down my collection again and now I'm happily re watching Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam !
    Also IBO season two is fucking awesome. I'm really enjoying this series.
  2. Like
    Original Saku reacted to beni in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    Fking 10/10, all you really need for any game ad to be a success.
  3. Like
    Original Saku reacted to Flame-X in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Started playing Megadimension Neptunia VII. It packs a lot of content but man its incredibly tedious dialogues makes me skip half the cut scenes (and in doing so, barely anything develops). So much moe moe & teehee talk. I guess this is what I get for buying it from the steam sale.  
  4. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from returnal in Anyone else getting over VK recently?   
    I got over VK around 2010 or so, but recently I've been discovering bands that have interested me... such as Dezert, Grieva, Kuroyuri to Kage, KEEL, IX -nine-,  and most recently DECAYS. now I'm sorta enjoying the scene again
    It just happens man, being too over saturated in one scene or genre will burn you out, try to mix other kinds of music into your listening tendencies.
  5. Like
    Original Saku reacted to platy in What video games are you currently playing?   
    I've been playing FF XV more lately. I finally got Ramuh... Yeah I'm still that far behind. I get really distracted fishing or doing fetch quests. It's hopeless. 
  6. Like
    Original Saku reacted to kurenai_ in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Recently picked up Final Fantasy 6 again, it's still as great as ever. Still has the best game soundtrack imo, and I'm not even one of those FF diehard fans 
  7. Like
    Original Saku reacted to platy in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    I'm looking forward to Horizon ZD, but after seeing this certain quest video on YouTube my expectations are on the ground. I really hope this lives up to the hype, just don't be a pile of shit, pleaseee. 
    Of course Nier Automata! I'm happy this world and story are still going and getting picked up by highly respected developers. 
    Also I think there's a new danganronpa coming out in summer... I want that more than any game I mentioned so far. 
  8. Like
    Original Saku reacted to YuyoDrift in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    Persona 5 delayed again? lol where have I seen this before?
    Why did you guys let this thread sit idle? There's a lot of shit going on!
    I am really looking into Taro-Kun's Nier:Automata, I really am.
    I was going to get Horizon:ZD, but this game looks like it's gonna be too damn good.
    The gameplay trailers are getting better and better.
    Also, who's pre-ordered that Legend of Zelda BOTW game yet?
    I can't wait to play that as well. Hopefully I can get my hands on a Nintendo Switch at launch.
    I've literally forgotten about everything else coming out this year. haha.
    Has anyone played that For Honor demo?
    I saw some Twitch streams, and it looks very good for people who like that style of combat, but as for me it's kinda slow.
    Especially that samurai character. Will play it myself and get back to you guys.
  9. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from CAT5 in Gunpla   
    here's a different look at the kit with it's 200mm guns attached. also doing a really cool pose reaching for that sword mace

    I'm resisting putting this thing on a action base so hard right now.... man this is a fun kit to pose XD
  10. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from patientZERO in Gunpla   
    Here's the straight build of the 1/100 Full Mechanics Barbatos Lupus, the only thing that's been modified is the v-fin where I cut off the safety nubs and sharpened the points a little. Other than that really simple modification and a little sanding for clean nub removal, it is totally untouched.

    I thought about going ahead and panel lining this beast, since it has hella panel lines... but I do plan to fully paint this kit in the near future (the next few months), so I will keep it as is for now to save me the trouble.
    next kit is going to be the HGUC 1/144 Gyan Revive, I'm so excited to do some Zeon mobile suits
  11. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from Flame-X in Gunpla   
    Here's the straight build of the 1/100 Full Mechanics Barbatos Lupus, the only thing that's been modified is the v-fin where I cut off the safety nubs and sharpened the points a little. Other than that really simple modification and a little sanding for clean nub removal, it is totally untouched.

    I thought about going ahead and panel lining this beast, since it has hella panel lines... but I do plan to fully paint this kit in the near future (the next few months), so I will keep it as is for now to save me the trouble.
    next kit is going to be the HGUC 1/144 Gyan Revive, I'm so excited to do some Zeon mobile suits
  12. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from CAT5 in Gunpla   
    Here's the straight build of the 1/100 Full Mechanics Barbatos Lupus, the only thing that's been modified is the v-fin where I cut off the safety nubs and sharpened the points a little. Other than that really simple modification and a little sanding for clean nub removal, it is totally untouched.

