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Everything posted by Pandabear

  1. Pandabear

    ^ to me ethnicity doesn't matter. But whoever plays the major definitely has to have that strong leader, bad ass vibe. Same thing with Batou. i could see Stana Katic as Kusanagi though. I'm also curious if the movie would be exclusively adapted from the characters in the SAC series, the movies or manga.
  2. Pandabear

    Well this is cool news. She's teamed up with Francesco Forni and formed From Bedlam to Lenane. I can't tell if it's a new project or if its part of her solo endeavor. Either way can't wait to hear their full release. Previews sound amazing so far. Love Francesco's acoustic guitar playing.
  3. Pandabear

    Just realized she released another new song at the end of September. It's great. Really relaxed and has sort of a oriental feel to it. Of course that could be because the track is in Chinese. W/e. I'm just glad she's releasing new material and is being active again. I hope this means new releases and a possible album for this year. http://edge.neocha.com/chinese-creatives/tracks-new-song-from-shanghai-based-indie-songstress-zhong-chi/
  4. Pandabear

    Will add Guilty Crown. On the 5th episode so far.
  5. Pandabear

    The Human Abstract - Complex Terms
  6. Pandabear

    I own all 3 movies, both of the animes and the soundtrack so obviously I'm a big fan of the series. I was excited about the live action movie but I'm also worried about it since Hollywood tends to fuck live action movies. I liked that they have Steven Spielberg as director but if they make a live action one it's going to be challenge to say the least. Not just because of the special effects involved, but because they need a good quality plot and script. Especially for a series like this that revolves heavily on dialogue and touches upon political, social and philosophical topics. I think casting will also be hugely important to get the right actor to accurately portray the main characters. Then of course they have to capture that futuristic cyberpunk world. Usually in order to properly pull of the live action movies a lot of things need to be pulled off right and in this case everything needs to be right, which just means there's a whole bunch aspects where it can fail.
  7. Pandabear

    Will definitely be giving it listen. I'm interested in what they'll be putting out this time and what type of reception it will receive.
  8. Pandabear

    Finally gave The Hunter a listen and it's another solid masterpiece for the band. It does have a Leviathan feel to it but with a bit more maturity and refinement. Easily gets my vote for one of the best metal/album releases of 2011. Brandon's drumming is as sick as ever.
  9. Pandabear

    Artema - Life Saber
  10. Pandabear

    Artema - Life Saber
  11. Pandabear

    Evanescence - Evanescence Girugamesh - GO Those 2 albums were pretty disappointing. I don't really care if a band changes their musical direction as long as the music remains good, but both of those albums were so bland and boring.
  12. Pandabear

    Just realized these guys released another EP called Thorn. Anybody listen to it yet?
  13. Pandabear

    I always take a couple of pictures and videos at all the concerts I attend. It serves as a memento for me. However I won't take videos and pics for the entire concert since I won't be able to enjoy the show and I use a pretty good camera so I get really good audio and video quality. I think most people have access to decent cameras now. They even got affordable camcorders that shoot HD. Maybe getting good audio and video quality may have been harder in the past, but i its a lot easier now. Personally I wouldn't shoot pics or video from a crappy cellphone cam or ipad. One is pointless the other is just rude.
  14. Pandabear

    True facts. Needs to keep going.
  15. Yeah I pretty much don't care as long as the performer gives credit where credit is due. And I'm much more tolerable of the practice with pop artists than anyone else. I mean with a rock band, I feel they should know how to make music. They spend a crap ton of time perfecting their playing and then they can't write decent music? That seems highly unlikely since most musicians will learn about music theory during the course of playing or curiosity will eventually lead them down that path. And it also depends if its simply lyrics or the actual music. I'm totally fine with someone in the band writing the lyrics to a song and then having the singer sing it. Maybe the singer can't come up with decent lyrics, or someone else in the band is a really good songwriter but doesn't have the voice to sing his songs.
  16. Pandabear

    They are one of the bands out there with a cool and interesting name. But you should check out some of their albums. I recommend Dirt. Or you can check out some of their greatest hits compilations. For some reason they have a tons of those even though they've only put out 4 official studio albums. i guess that's what labels do when you become one of those "legendary" bands.
  17. Pandabear

    Engineers - Sometimes I Realize F77WRGGFPWE Anybody listen to these guys? They're great. They play some really shoegazey stuff you can lose yourself in. I think my favorite album by them has to be Three Fact Fader.
  18. Pandabear

    So far.. Money Money More money A hoodie A nice shirt A belt More gifts coming on New years.
  19. Pandabear

    cold - Stupid Girl
  20. Pandabear

    Cool tracklist indeed. And to be honest I thought GEMINI was a bit over hyped. I don't think it was that great of an album as people seem to think it is. Don't get me wrong, it was a damn good album, but there's still a huge amount of room for improvement for this band. So I wouldn't be surprised if they outdo themselves with this upcoming album. At least hopefully that will be the case and it won't be material that was rushed and be of inferior quality.
  21. Pandabear

    I'm going to go ahead and add Anthem's Heraldic Device and 101A's 4 as well. I think those albums definitely deserve to be there. I actually only got a chance to listen to them. I also see there are a number of albums from the same band that made it into other ppl's list. I'm gonna go check those out as well.
  22. Pandabear

    Raunchy - Street Emperor
  23. I think being informed is crucial. This is how you might find out in advance if the place you're in will get bombed. Or the places where there are tons of zombies roaming around and where there's not so much. Also I think its wise to have someone in your group who know's how to fly an airplane or helicopter. That way if you ever do need a quick getaway from hordes of zombies or a nuke you can make your escape. Of course there's the problem of acquiring an airplane or helicopter. Though the helicopter is the most advantageous of the two thanks to its vertical takeoff's and landings. Some sort of remote island would seem like the safest place to survive long term and wait out the zombies till they die, there's a cure or live out the rest of your life in. This is where knowledge on growing crops, fruits and filtering water becomes valuable. Even if your in a city you might be able to do this with enough pots or turn the roof of a house or apartment into a garden. And if the island ever did become overrun with the infected you could always escape on your boat (or helicopter). Of course the problem then is finding a new safe house. The best place to hide would probably be some sort of underground bunker or base. Not only would it be zombie proof it would be nuke proof as well. Don't think your average person has access to one of these though. In the worst case I'd just destroy the stairs on the 1st floor of the safe house I was in and use ropes and ladders to climb up and down from the 2nd floor. If the zombies did break in at least the house wouldn't be overun by them. I'd also sleep in the attic with pull down stairs because I don't want to get eaten while I sleep. If all else fails and I'm about to be eaten, then I'd guess I'd blow myself up and take as many zombies as I could with me. I'm not the type to go down without a fight.
  24. Pandabear

    ^Loved claymore. On the 4th and final season of yu yu hakusho.
  25. Pandabear

    They're awesome.But yeah new material doesn't come close to their old. I actually liked Death Magnetic, but the sound production was just god awful. Haven't heard their latest EP though. I'm going to give it a shot.
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