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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    It's understandable that build fighters is not your thing, I think you have to be a really big mobile suit gundam fan to really appreciate it since it combines suits that span the entire series and multiple universes... not really enjoyable unless you know what the suits are and where they are from xD and also "00" was decent, definitely better than the shit that was AGE and the less shit "Seed" (which isn't saying much since AGE was really bad!) So far though I think build fighters has the potential to be one of the best gundams in recent years.. we'll just have to wait and see as it's still a little to early to come to those assumptions About Valvrave, it's different if you ask me... which is why I liked it in the first place. Sure it has it's share of anime cliches and other stuff we expect from a sunrise mecha show, but there was just something about it that really resonated with me. I'm still rooting for a third season later this year hopefully.
  2. Original Saku

    Yeah I really liked the first episode too, and the minimum holder concept is pretty much exactly the same thing as contractors in Darker than Black. "Buddy complex" I really didn't like that much... for a few reasons actually. First of all it's sunrise and they just ended valvrave a few weeks ago and they're already back on the mecha wagon... not saying that valvrave wasn't good because I actually enjoyed it quite a bit despite all the hate it's getting. But anyways my main problem with the first episode is pretty much it is full of anime cliche's all throughout and the MC's plot armor is pretty much in full effect the entire episode... I mean come on he should of died like two dozen times in the entire episode, but nope it can't happen because it's the main character another big problem for me is just it paced itself way too fast and by the end of the episode he's already in the future and in his mecha no less... okay sure that makes total sense >.> anyways the one good thing this show has going for it is the interesting time travel / alternate reality thing but even then when the pacing and plot armor is this bad I don't see the setting saving this show alone. Also the characters are boring so far. I'll still stick with it till the end, well because that's just how I am with anime... even the ones I think are really bad I almost never drop. But if you ask me if you're looking for gundam then just watch build fighters, it's ten times better than this right now and of course since it's gundam it also done by sunrise. /rant Had to get that out there, pretty much "Buddy Complex" imo has the worst first episode out of all the new shows.. it may get better, hopefully.
  3. Original Saku

    Please excuse the double post but i just had to get this out there and say that this weeks "Hunter x Hunter" was fucking amazing! Some of the most hype and epic stuff I've ever seen,,, not gonna lie I had a case of the goosebumps throughout the entire episode and it was totally worth the weeks wait! All i gotta say is them chimera ants gonna get bodied XD
  4. Original Saku

    so far the good ones from the new season seem to be D-Frag! (one word is Hillarious!) Hamatora (pretty interesting, reminds me of a cross between Durararara! and Darker than black) Nobunagun (pretty unusual if I do say so myself.. although I like this nobunaga anime more than the other one, especially the artstyle and the use of colors) Noragami (Seems like a good one, definitely not the most original premises but really enjoying the lighthearted moments in the first episode and the monster design is pretty unique me thinks) Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta (Was great! loved the airplane moments in the first episode and the animation was pretty top notch! btw Claire for best girl! That romance right out the gate though xD my boy Kal-el doesn't waste time obviously.) those are the ones that seem to have some pontental, I'm still on the fence about a few others as of this moment.
  5. Original Saku

    ^ Who the main characters? uh no they are not good guys as in hero's ... they are "good hearted" but they are pirates and they hate being called "heroes" and the such as Luffy and other characters have mentioned throughout the series multiple times. they just know right from wrong and aren't evil to the core. they still do bad things that pirates would be expected to do but they know the difference between morally right and wrong. Just a bit curious how far are you into the series? knowing that I can have a better idea of your knowledge level of the show.
  6. Original Saku

    Actually a pretty interesting idea, I think the limits should be between 2 cour (two season or 26 episode) shows and shows that have already finished airing . Another idea is have you thought of doing something like an anime night where we/you/me stream an anime over a service like Ustream? Just a thought.. I know a few people who already do this with online friends and it's pretty fun to watch something at the same time with other people and discuss in a live setting. On another note I think the live streaming could actually be something separate from this, like something we do once a month where we have a live streaming anime marathon night? And we can just marathon an anime until we're done, of course this would just be something to do for fun xD I think it could have potential to be really awesome. Last but not least how will we decide what anime we watch for the "anime watching club"? vote? (that sounds tedious and troublesome) we could have the staff interested in doing this pick a a handful of quality shows and then have a poll? (this sounds like the best option imo) or will it just be played by ear? (basically on a whim).
  7. Original Saku

    Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 2 - Hikisakareshi Yokuryuu - This movie finally just got subbed last week, I watched it and loved it! It was a lot better than the first movie and let me tell you that this movie has some of the best mecha action I've ever seen. And good news is that it has been confirmed that this series of movies does in fact take place in between R1 and R2! Now the only thing to do is wait another year for the third movie to come out and get subbed :/ but well I'm sure it will be worth the wait. With this series being so awesome one can only hope that after it's done and completed, sunrise will stop tiptoeing around and finally continue where they left off in R2... Hey I can dream right xD
  8. Original Saku

