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Posts posted by Flame-X

  1. Shou from alice nine - He was bearable at first but his singing never improved ever since.

    Umm shouldn't it go otherwise? As in "he was unbearable at first but his singing improved quite a lot" ?

    I mean, his vocals have improved ALOT after early years...unless you haven't checked "9" or GEMINI lately, since they would be a good showcase for that.

    There's a misunderstanding here. What I meant is, I used to not mind this vocals when I was really into alice nine way back then, but I've come to a realization how much I don't like it listening to them now. Maybe cuz I've been spoiled by other bands with A-class vocals. And yes I did check out their latest album to revive my interest for them, and even though he did improve a little, it still sounds the same to me overall. Just something about his tone cringes me. Does this make sense now or am I wording it out wrong?

  2. Mucc's vocalist (forgot his name) - Tried them many times but those vocals sounding like from a drunken homeless prevents me to get past a min of their songs.

    Yomi from Nightmare - Too much vibrato and nasal singing in some songs.

    Shou from alice nine - He was bearable at first but his singing never improved ever since.

    DaizyStripper's vocalist - too much helium.

    Glay's vocalist - Not bad per se but the tone of his voice doesn't match well with band's style.

  3. The Avengers

    Great entertaining fun! Captain America was a bit underused but wasn't as bad as Nick Fury missing out most of the action. Since he's the leader, I can understand.

    Overall, 9/10. I'm gonna see it again tonight with buddies.

  4. LM.C's concert at Anime Central.

    Their performance was good but technicians behind the stage and audio setups were terrible. Everything felt like it was cranked up to the max at the point where my lungs were vibrating. I understand rock/metal concerts are loud but sound needs to be balanced out. After 2 days, my ears are still ringing. Also those cameramen are total amateurs. When a guitarist is doing a solo, the camera is supposed to be focused on the guitarist, not the singer.

  5. I have 250+ gigs of music on my pc. Just got rid of my 32 gig ipod touch 4th gen now that I have a smartphone which has better audio playback quality but only 16 gig.

    Songs I'll never delete in my player are:

    Dir en grey - Yokan | THE FINAL | Asunaki Koufuku, Koenaki Asu | RED...[em]

    LUNA SEA - KISS | Desire | Unlikelihood | gravity

    D'espairsRay - DEATH POINT | TRICKSTaR | dope


    girugamesh - puzzle

    SIAM SHADE - Kumori Nochi Hare

    abingdon boys school - Kimi no Uta | ATHENA

    the GazettE - PLEDGE | 13STAIRS[-]1

    Nightmare - message

    Aucifer - Regret

    Mami Kawada - Asu e No Namida

    Maon Kurosaki - Kimi to Taiyou ga Shinda Hi | cold bullet blues

    Trust Company - Dreaming In Black & White | Finally

    Skillet - Under My Skin

    Nine Inch Nails - The Hand That Feeds

    Survivor - Is This Love

    Anberlin - (The Symphony Of) Blase'

    Yuya Matsushita - foolish foolish | Naturally | Mr. "Broken Heart" | 2 of Us

    Various memorable video game / anime OST tracks

    Sorry for the long list there. ^^;

  6. On the other hand, in case it turns out to be true and Sony will actually release a console that doesn't support used games I just might have to give up buying their systems.

    I don't understand why gaming industries are doing this. People buy everything used, so why is this acceptable in video games? Ever since EA has started this trend of this online pass to sabotage gamers from buying used games, other major companies jumped in the band wagon.

  7. I finished watching Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai (what a long ass title). Never I seen an anime where they shed more tears than Gundam SEED and Fafner combined. Very heavy emphasis on drama, so if you're into that then this show is definitely for you.

    On a related note, I'm on the latest ep of Ano Natsu de Matteru which is 11. My gosh, this is quickly becoming one of my top 5 favorite shows. I love how they untangled the whole love train in such a well done manner. So beautiful. :o

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