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Posts posted by Aion

  1. I dropped using romanized names as most of them doesnt fit in the topictitles. I always mention the bandname in romaji in the actual description etc...

    as for tracktitles. screw that shit... Don't find the need to translate/romanize them. I always do direct copies and thus even spelling errors are included in my rips. It's how they branded it on the CD, and thus how I rip and store them.

    If you really want to get them romanized -> romaji.org...

  2. any of you watched the first two episodes of season three yet? i just watched them and find it to be insanely good, this is what the series should have been from the beginning!

    man what a badass rick now is :twisted:


    but some scenes, like in ep2. Rick told them multiple times to not charge in alone, yet, that one prisoner takes of after Rick kills their leader, and Rick just follows him... "Never leave formation or you might be mistaken for a walker", and yet he takes of...

    Also, why take Hershell with you in the first place... What if Lori got the child when they were exploring? Also, it wasn't a real surprise when you saw that gang, incl. Hershell, that Hershell would be the one getting bit...


    pretty much sums it up...

  3. Well, just rearranged all my stuff in my relax/music/gaming room and thus resulted in a somewhat tidied mess and thus time for me to make some photo's of my collection


    Main part of my collection with most of my precious/favorite stuff, top shelf is mostly male-fronted rock bands,

    top row, from left to right:

    ART-SCHOOL, killing boy, KAREN, COLD KITCHEN (all ART-SCHOOL related stuff), uranino, Half-Life, jeepta, Dirty Old Men, any, UNDER THE COUNTER, OGRE YOU ASSHOLE, aie, 99 Radio Service

    bottom row, from left to right:

    me-al art, digitalis, aquarifa, some smaller stuff, inspire:tion, HOLA/SHIBATA, Massdre, FLiP, random stuff, yume miteru, mitsume, part of my ACIDMAN collection

    all the way up on the left is the Zankyo Record Anniversary Book =)

    Under these rows is a TV and some shelfs with a shitload of X360-games...


    2nd part of my collection. Mostly stuff by bands I only got one release of. Will link to closer ups below


    small stack below the 2nd part-collection


    70+ demos, Live only singles, cd-r's etc. Mostly only packed in paper cases so it's not handy to put them on a shelf xD


    Random VK-shizzle. Got some more VK stuff laying around, but I never use that stuff anymore

    Want to see more, incl. more close ups of my collection:

    http://smg.beta.photobucket.com/user/Ai ... an%20album

    Now let me show yours =)

  4. ben ik dan de enige die nog altijd anime kijkt? Volg momenteel

    One Piece (ben ik al sinds 2002 mee bezig xD)

    Hunter x Hunter 2011 (origineel is een van de beste shounen ooit)


    JoJo's Bizarre Adventures

    Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun

    maar dat is dan ook sinds een dik jaar dat ik meer kijk dan HxH en OP alleen eigenlijk...

    Vroeger (lees 2002-2009) keek ik echt teveel anime eigenlijk xD

  5. He was spinning around like crazy before getting a steady descend xD

    What I kinda did find strange was that he didn't stay as long in his freefall as Kissinger did 50 years ago... You would say that he could stay longer in his free fall being about 9km higher... But then again, dropping at around 1400km/h down to earth (which is around 22km/minute :o) might be a too high a speed to get enough momentum to launch the parachute...

  6. FTL (Faster Than Light)

    one of the best games I've played in a real long time. The game breathes indie all over. Simple graphics, easy to understand gameplay, but hard to master. But it is SOOO ADDICTIVE .o.

    The game is also very unpredictable every play through. One playthrough might take you up to the 8th system, while the next playthrough might kill you on the first jump you make


  7. Not something Japanese though, but a Spanish song xD

    Righeiro - Vamos a la Playa

    never knew it was about the Cold War xD


    rough translation:

    Let's go to the beach

    The bomb has detonated

    due to the radiation

    we're getting a blue skin

    Let's go to the beach

    Put on a sombrero

    Cause the radioactive wind

    will mess up all your hair

    Let's go to the beach

    The ocean is finally clean

    No stinking dead fish

    Only fluorescent water

  8. Well, being a former journalist, I can understand Kamijo... When you arranged an interview with someone, put work in it, and it's blatantly copied on another site, it's just plagiarism. A direct translation of said interview is just the same...

    If it were a summarized text of the interview or anything like that, it doesn't matter that much I guess, as long as there is a source mentioned...

    In my early years as an editor for a website (10+ years ago) I also did some direct translations (English -> Dutch) and put them on the website I worked for at the time. Didn't last long and I got contacted by the original source and they forced me to remove that content... I was a beginner back then and learned my lesson that way...

    If you just don't do a direct translation and write the said stuff in another manner, you can use direct quotes as long as you link directly to the original source...

    simply put, direct translations = plagiarism, direct translations without the mention of a source might even be illegal...

    Plagiarism is a BIG NONO in the journalism industry, let alone in college and the likes...

    It's been done to some stuff I wrote. After long calling and mailing with some people, I arranged a interview with Hideo Kojima, talked with him about some stuff and had a nice talk with him. Put the interview online and 3 days later I saw a direct copy of my work on a French site, talking like it was that guy personally interviewing Kojima without any mention of the site I worked for, let alone the mention of it originally being a Dutch article...

    completely stopping it would be impossible, but at least bring the matter to light is the least that can be done...

    But why this has to come from Kamijo and his management...

    as for lyrics, that's a whole 'nother business =)

  9. grote kans dat het voor mij SP gaat worden eigenlijk...

    Ben altijd al een linkse stemmer geweest terwijl ik uit een CDA-familie kom. 1x op CDA gestemd als tegenstem... Verder altijd links gestemd (eerste paar jaar GL en nu al een paar keer SP)

    diverse stemwijzers gedaan. en 3x SP als beste gevolgd door PvdA, GL en D66, en 1x PvdA met SP als 3e na 50+ (WUT?)

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