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Peace Heavy mk II

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Everything posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Zess beat up my untrained fossil pokemon :(

    1. Augie1995


      Interesting~ Are you available now? PM your friend code.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      His friend code is in the X/Y thread. I'll pokemonsters battle you too once I have a good team >:) . I prefer double battling though

    3. TheBistroButcher666
    4. Show next comments  477 more
  2. Peace Heavy mk II

    'Zou' is one radical too many to mean 'Elephant' and I am very disappointed (像 vs 象). Samples sound good though! That 'slip over the edge font'
  3. Peace Heavy mk II

    Just sustaining my untruth
  4. Peace Heavy mk II

    In case anyone was wondering, that magenta is #D1288F, and it is a different magenta than the one SID used here (#FF1EAE). I like how the font blends in with the eye, and I didn't them to be very 'wow gross!!' in general. Haven't all of their artworks since Cage, with the exception of Lotus, been gross?
  5. So DIV and D.I.D. aren't the same thing?

  6. Interesting. I wonder how Tomozo and Erina will interact with each other since the prior seems to have problems playing well with others. Edit: actually listened to the sample. This seems to be a much more appropriate genre for erina since VII-Sense was embarrassing and Dio was pretty much just chugging with a handful of 'nice' through 'okay' songs. How did this fluorescent bulb trend start? TRIGGAH has been consistently good, so hopefully now they release more than 2 songs every 8 months |D
  7. Peace Heavy mk II

    I actually listened to the video posted for Macabre. I've never actually listened to the original, but I did like the remake. It was nice that they didn't overdo the super aggressive thing and I liked the organ / harpsichord parts. However, that cadence. What the hell >: (
  8. Peace Heavy mk II

    Zess, tell your friend I'll add him.
  9. Livqueur Records is still kicking?
  10. Peace Heavy mk II

    I creeped your Last.fm and saw you also did a Madeth cover. Any chance of posting a video of that soon?
  11. Peace Heavy mk II

    What if he was Lei- reincarnated and he's just waiting to rise from the ashes again???
  12. The whole point of this side project is based on the Litchi Hikari Club manga. I've never read it myself, so I can't attest to how accurate their interpretation is.
  13. Peace Heavy mk II

    Is that how they translate their name?
  14. Peace Heavy mk II

    Just saw Citadel with my boyfriend. I thought it was interesting and he was really freaked out since he has had his house broken into before (which is the driving force in the story). I didn't really expect it to turn into Left 4 Dead, so that was interesting. What I think I liked most is that you can interpret the movie to be a creepy thriller OR you can take each event and figure out what it is supposed to be a metaphor for in the main character's life as he overcomes his depression and post-traumatic stress syndrome.
  15. Peace Heavy mk II

    You have swalot and seviper so far
  16. Aside from the super messy drumming, this is pretty much a typical demo tape of bands that were around for like 10 minutes at the turn of the century in VKei. I like how they looked like BLOOD And then decided to try and be like X mixed with Bret Michaels
  17. Peace Heavy mk II

    What's in your friend safaris? I have fire with the following (linked because they all have different names depending on what country you're from)-- Ponyta, Slugma, Braxien
  18. Peace Heavy mk II

    2nd to the left looks like Deadman's vocalist
  19. Peace Heavy mk II

    they look so asian
  20. Peace Heavy mk II

    All of the samples seemed pretty bland. Except "太陽を背にして," which isn't even on the single :<
  21. Not quite sure why 'We Will Never Be Royals' is so popular tbh

  22. Peace Heavy mk II

  23. Peace Heavy mk II

    he has korean and japanese on his chest
  24. Peace Heavy mk II

    That was more in response to the 'they need a break to create a personality!' reactions. I would dig a lo-fi track on this album.
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