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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    my friend code is ... Saku : 3480-2539-1372 I'm gonna add both of you guys Also yeah I believe the Torchic is worldwide, already evolved mine into a Combusken xD So far i'm 6 hours in and beat the first gym and am on my way to the second right now. So far my team is looking like this: Pidgey Lvl.16 Combusken Lvl.18 Panpour Lvl. 13 Quilladin Lvl.17 Pikachu Lvl.13 Farfetch'd Lvl. 14
  2. Original Saku

    I got X, only played for a few hour so far, but I'm really digging the 3D engine
  3. Original Saku

    Nice. I'm on my way to the store right now, it's gonna be a good day
  4. Original Saku

    Yeah my store wasn't doing a midnight release so i have to wait till the morning But yeah once we have our time with the game we should definitely coordinate some battles and possibly trades
  5. Original Saku

    I don't think we should ban the VK tag but maybe make it a requirement to not just use it alone since technically VK is not a genre it's a scene... I can see how it would be useful for people who just want to see VK related downloads though
  6. Original Saku

    I figure my stuff needs a little updating so... PSN: Zman_the_Killer Steam: OriginalSaku Raptr: OriginalSaku I don't have a xbox anymore and I don't plan on getting a Xbone so that one is irrelevant, If you add me just make sure to let me know who you are please
  7. Original Saku

    ^ I'm super Jelly. I wish gamestops around my place broke streetdate, but none of them do... it especially sucks when I see people online on twitter and shit posting pics of them with their game days before release. makes me want to strangle them jk lol
  8. Original Saku

    Yeah I think Blastoise looks so effing cool, I'm also kinda partial to the new charizard too I also have been trying to avoid leaks/spoilers but my twitter feed seems to not want to leave me alone xD
  9. Original Saku

    Okay so I thought since we pretty much use the currently watching thread as a discussion thread for everything anime we should probably stop that and make separate threads for discussing certain anime topics. The first of those threads will be this recommendation topic. So the idea is if you want to watch/read a new anime/manga but have no idea where to start then you could come here and put in a request for a REC preferably detailing either the kind of anime/manga you would like to watch/read or the type of anime/manga that you are into, and then someone will come along and recommend something based on your preferences. The recommendation should include basic info about the anime/manga including somewhat of an synopsis and your opinion of the anime/manga, I would prefer everyone to detail certain aspects of the show/book (i.e. plot, story, characters, setting, etc.) also you should make sure to include why you think that person will enjoy this anime/manga. Now I don't expect everyone to write an entire ten page review of the anime/manga but i believe at least a paragraph should suffice, but by all means write more if you feel like it Another thing to mention is that you don't have to wait for somebody to request a REC for you to post here, if you want just come in and leave a random recommendation, someone will read it and might just decide to watch. Just make sure you follow all the guidelines detailed in this post. Here is a few examples of what you should expect a recommendation to look like: If you notice I included a link to the MAL page for each one for two different reasons. one; because I didn't fully detail the entire premises and synopsis of the anime/manga, and two; the person the recommendation is intended for might want to look more into the anime/manga itself, such as stuff that wasn't included in the REC (i.e. # of episodes/chapters, animation studio/author, source material, voice actors, etc.). There are also reviews on MAL too, so if they wanted a more in depth or a different perspective they could look there for it. Now you don't have to include a MAL link since they could just look it up themselves but for the sake of productivity I recommend including one. You are also allowed to embed a video of the OP for anime's, this way people can get an idea of how the anime looks and feels before watching, but just like the MAL link this is not mandatory. One last thing I want to mention is that I don't intend for this thread to become a review topic for anime/manga, so please try to keep your recommendations limited, what I mean by this is it's okay to type more than a paragraph but don't go overboard and type over a dozen paragraphs, no one is gonna read a wall of text when all they're looking for is a quick anime/manga recommendation... Originally I was gonna make this a recommendation / review thread since people can use reviews for REC's a lot of the time, but after lamenting over how I would implement it into the same thread and be able to keep it neat and organized I decided it was gonna be too much of a problem so I decided to separate the two ideas. But don't worry if what you want is a full review thread then I can tell you I'm working out the idea in my head right now. It will be coming soon, but more on that later Now let's get this thread started, Remember this isn't gonna work if no one posts so please please please let's not let this topic die due to inactivity like so many other threads have succumbed to.
  10. I figure since it comes out tomorrow we might as well get a discussion topic going. So who's all gonna get it and which copy are you getting, X, Y, or both? I've had my copy of X pre-ordered since last month and I just went and reserved one of the guide books today so I don't risk them selling out. I've been trying to avoid spoilers and leaks on the internet for the past few weeks but it's really hard not to be curious... I just get more and more excited when I see something new What's everyone most excited about? for me it has to be all the new mega evolutions xD Oh and please no spoilers in this thread The Friend Code List Asakusa | 3239-3238-6256 Augie1995 | 2766-9224-8762 Cupcakes | 0834-1455-9042 Evenor | 3110-4678-8650 Keyinjpop | 3539-9645-0485 Madygrain | 4184-1718-1357 Original Saku | 3480-2539-1372 Peace Heavy mk II | 2509-2220-7491 xPrincess_ChaosX | 1203-9715-3358 -Ryuujii- | 5343-9162-9352 Saishuu | 2036-7399-7693 Sakura Seven | 2449-5941-4026 Seiji | 1118-0309-5287 Styleover | 1822-0207-1861 Zess | 4914-4245-4090
  11. Original Saku

