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Posts posted by Spectralion

  1. It's really been a while since last time they release some stuff. I really excited with this single, since I really love versus but kinda disappointed with Rouge and Force. I had really great hope with this single, and wala... My hope are answered correctly...

    1. Reverse : -OZ- expanding their music with some electronic sound, and that sound make this song sounds perfect... Natsuki's voice are good as ever... 5/5

    2. Unseal : Can't really explained what are really happen here... This song are great, but I can't really enjoy it... Just decent for me... 4/5

    3. Ecdysis : Natsuki's engrish in the intro are shock me greatly... I really waiting when -OZ- making another ballad song. I really love White Pallet, but Rain Delay can't win my heart.. This song again win my heart like White Pallet did... 5/5

    WOW... Great single...

    Really impressed with this single... It's really perfect single... I give 4.5/5... *I really cheap when making a rating*

    Keep your good jobs guys...

  2. The attraction in this is none other than a rerecording of Yami!!!!

    Yeah, rerecording of Yami are the most attraction from this single... Two month is too long...

  3. Actually, i don't really interested in this album because their work are kinda disappointed recently. When the cd leaked in internet i think it's okay to just give it another chance for them, and I kinda impressed with their work. Not too interesting, but compared with their single, this album are quite more interested.

    NOw, it's time for some one to one review song

    1. INFUSE INTO : it's a SE and thank to this SE for making me more interested to this album... no score.

    2. VENOMOUS SPIDER WEB : as opening song, it's lack of everything... I can't even enjoying this song... 2/5

    3. SLUDGY CULT : Just one word, forgettable... although it's better than previous song.. 2/5

    4. RED : I like this song since it released in single form. A chatchy song from them. Nice solo, nice vocal, but it's too generic... 4/5

    5. THE SUICIDE CIRCUS : One of the best song in this album. Not impressed with the guitar work, but impressed with the electronic sound. If there is solo in this song maybe it will be more great... 4/5

    6. SHIVER : REGRET'ish song... fast pace and do the reff in intro... Nice but too generic too... 3/5

    7. MY DEVIL ON MY BED : REITA solo bass are quite awesome, but i don't like it because it's ruining my mood when listening to this song... The chick's voice can't making this song more better... 2/5

    8. UNTITLED : a ballad song appear from the nowhere, and it's surprising me... It's a good ballad but can't be compared with CHIZURU or DISTRESS AND COMA... Just decent. 4/5

    9. PLEDGE : WHAT?! a ballad after a ballad song?! They must be out of option choosing the pace for this song. Despite it, I like this song... I never can't hate gazette's ballad, I don't know why... The duration are long, but if it compared with CASSIS it's like walk in the park... 5/5

    10. RUTHLESS DEED : It's just me or they start to imitating Dir en Grey?! Oh my stars, Gazerock are really dead... 2/5

    11. PSYCHOPATH : 3 minutes passed and i don't remember there anything happen... can't making score

    12. VORTEX : Another single from them... catchy and easy listening, decent but not that awesome... 3/5

    13. TOMORROW NEVER DIES : I don't know why I love this songs?! Is this because of this song kinda resembles with IDENTITY from NoGoD that I love too?! Oh, just don't kill yourself... 4/5

    14. OMEGA : another PEOPLE ERROR appear... sheees... no score

    Overall, It's below average. STACKED RUBBISH are more enjoyable compared to this...

    Despite I kinda like RED, THE SUICIDE CIRCUS, UNTITLED, PLEDGE, VORTEX, and TOMORROW NEVER DIES, the tracklist of this single are kinda whacky and sorted correctly... Not gonna play this album as one whole album, but would pick one or two song for my playlist... the individual play making their song more interesting...

    OH gazette... Please take a break... You're really run out of idea....

  4. Haha true. Pick a side!!

    Okay, I'll pick a side....

    ROUGE are kinda forgettable... It's decent, but it's lack of punch for me....

    I prefer VERSUS than ROUGE

  5. I...must...not...check...this

    I want to avoid spoilers :(

    I expect this album just like their past single... GENERIC

    Listen to the spoiler making the GENERIC pleasure more worse....

    So rude, so negative


    but back to the topic - no matter what people say about this, I am still waiting for my first ~spoiler-less~ pre-order.

    Okay, It's true that I'm too rude...

    At last, I realize that composing song is not like a damn walk in a park... It's really really not easy... and I still respect their effort for making new album...

    But, still, i'm hoping this album not too GENERIC, like their past single...

  6. ROUGE grows in you. First time i listened to it, i thought it was just ok. But after 2-3 listenings i found almost all tracks very good.

    Actually I felt it was the other way around. The more I listened to ROUGE the worse it got.

    I think, I should listen to ROUGE again... and making a decision which side I am...

  7. I had a dream that DELUHI made a reunion announcement and they released a trailer for a new single for 2012 and Juri also played the synth.

    I just wish that dream became reality... I really miss them...

  8. I just need sometime for re-listening to my -OZ- collection... It's been a while since last time I hear their release...

    They have been became my TOP 5 band...

    VERSUS are so great, but ROUGE are kinda bland in my ear...

  9. The one and only ViViD's song in my playlist are Precious....

    Their last works are too resembles each other, yeah, I can't tell the different... and it became bored....

    Kinda waiting for this release... but, I don't expect too much, cause expecting too much making disappointment feels soo bad....

  10. You got a point. Compared to Chijou, Chizuru and DIM SCENE were much better. I missed the improvement indeed.

    Chijou are so far from par with DIM SCENE of even Chizuru...

    REMEMBER THE URGE are kind of catchy and easy listening to me, but if it compared with RED, it's kinda underwhelmed...

    CLEVER MONKEY are hilarious, RUKI's laugh are cheap, and tre rest are generic...

    Yeah, I don't expect it's a good release from them, but the title song only from REMEMBER THE URGE are quite enjoyable... Overall 2/5

  11. Short, unprofessional review:

    Seeing as I rated Kakera 8/10, I have to say Kakera should be rated 6/10 compared to this. This is waaaaay better than Kakera, and it's got some amazing tracks.

    I very-very agree with you... I can't really enjoy Kakera...

    There too many mid-pace track... Although Kakusei and II-Kaigi are great...

  12. Err.... I just finished listen to this album... and I already forgot everything in this album except the album version of Kamikaze....

    I will not give rating right now...

    Yeah, I really really want they back to mugenkyou era... That's the best album they ever release...

    EDIT :

    After a more and more intensive time listening to this album, after 天馬、空を行くが如く the album become awesome...

    天馬、空を行くが如く are great instrumental, I think it's par with 青空

    机上の空論 are AWESOME! this is one of best track in this album.

    III-実存 give me a chill... It's great...

    after the greatness from previous four track, 恒星 making a great epilogue for this album.

    アイデンティティー are too far from 夢, it's only just little better than アイ

    Now, I will give rating... it's 4/5...

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