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Peace Heavy mk II

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Status Updates posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. this kind of sounds like an Eric Johnson song
  2. Net neutrality passed again (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑

  3. So hype for the MK8 DLC

  4. Working on my day off because I forgot today was a holiday when giving an estimate lmao kill me

  5. #petPeeve: when last.fm pictures don't say what release the artist picture goes to

  6. The "DOZE" remake proves that Asagi sold his talent to a sea witch, and that sea witch is Hazuki.

  7. oh hey @ lynch. making an effort to have their songs at least sound differentiable

  8. Happy birthday, Elazmus!

  9. All Stars 2 is intense

  10. The chorus of Marco's new single's title track is such a mess, but the rest is so good.

  11. iPhone 7 hype dampened by Sia being there

  12. X Japan's "Miscast" but it keeps getting faster

  13. Congratulations to everyone with MS. Love, Ted

  14. Yaasss @ Lineage reaching into Epica's "Design Your Own Universe"'s back catalogue

  15. every time you like one of my ancient posts I am forced to confront my past and it is giving me a several psychoses 

  16. Kamijo's new single will be all bitch tracks #confirmed 

  17. #reMemberMonday When someone got so mad at @Zeuswriting a negative review of Lynch. that they joined the forum to disagree with him

  18. Happy birthday sis

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