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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by tosinn

  1. the GazettE, and Alice Nine. These two are basically bands that first shoved me into the Island of VK when I was still young and stupid, and I could quite recall it clearly that I used to be that annoying, rabid fangirl of them who squealed over the boys stuffs like "WAAAAIIIIII URUHAAA KAWAIII DESUUU!!! TORA KAKKOIIII NEEEE!!"; without giving much care of how their musics actually were. I turned out hating them the moment I found out another bands which are musically much more pleasing--despite the looks--and though I don't listen and don't have Alice Nine's anymore, I'm still pretty open to the GazettE's music........... Just came around, passing by, downloading their songs and hoping I'll be finding something good and such.

    Pretty much my VK-life story too. :domo:

  2. I completely believe, though I haven't had any paranormal experiences myself. Not any that I can remember, anyways. I've had a couple of precognitive dreams in the past though, so seeing those have made me believe even more. I also believe that aliens exist; it's impossible that us humans are the only life forms in this immense universe, it's pure logic.

  3. Spanish is my native language, it was the first language that I learned and the one I speak the most lately. But I was raised in Lebanon, and because of the Lebanese educational system, students learn two languages simultaneously and at the same level (either Arabic and English or Arabic and French). I obviously chose English, but around 6th grade we start learning a 2nd language, which is French. So I speak these 4 languages fluently now. I'm also currently learning Japanese, but I still have a long way to go until I can speak and read it fluently. I go to Polish classes once a week as well, but I'm not really interested in it. I'd also love to learn either Mandarin or Cantonese in the future.

  4. lol ouch.

    I'm not trying to vomit sunshine.

    hahah that actually sounds horrible.

    I'd complain if SUG disbanded 8) .

    I wonder how the next single 's going to sound.

    It's ok that you like them. Afterall, music appreciation is entirely subjective -- the real fools and idiots are the ones hating on you FOR liking them. Besides -- Herpes doesn't have the greatest taste in music at all...far from it, so for them to trash on YOU? i find that kind of contradictory.

    I commend you for sticking with them even when all of these ass holes attacked you for it.

    You're actually right.

  5. Haha wtf guys come on! They sucked a few years ago but the recent stuff is quite good/catchy.

    Looking forward to this one!

    ... Have you seen the preview for Crazy Bunny Coaster? D< It's terrifying. And nothing they've released has been as good as umbilical. And before that the only good song they had was Scheat.

    /implying that umbilical is actually any good.

  6. Nigu is one of the real good vocalist of the scene. He's definitely better than some, if not most, bands you're listening to, nowadays. Pretty much balanced in normal singing voice/growling/whispering/screaming, and really emotional too; which I like. VK needs an actual great combination like these guys have done amidst another shit bands that just formed and disbanded after a few releases.

    You said it all, gurl.

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