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Everything posted by finnthesubhuman

  1. finnthesubhuman

    It's not bad, predictable layout but it's okay to listen to.
  2. finnthesubhuman

    Nice cover EXCEPT it's stupid. I mean... if they'd made a collage without the giant G it would have been better. Either way, it does not scream out HARD ROCK so much as INDIE POP. And even in indie pop standards, the g makes it look like shit. This is coming from an artist. Still, won't judge music until after I've heard it. Since Inochi was good as a standalone, I will not be happy if ALL the songs sound like it, cuz then it'd just be boring and repetitive.
  3. finnthesubhuman

    Reminds me of their early day singles, so they're done with the stupid unreadable colour schemes then?
  4. finnthesubhuman

    Nu metal? You mean groove metal. This is more comparable to Pantera than Korn. But it's really trying to be like Slipknot, who pretty much was a groove thrash band. I'm yet to see a jrock band play true nu metal, apart from parts of Dir en grey's VULGAR. Groove Metal's name is so misleading D: . When I read it I think of Celldweller's cover of "tragedy," but I know it's supposed to describe things like Lamb of God (according to Last.fm). I jumped on the "lumping everything sort of heavy vk into nu-metal" bandwagon, not to be offensive but because they're too many damn subgenres. A simple thing - nu metal = hip hop + groove. Groove has no hip hop. Rap metal is any style of metal with rapped vocals, not all nu metal is rapcore. Most jrock bands play a mix of hardcore (like hatebreed) and groove for their metal influences. Groove METAL is actually bands like Pantera, Meshuggah, Sepultura, Devildriver... it uses the drums and low tuned guitars. Slipknot and Korn are heavily influenced by groove, and Deathgaze copies slipknot. Now ask me the difference between I Killed the Prom Queen hardcore and A Day to Remember or something, i won't know shit. Everyone knows their own fav genre and can tell it apart from other stuff they don't like xD
  5. finnthesubhuman

    Nu metal? You mean groove metal. This is more comparable to Pantera than Korn. But it's really trying to be like Slipknot, who pretty much was a groove thrash band. I'm yet to see a jrock band play true nu metal, apart from parts of Dir en grey's VULGAR.
  6. finnthesubhuman

    Boring, generic deathgaze. Iredeemably evil gave me hope this would be a bit more powerful and less monotonous, but that clearly wasn't their direction. It might grow on me, but nothing really stands out except that the drummer is trying to be a less inventive Joey Jordison. Chrous of Undead Fact is the highlight of the album, not counting Sorrow's uniqueness. And a little tip: Deathgaze are anything but screamo, please try and learn the difference towards screaming and screamo plzplzplz.
  7. finnthesubhuman

    Finally. In case anyone missed it. Also their homepage has been updated again, looks nice. http://www.ikd-sj.com
  8. finnthesubhuman

    Sounds like Abase until the synthy bit. Might be interesting, but at least they're not trying to be metalcore all the time anymore.
  9. finnthesubhuman

    Sadie have been the only band not to dissapoint me with each single, mainly cuz I never had any expectations xD So far, first song reminds me of the same vibe I got from Child Prey, which is good. It's not really catchy yet. Second song is such a muddle at the start, turntables are cool though xD Little nu metally bits there made me so happy until they went away v.v Third song is wow, different O-o I'm liking the lack of pounding distorted noise, after those last two. Probably most catchy. I'm pleased they didn't go the Girugamesh way, but a bit more melody might be nice Dx
  10. finnthesubhuman

    First two songs sounded identical at the start, all sounded pretty not-my-stuff. Third was was the most interesting. I want more "hey jesus" tbh XD
  11. finnthesubhuman

    This better be really good to allow for no Nega. From their appearance I'd guess they're gonna pull a GREGORY. But we'll see, I'll buy it either way. I need to stay up to date with Nega releases. Unless they pull a Girugamesh O-o
  12. finnthesubhuman

    It might make them sound unqiue, but there are better ways to get the same sound. The right technique and the wrong technique are only a centimetre apart xD
  13. finnthesubhuman

    Thats because that dude can't scream properly. Most jrockers don't learn to scream properly, thats why most sound a little hoarse when screaming. It shouldn't sound like that xD Kyo just experiments too much. just wanted to say, couldn't disagree more with these two statements regarding maximum and deg... When I was learning to scream, I sounded pretty much the same. Theres the right way to scream and the wrong way, and if you're self-taught you're usually doing it the wrong way. Kyo does things with his voice that he would have no idea of the impact it has on his throat, as not many people have done them before (if any). The MTH guy has very little range and is obviously doing falsecord technique to get that sound. If he keeps doing that like he does he'll probably lose his voice.
  14. finnthesubhuman

    Thats because that dude can't scream properly. Most jrockers don't learn to scream properly, thats why most sound a little hoarse when screaming. It shouldn't sound like that xD Kyo just experiments too much.
  15. finnthesubhuman

    I'm looking for catchy, upbeat rock, like I already know about WHEREABOUTS and obscure. If anyone knows where to get more stuff by ?????? and WHEREABOUTS too, please please PLEASE message me, but apart from that I'm after the softer catchy stuff^^
  16. finnthesubhuman

    Japanese deathcore/hardcore O_o Weeeeird. My friends will love it.
  17. finnthesubhuman

    Yes, that's a drum machine. At least its not as noticeable as CORE THE CHILD's. Interesting, I shall look forward to xD
  18. finnthesubhuman

    It's a Limp Bizkit song, that band is so wannabe LB.I'd just have to go with Bump Of Chicken, cuz thats just confusing.
  19. God forbid I'd still be listening to grindcore ><" Hearing Japanese music has made me find a place where music subjects mean nothing and it's all about how the music gets the point across, like it should be. Not lyrics. It's all about the art when you can't understand a thing they say XD
  20. finnthesubhuman

    On the Quadrangle, Abase, Utsu, Jigyaku Paranoid and Faded FIlm of a Japanese Sadness releases there is a vulture of some kind featured in the artwork. Is this a specially made character for them or is it a cartoon character from anything specific? I'd really like to know if there are better pictures of it, it's kinda an interesting character I'd like to draw sometime.
  21. finnthesubhuman

    I highly disapprove of this thread, I hate no band. However I do dislike the boring nature Girugamesh is heading in, and I hate when Dir en grey try to be too american. Apart from that, thumbs down for thread XD
  22. finnthesubhuman

  23. finnthesubhuman

    Chances are very good.uhhh but it doesn't make much difference, there's always two guitar tracks and usually it's written by Ai anyway XDThe only way it'd be different is live. But still looking forward to it. Hopefully more like Sorrow single than BLOOD single, since BLOOD was rather slow when it shouldn't have been.
  24. finnthesubhuman

    I really enjoyed this album, seeing as I haven't really liked anything D'espairsray have done so far (I forgot most of it). I did get huge doses of an industrial Korn hybrid at times, and although 13 has a similar emphasis on an unusual drumbeat like the Manson song The Beautiful People, I really can't hear how the song actually sounds like anything he's done. There are plenty of artists who write music like this and Manson only did it once or twice. My opinion means shit here since I'm probably the only person who understands the psychological crap going on but I liked this CD for what it is.
  25. finnthesubhuman

    I see no obscure in this one xD I see annoying white clawing things which made the video awesome when they dissapeared.
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