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Peace Heavy mk II

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Everything posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Peace Heavy mk II

    Many bands give credit to roadies in one way or another, sometimes even in the album booklets. I'm not exactly sure to what extent they provide help, however.
  2. Peace Heavy mk II

  3. Peace Heavy mk II

    They could just be standing different distances from the camera to throw people off about guessing who he is.
  4. Peace Heavy mk II

  5. I actually sent a message to Panda about this too and haven't received a response.
  6. Peace Heavy mk II

    RES could never
  7. Peace Heavy mk II

    Self proclaimed "horror visual"
  8. So is this now just Hakuei's 2nd solo project?
  9. It's illegal to be in a vkei band and not do a cover-your-eye-with-one-hand pose
  10. #conspiracyTheory: what if "demotape-quality" isn't actually bad, but we've just been bad at ripping tapes all along?

    1. Biopanda


      #TheTruth sadly :(

    2. Gaz


      because it's not? some tapes have much better quality than cds tho

    3. Naaaaani


      Tapes suck at all

  11. Peace Heavy mk II

    I thought this single was great, as shown by one of the tracks making it onto BNT from me. I'm hoping that they don't end up consistently pulling a Deluhi--great singles, floppy albums.
  12. Peace Heavy mk II

    Wasn't a Noble Born In Chaos live-distributed? And didn't he have a special CD that you could only get from buying a calendar that he didn't really say anything about? And the Versailles perfume???? He's done stuff like this before.
  13. Peace Heavy mk II

    what sort of clusterfuck is this
  14. Peace Heavy mk II

    They sound like 90% of western attempts at vkei Love that he gets increasingly more auto-tuned, as if the sound producer was like "Yeah....this doesn't get better as the song goes on."
  15. Peace Heavy mk II

  16. Touch my christmas tree vagina What a trip. Haven't seen a phone booth in years.
  17. I really liked this release, but it took me a few listens. Thus far, I feel like their material post-new-drummer has been consistently more solid and their homages are more, well, homage-y instead of covers with new lyrics and a new chorus. Their experimentation is definitely welcome, like 自己精神殺害推進會, and I really appreciate the more complicated bass lines that are going on in this particular release.
  18. Dead is Me I Aim to Inspire Fuck Kisaki My Mixtape is Fire
  19. Peace Heavy mk II

    Kinda agreeing with Herbs here, this isn't their best effort in many senses. The only they seemed to do really well here is put their budget into getting a music video with a good camera.
  20. Peace Heavy mk II

    They must have visited Boston recently ^
  21. I had a dream 夢中夢 were doing a live recording session in a local grocery store. I don't even really know that band so idk. I went, at least!

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Ha! Fitting given their name. I'd imagine they'd play somewhere between the butcher and beer fridges.

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