    Yeah but the SAO special does actually have a purpose, it's supposed to bridge together the end of the first season and the beginning of the second season. Yes if anyone didn't already know it was announced that SAO 2 is coming later this year! also there's supposed to be another special called "Sword Art Offline" airing later this year before the second season starts, and if i had to guess it'll probably continue where the end of this special left off. basically explaining some stuff that has happened since the end of the first season and also setting up what's gonna happen during the second season. All that aside yeah the first special was pretty stupid with the hour and a half of recap shit, but I'm not gonna try to lie... the new stuff that we did get at the end was pretty enjoyable for me and even though the first season got majorly sidetracked and literally dropped the ball I can't help but to be just a little optimistic about the new season.
  9. Original Saku

    Finally got around to watching the first season with a buddy and i would have to say it wasn't as bad as i thought it was, rather decent actually. I could watch it again if I had too
  10. Original Saku

    It's not even that it's a harem that makes it shit, because honestly some harem anime can work and be enjoyable when done right... it's just bad period. It's as simple as that. worst thing is that it actually did pretty good in Japan according to those figures zess posted, so we'll probably get another season of it :/
  11. Original Saku

    So yeah they buckeled under the backlash from leechers and actually just finished the two episodes from the last few weeks of Yozakura! so looks like there's not gonna be a wait at all xD I feel like it was a troll tbh.
  12. Original Saku

    yeah it was pretty bad.. I gave it the same score as i did the first season, a 6/10. Which is probably a little generous, but if not for the animation that i sorta enjoyed it would probably be a little lower maybe a 5/10 instead xD
  13. Original Saku

    are you crazy? them things are hella uncomfortable...
  14. Original Saku

    oh well both silver spoon and kyousougiga are some of the good ones for sure, so you're on the right track hey you should check out gifuu doudou!! please check it out... lol I want more people to like it because really it's a very underated and underwatched show, which makes me very sad.
  15. Original Saku

    You see Ito that's where me and you disagree because actually this year has been really good compared to the last few...
  16. Original Saku

    yeah it wouldn't have to be limited to ten, it could be five or whatever.
  17. Original Saku

    ^ That's surprising because actually your foobar looks more "cluttered". Cluttered to me means unorganized, you can clearly see which is more organized comparing your foobar and say my foobar a few pages back. and btw JAM is probably one of the most simplistic and minimalistic foobar skins I've seen in a long time so...
  18. Original Saku

    So Gifuu Doudou!! ended Surprisingly it's one of my favorites from this year, It was so good. I loved the righteous manly samurai feels it gave me week after week also "Nagi no Asukara" is shaping up to be another one of my favorites Just curious who here would be interested and would participate in a "Top anime of 2013" thread? Because currently I'm thinking of doing one.. something like you would post your favorite anime from 2013 maybe in a top ten list format or something and then it would be optional to do reviews/takes/opinions on the shows and why you picked them. Just something to think about... I want to do it, but I'm not going to if it's only going to get a few replies or very low participation from people. So if you want it to happen please express your desire for it please
  19. Original Saku

    Holy Shit! I want that so bad now >.<
  20. Original Saku

    That really blows especially since there is only two episodes left, but I'm fairly sure someone else will pick it up and finish it... we'll probably just have to wait a little while longer for it though plus I'm not really that bummed since I actually recently started reading the manga so yeah.. XD and about Valvrave... The next episode is the last one of the second season, but I'm pretty sure there will be a third season. At this point there is so much stuff unanswered that they could easily do another season, but I guess it all depends on how next week's episode pans out I suppose.
  21. Original Saku

    Hey man I understand it happens to all of us, even I've had to take time off, so just take a break for the holidays and then if you decide to leave that's fine but It'd be great if you decided to stay. I know that the forum is predominantly VK but there are plenty of non-vk lovers here, including me. btw Touhou is awesome and I know of more than a few people here who appreciates it at the end of the day we'll always be here if you decide you want to drop by
  22. Original Saku

    Oh okay in that case I believe you will be very pleased with the show when you get around to watching more, it doesn't make the same mistakes sao made and actually feels like it sets itself apart from sao in the most recent episodes
  23. Original Saku

    Serously? how far are you in? I feel like this is what sao should of been... I don't really see how it has anything in common with it besides the mmo game setting. There's no sappy romance shit going on or any huge time skips/leaps like sao had that made things hella confusing and the most obvious is that shiro is not a depressed emo character like kirito was :/ overall Log Horizon is actually one of my favorite anime's from this season... so far they have kept with mmo setting and plot instead of going off into other shit like sao did.
  24. Original Saku

    ^ It's easy go over here: http://flipout69.deviantart.com/art/JAM-v1-2-407758948 and download the zip file and then extract it. There will be a pdf. file with instructions on how to install it and get it up and working. Seriously though it's so easy, I installed it within 5 minutes and then took only another 10 minutes for me to get it configured correctly. if you need any help feel free to PM me about it
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