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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by tosinn

  1. We are all masochist and sadist servants whose only goal in life is to serve a bigger Queen than us all who could put Ke$ha music on speakers to the entire world and apparently not give a damn about it.

    Couldn't have said it any better.

  2. Interesting topic. I was actually going to make one a few months ago. Anyways, I haven't really listened to much Japanese shoegaze, but some interesting bands I stumbled upon were:

    Cruyff in the bedroom


    Coaltar of the Deepers

    Luminous Orange

    I especially enjoyed the first two. Really great bands. I'm still looking for more Japanese shoegaze/dream-pop bands to listen to.

  3. I don't see myself dating someone younger than me, even if it's just by a year. Guys mature way later than girls, so I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with a kid. Besides, I'm 17 years old, so most guys my age aren't really what I'm looking for. I'd say that my ideal guy would be between 20-25. I wouldn't mind dating someone older than that either. It depends on the guy though.

  4. I've only checked out the albums that I thought were gonna be great, or good at least. So I don't really have a "worst album" list. But if I had to say, it'd be SuG's album, which I listened to out of curiosity. It's the definition of a crap album with even crappier fillers.

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