    I'm going to the Atlanta Show on the 6th! anyone else gonna be there?
  12. Original Saku

    here we go pics Specs: AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition AM3+ CPU @ 3.8GHZ w/ Thermaltake Frio Dual 120mm Universal CPU Cooler Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5 AMD 900 series motherboard MSI Radeon HD 7950 Twin Frozr III 3GB GDDR5 Video Card Nvidia GTX 550Ti 1GB Video Card (I use this card to output to my second monitor and for my hybrid physx setup in games like Borderlands 2 and Batman Arkham City) Creative Labs Sound Blaster Audigy 7.1 Channel Sound Card 4 x 4GB Crucial Ballistix DDR3-1333 MHZ RAM XION XON-1000 Watt ATX Power Supply Western Digital Caviar Blue 500GB HDD (for the windows install) & Seagate Barracuda 2TB HDD (for game installs etc.) Cooler Master Storm Scout ATX Mid-Tower Black Case And here is some shots of my desktop setup The keyboard you see is a Logitech G110 Gaming keyboard and the mouse is a Razer Taipon gaming mouse and the monitors on the left is a ASUS VH236H 23-inch 2ms LCD and the one on the right is just some old piece of shit Dell I'm using temporarily until I can get another ASUS and the screen in the background is my wall mounted 44-inch LCD TV with my Asus Laptop hooked up to it via hdmi. I also Have a pair of TRITTON 720+ 7.1 Surround Sound headset that I use for gaming. I eventually want to get another 7950 to throw off in there and crossfire plus I feel like I might upgrade my cpu to a Intel i7 but that would also require me to change my motherboard too... not to mention if i do get something that powerful I'll most definitely overclock which means I'll need water cooling and shit, and that just sounds really complicated to me xD I've heard quite a few horror stories when it comes to water cooling and the such. Then again I could just get a AMD FX 8 core cpu and not have to deal with spending money on a new board but lets be real here, Intel is the superior choice hands down when it comes to cpu's.
  13. Original Saku

    I just picked this game up yesterday and I'm about 4-5 hours in so far, but man this game is fucking intense. It's so good though everything about it is really well done, the story, characters, plot.. it's all superb. Quantic Dream has definitely outdid themselves with this one, don't get me wrong "Heavy Rain" was one hell of a game and by all means probably way ahead of it's time, but it definitely had it's flaws. This game however definitely has a lot elements taken from "Heavy Rain" but builds upon them tremendously and ends up making them it's own. The best thing this game does is it's action, by far it has the best and most intense action I've seen out of a game in a while. But it also doesn't let that action undermine the story elements. Most of the time in games like this when there is over the top action type sequences the story ends up taking a back seat but that is not the case, here it seems more like the action enhances the story and plot instead of overshadowing it. And don't even get me started on Ellen Page's and William Dafoe's performances in this game... for lack of more descriptive words it is breathtaking. I seriously feel like I'm watching an Oscar worthy movie but instead of just watching it as an observer I'm playing it interactively and feel a part of the experience as a whole. I can only describe it as liberating and revolutionary. Yes there have been other games that have taken this sort of approach towards story telling but never on this scale, I can only hope that this game gets the attention it deserves and in the future more games will take this unique approach to story telling. If anyone has picked this game up yet, please I urge you to post your opinions on it. Right now this game is seriously gunning for my game of the year spot. Discuss.
  14. Original Saku

