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Posts posted by Spectralion

  1. This year I've discovered Kiryu and La'Mule...

    I never interested in Kiryu back than... But, since there is threat comparing them with kagrra (Did I type it right?), I try them...
    My first try is watching Etsu no Utsu PV and I kind like grabbed by them...
    After that I try their last album, Shunkan Ensen, and it's more awesome than the PV...


    I already know La'Mule for a long time, because I already know NightingeiL, but I never try them. NightingeiL disbanded, and Kon made CELL . Suddenly, CELL covering La'Mule's PRISM and yes... I'm hooked by it. After that I try La'Mule and their whole discography is gold...

    That's my story...

  2. I know it's late... Too much late...

    I've been known Kagrra, for a five years maybe, but I never get the click with their music... The only piece from Kagrra, that get my attention is only 月に斑雲 紫陽花に雨

    In other side, when this topic started I do not even know who 己龍 is and then I try 悦ト鬱...

    ...and BAM! I F**CKING LOVE THEM!


    Maybe Kagrra, too calm for me... I prefer the more chaotic 己龍...

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