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Everything posted by Spectralion

  1. I bet Akuta won't use any shoes on the music video again Love on Naruto's flipper
  2. I bet toge was bomb to start an oneman.
  3. Spectralion

    Damn, Jojo's shrieking is amazing...
  4. The lyric's hit really close to the home. I'm sobbing
  5. Spectralion

    Shunka Ensen 2.0! My body is ready! I just hope they didn't include that synth clusterfuck so-called gekka bijin on this album. I'm already satisfied If they only include Jo ko Ka, Oborozukiyo, Harushigure, and Muku on this album. Even though Watashi wa Kirai is still amazing.
  6. Spectralion

    That bridge is amazing.
  7. Drinking dragon fruit juice and listening to MUCC's Shion...

  8. Spectralion

    Even Mahiro don't know how to act anymore.... He's dancing like a madman. Don't know what to do next.
  9. Spectralion

    It's going nowhere I hate it.
  10. Spectralion

    Definitely better than that ANTHEM and ANTITHESIS hot mess... The animation remind me of Madoka :"
  11. After that AMAZING DirtyXDirty, but passable Nao Kowazu, this Toge definitely is a treat. 5 singles before the album... That's a lot.
  12. Spectralion

    The first track is definitely how you all metal band should open an album with a BANG!
  13. New Omyou-Za is better than their last album. 

    Me like it.

  14. Spectralion

    Whole album in instrumental version!!!!!!!!111!!!!1!!!!!1
  15. They looked... Fatigue
  16. Spectralion

    I can't recognized Chisa at all! Bring it on! Ready for Zero One 2.0
  17. Spectralion

    Because Kiryu's already have their new single announced too. You can hold your breath until Codora's new album announcement. It'll be brief.
  18. Damn you all cockteaserrrrrrr!!!
  19. Spectralion

    YES! His drum cover is amazing.
  20. Spectralion

    That title is just.... Coincidence or what?
  21. Spectralion

    This is too embarrassing to watch 🙈
  22. Mahiro said Hanasigure so many times it sounds like new pokémon's name
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