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Posts posted by tosinn

  1. It doesn't surprise me it's a boring ass ballad, I've always associated Vidoll with really boring ballads. To be honest I have always thought Jui's voice was boring. Please don't flip your shit and think I'm calling him bad, he certainly can sing but just boring. All his collaboration projects with KISAKI = boring as fuck.

    My thoughts exactly. And lololol at the air instruments.

  2. don't worry, it's gonna get better when Jasmine You will arise from his grave for a solo-project and a south american tour.

    I think that's possibly the only funny thing that you have posted in the history of TW. Congrats, brah!

    Anyways, I hope they'll be able to redeem themselves and stop shitting out crap like mar maroon. Their last album was okay, so I wouldn't mind if they continue in that direction.

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