    I thought about going ahead and panel lining this beast, since it has hella panel lines... but I do plan to fully paint this kit in the near future (the next few months), so I will keep it as is for now to save me the trouble.
    next kit is going to be the HGUC 1/144 Gyan Revive, I'm so excited to do some Zeon mobile suits
  13. Like
    Original Saku reacted to indigo in Show off your Rig   
    Made some upgrades to my PC: A full-modular 650W power supply, no trouble with that one.
    And then a Phanteks CPU cooler to replace my stock cooler.  After installation I noticed that the cooler is being noisy. It should be around 600-1800 RPM and it's constantly going 1700 RPM.  I tried to change the settings in BIOS but no luck.
  14. Like
    Original Saku reacted to patientZERO in Show Your Desktop   

  15. Like
    Original Saku reacted to patientZERO in Show Your Desktop   
    I like to keep things simple. And I'm kinda OCD, so this is my super minimal desktop.
  16. Like
    Original Saku reacted to patientZERO in Gunpla   
    Thanks for the tips! I'm just a straight snap-tight builder right now since I don't live in a place where I can paint, but I should try the plastic cement thing. The only weird thing is that the side-skirts are on pegs, not clipped in like they usually are on other kits.
    The arms are a bit loose, particularly in the shoulder bit since the shoulders have those mobile red pad things. I kept trying to pose it and was pulling the arms out of the shoulder joints, especially when trying to move those red bits.
  17. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Gunpla   
    here's my OOB build of Julieta's Mobile Reginlaze. I'm really liking how this kit looks plus the accessories are pretty cool, Can't wait to get it on a action base This is the kit I actually am planning on custom painting with a custom color color scheme and everything, it will be my first time fully painting a kit. Stay tuned for that in the near future.

    Full Gallery is HERE
  18. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from patientZERO in Gunpla   
    Oh yes of course, but what you can do is if they are loose fitting, just take a little cement or glue and put it on the connector piece(s)  and then let it dry on, then snap the side skirts back on and voila the connection should in practice be a lot more snug and secure. Paint will also have this same effect in some cases, especially on loose joints. DO NOT use this method of cement/glue on your joints tho, it will not work the same and will probably either wreck your joints or make them look like crud. the only thing you can do for overly loose joints is paint them , and even then it's not guaranteed that it will make a difference.
    Which joints on the lupus are giving you trouble? I ask out of curiosity since I'm still building mine right now
  19. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from CAT5 in Gunpla   
    superglue and/or Tamiya plastic cement is your friend!
    @CAT5actually there's another kit that was just announced that I'm really considering picking up...
    It's the HGUC 1/144 Jegan [ECOAS] Conroy Use. Basically  it's a Jagan P-Bandai kit based off of Conroy's Jagan from the Unicorn OVA.
  20. Like
    Original Saku reacted to patientZERO in Gunpla   
    Supergluing or cementing side-skirts would hinder its pose-ability. So I'm just careful. 
  21. Like
    Original Saku reacted to CAT5 in Gunpla   
    ^ Barbatos coming along nicely! If we're speaking strictly anime, that's one of my favorite Gundam designs of late! Vidar is also pretty sick.
    Are there any kits you're eying atm @Original Saku?
  22. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from CAT5 in Gunpla   
  23. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from CAT5 in Gunpla   
    here's my OOB build of Julieta's Mobile Reginlaze. I'm really liking how this kit looks plus the accessories are pretty cool, Can't wait to get it on a action base This is the kit I actually am planning on custom painting with a custom color color scheme and everything, it will be my first time fully painting a kit. Stay tuned for that in the near future.

    Full Gallery is HERE
  24. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from CAT5 in Gunpla   
    update on my HGBF Wing Gundam Fenice
    Imgur Gallery Here!
    pretty much just waiting on my custom water slide decals to get here in the post and then a final matte topcoat and I'll be done with this one
    as a bonus here's what I've been building in my downtime while waiting on supplies for the fenice.
  25. Like
    Original Saku reacted to CAT5 in Recommended Tracks: January 2017   
    Greetings, Monochrome-Heaven! Welcome to our first installment of Recommended Tracks for the year 2017! Things are already off to a great start and we've got a wonderful selection of new songs to recommend! So let's get straight to it!  
    (We apologize if some videos aren't available due to region restrictions!)
      @fitear1590's Picks
    "A Little Picture" by ユナイト
    "A Little Picture" by UNiTE.