    Well since online has dropped is anyone playing? I haven't done much yet since I've been busy with other games but if anyone wants to play with me my psn is "Zman_the_killer" feel free to add me, just let me know who you are please
  15. Original Saku

    Welcome to MH! If you have any questions please feel free to message me or any of the other mods (blue names) or admins (red names). Enjoy your stay here
  16. Original Saku

    Beyond: Two Souls It's seriously too fucking good <3
  17. Original Saku

    Actually I was just about to make this thread lol... I will post my specs and pictures of my setup later
  18. Original Saku

    In recent memory one of the saddest moments I've experienced in a video game has actually been the opening scene of "The Last of Us" This Scene literally made me tear up, and i think it was genius on naughty dog's part to include something so intense and tear jerking right at the very beginning of the game. To me It made Joel's character stand out from the very beginning and really made you feel for him emotionally right from the get go, also it sets up the premise and harshness of the world and setting excellently.
  19. Original Saku

    I love plastic tree too, and I liked their last album a lot, but I agree I don't really think we need another dvd... >_> last single was kinda meh too, but I guess we'll see.
  20. Original Saku

    yeah that might be a little weak... what kind of performance do you get out of BF3 with that setup? if you upgrade anything it needs to be the graphics card, your cpu is decent enough that it should be fine and if you OC it there should be no worries.. but your gpu definitely needs an upgrade I would say. I would look into picking up a nvidia gtx 660 or 670 card, they have become quite affordable in the 200-350 dollar price range recently... or if you want to go for the major upgrade and splurge then just get a 780 and then you won't have to worry about upgrading for a long time (probably for the next 2-3 years).
  21. Original Saku

    ^ You are correct. not only does he do all of that but he takes time out of his busy life every year to run a panel at Acen all by himself to inform and recruit new and potential members to the forum. If there is anyone who I think should not be questioned about their contributions to the forum it is Ito. Although people might not see what he does trust me he contributes a lot behind the scenes. edit: I agree with most of what is being said here. we the staff are aware of the problems and are discussing what can be done about it right now, not much more to say on my part besides that.
  22. Original Saku

    It's good but it's kinda hard to say how it will turn out as the build that they are using for the beta is quite old (probably a 6-8 month old build) and not to mention a lot of the final game assets are not included such as ultra res textures and models, etc. so really the beta is serving more as a server stress test than anything else. but It is fun and you can tell that the destruction is ramped up a whole lot more than frostbite 2. as for if your gonna be able to run it, I would say if you can run BF3 relatively well on high settings then you should probably have no problem running this at launch. Since they both are running on technically the same engine it would be safe to assume that there should be no problems, if you want you could always just download the beta and test yourself, but be warned like I said it is an old build and their have been issues with certain graphics cards so even if you test it and it doesn't run as well as you hope it's probably due to the build. if you don't mind me asking what are your pc specs? I should be able to tell you if you'll be able to run it decently based on your setup. My specs are: AMD phenom II black edition OC'ed 3.8 GHZ MSI Radeon HD 7950 Twin Frozer Boost Edition Gigabyte 990FXA-UD5 16 GB Crucial Ballistics Ram
  23. Original Saku

    The World's End - It was everything I hoped it would be, very funny and a damn good time. I just love British humor I don't know what it is but it just gets me on so many levels.. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are just amazing in this movie just like their previous films. And the writing is just bloody brilliant If I do say so myself.
  24. Original Saku

    I've been playing a lot of battlefield 4 beta (PC) since it dropped last week and other than that I finally setup my copy of Batman Arkham City GOTY for PC and have been playing it trying to get back into the controls and such since origins come out later this month. Going to pick up my copies of Beyond Two souls and Disgaea D2 tomorrow also and then Pokemon X this weekend! which I'm hella hyped for X and Y, I don't think I've been this hyped for a pokemon game since the third gen on gameboy advanced (ruby, saphire, emerald) and that was like 10 years ago xD and with all the information leaks going on it's just making me more hyped, every single time I see a new mega evolution I just about die a little because I know i can't play yet >.<
  25. Original Saku

    I wonder who did those I can't seem to find any info on which group/person did it. Uh but yeah that's definitely not up to my standards for subs though, there seems to be a few problems i noticed by skimming through the episode, which is mainly just me nitpicking but oh well (I mean Lizardo really?), and I don't mind waiting a few extra days for the best possible translation so... yeah. not to mention it's streamed... ewww guess I'm back to waiting for evetaku to come through, at least I know that they're are known for quality translations and I'll be able to download them all in HQ at the same time
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