    2016 was a fairly slow year for UNiTE., with only a maxi-single and three digitally released tracks. Although a bit over-produced, "A Little Picture" is a joyous return for the band. While I haven't gotten my hands on a physical copy to check the liner notes yet, I'd bet that the guest saxophone is by RUPPA. For those who are looking forward to listening to the entire release, head on over to streaming services like Spotify! The single's PV is simple, but delightful, featuring some of the best production value for the band's videos so far. Filtered through a soft pastel aesthetic, we get to see the members frolic around in a paint studio. #literallyartkei  
    "偽りへの招待" by テマネキ 
    "itsuwari e no shoutai" by temaneki

    I've also gotta keep an eye on the little guys! As far as I know, temaneki are a trio of newbies in the scene and, boy, are they rough around the edges. Their look is lacking some serious polish and their production is out of whack. And yet, I'm drawn to their first single! Clunky synth arrangements aside, I am loving their melodies. The chorus has the kind of dramatic edge that I live for in VK. I'm curious to see where temaneki will go from here!  
    "Shimokitazawa" by Ailiph Doepa

    Now this is my kind of random discovery. As far as I can tell, no one has posted about Ailiph Doepa on MH yet, but I'm sure they would be up a lot of people's alleys. They've got the quirky, spastic touch of bands like The Blood Brothers or early バックドロップシンデレラ (Backdrop Cinderella), but with the djent savvy to pull off some bursts of truly heavy stuff. Plus, the band seem to have a great sense of humor, with stage names like Eyegargoyle (vocals) and Donaldy Ketchup (drums). I am going back to check out the rest of their discography, stat!  
    "透過幕" by Soanプロジェクトwith芥
    "toukamaku" by Soan Project with Akuta

    Collaborative 'projects' aren't uncommon in VK: HIZAKI grace project, Kisaki Project, ~Lily Project~, and so on. Well, Soan Project happens to be the latest, most notably featuring Moran drummer and composer Soan, with vocalist Akuta (Chanty, ex-Administrator). I hadn't been following the Soundcloud samples prior to the release, so when I heard the mini, I was going in 'blind.' It doesn't sound like Moran x Chanty by any means, but I'm still impressed--it's cool to hear these musicians work in a new style! This particular track is angsty with gorgeous backing piano and an epic guitar solo. Next month, Soan's collaboration with Temari (ex-Amber gris) comes out!  
    @beni's Picks
    "ケルベロス" by 相対性理論
    "Cerberus" by Soutaiseiriron

    Sotaiseiriron have been around since 2006. While the band tend to keep to themselves, as shown by their lack of appearances in promotional pictures and music videos, Sotaiseiriron have a massive fanbase. For those who have never heard of them or have yet to try them, don't leave that experience waiting any longer! Trust me. Those who already know and like singers like Bonjour Suzuki and DAOKO will have a field day with Sōtaiseiriron too because of the similar vocal work. Yakushimaru Etsuko's whimsical yet cute voice against the rocking music and repeated strings and chords make for a funky, sweet tune. That chorus is undeniably adorable and won't be leaving your head any time soon. And how could I not bring up the music video? An Okami-like animated sequence of a baby Cerberus can only mean one thing: cuteness overload.  
    "Bitter" by 緑黄色社会
    "Bitter" by ryokushaka

    This newly debuting band (yes band, don't let the music video fool you too into thinking it's a solo artist!) are instantly showing a lot of potential. Thanks to the bright music video, the tune takes me back to acts like Sugar's Campaign and Awesome City Club. While the video is simple at best, it's still a pleasure. I can't be the only one finding myself joining in with their singer Haruko Nagaya's random hand dancing in the chorus! For those interested, their first mini album Nice To Meet You?? dropped earlier this month!  
    "成仏できない" by メランコリック写楽
    "joubutsu dekinai" by melacholic-sharaku

    If there's a band I'm sure JPopsuki and AramaJapan! will jump on sooner or later, it's melancholic-sharaku. The Seiko Oomori like vocals are becoming a real trend with some breaking indie acts recently, and these guys are no different. But what I love about them is the insanely catchy pop chorus. By the first chorus on my first listen, I was sold. Nothing more can be said for these guys other than I hope they stick to this path. For those who like a good time and want something new, goofy (just check out that MV) and obscure for now, melancholic-sharaku are your order.  
    "after that" by ぼくのりりっくのぼうよみ
    "after that" by Boku no Lyric no Boyomi

    I was recommended by @CAT5 to try this guy's second album release Noah's Arc. It's a great 2017 album and chock-full of brilliant songs, one of them being "after that". For such a young artist, at the age of 18, bokuriri is already proving to be a star. The composition reminds me of other musical geniuses I've been impressed with such as Nakashima Koh. bokuriri has quite the distinctive voice and his lyrical delivery even changes from singing to rap. It's no surprise then that he came from the Utaite scene, going under the name of Shigaisen before he became the professional artist we see today. This is a masterpiece of a track that I hope encourages you to give the full length album a go!  
    "Hit It Up" by Omoinotake

    "Hit It Up"? More like Groove Me Up! While the vocals could leave something to be desired, the sheer music quality of this smooth, swinging track doesn't disappoint. The tune gets progressively more involved, with the climax being solos of everything involved, from the piano, to the trumpet and vocals! This feelgood track gets better with each and every listen. I'm sure glad I stumbled on these boys!  
    @emmny's Picks

    VRZEL helped us ring in the new year with "FIVEFOLD ENVY" in all its divine ratchetness, and for that we'll be blessed in 2017 with a whole lot more messy, guilty pleasure Gazetteisms. The brainchild of vocalist Cion, VRZEL have been active for far too long and refused to die even after a bunch of lineup changes. Within all that time, they've courted a flock of high school girls as fans, which is a pretty decent outcome for a guy who sounds like post-2010 Ruki trying to make his best impression of a post-2010 Gazette song. This is all so wrong yet so, so right; until we're called up to explain our sins...enjoy this *wink*.  
    "with you" by ラミエル 
    "with you" by Ramiel

    Ramiel were the most pleasant surprise of 2016 for me, a totally cute pop-rock band with the concept of "love" signed onto Satanic Shimizuya records, a label known for producing Avelcain, Lycaon and Sibilebashir. They're a breath of fresh air with a sound recalling older oshare acts, and "with you" is a love letter to the genre. Melodic lead lines, nasal vocals, crack-like chorus, lovely engrish, crap production and just overall loveliness make up the song. They're lovely, in case you didn't get how lovely this already was from listening. Very lovely, super lovely...all my love to Ramiel.  
    "君を殺して僕も死ぬ(嘘)" by SCAPEGOAT
    "Kimi wo koroshite boku mo shinu (uso)" by SCAPEGOAT

    SCAPEGOAT come back hot off the heels of their killer string of 2016 releases with their best song so far, and a strong contender for song of the year for 2017...all before 2017 even started. "Kimi wo..." is an odd, chaotic mishmash of elements yet incredibly sharp and catchy, SCAPEGOAT's signature. A lover's suicide gone wrong, the frantic chorus is broken up by wedding organs and glockenspiel throughout. Whereas a lot of bands try to play crazy, SCAPEGOAT do it for real; moving through eerily saccharine verses, building up the tension before Haru whispers the track title and all hell breaks loose.  
    @CAT5's Picks
    "North Park" by PENS+

    PENS+ is a young, talented, and lively emo/math-rock band that plays with technical proficiency, but writes songs as catchy as they come. Arai Ryo, leader and vocalist/guitarist, lists bands like cinema staff, the cabs, and malegoat as his favorites - all of which have played a clear role in influencing PENS+. They just dropped a new split CD with American band Leer, and it's a fantastic, international pairing of quality math-rock. On "North Park", PENS+ speedily traverse the fret board while keeping your ears hooked with their bright and infectious melodies. The entire split is great, though. If you like what you hear, be sure to pick it up on bandcamp for SUPER cheap!  
    "SNOOZE" by Suchmos

    I'm generally pretty critical of Japanese bands that incorporate traditionally 'black' music styles, as more often than not, I feel they sound like parodies instead of authentic interpretations of the genres. Suchmos, however, has done a fairly convincing job so far. They've been riding the city-pop wave that's been trending lately, but their sound emphasizes smooth funk and soul grooves - perhaps most similar to UNCHAIN. Their new album THE KIDS just dropped, and "SNOOZE" was easily the standout track for me. It's got a bit of a gritty hip-hop feel to it mixed with some hard-driving funk-rock, yet it's entirely soulful throughout. You'll be bopping along in no time to this one!  
    "close2u" by G.RINA

    Speaking of city-pop, G.RINA is back with her new album LIVE & LEARN - her second foray into the style following 2015's Lotta Love. The album's a great set of catchy pop that draws heavily from 80's funk and R&B, and it's the most confident and assured that I've ever heard her. "close2u", the second track on the album, is an instant jam and G.RINA sings (and raps!) with the coolest conviction. It's a great, feel-good tune to get the year started with.  
    Thanks for checking out our recommendations this month! If you have any thoughts on our list or recommendations of your own, please feel free to comment below! If you're interested in being a guest contributor, contact either @CAT5 
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