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Status Updates posted by finnthesubhuman

  1. It'd be nice if some people could, like, read this or something so I feel like it wasn't a waste of time to write lmao http://www.booksie.com/literary_fiction/short_story/ajmcdonough/gulls

    1. Tetora
    2. beni


      Reading it and enjoying it! Very nice writing.

    3. finnthesubhuman


      Thanks, but whenever I read back it just makes it obvious that I hate writing so much lmfao

      It's an anti-writing story and I never really meant it to be.

  2. I'm going to start using this forum like a forum. Anyone interesting in chatting or anything?

    1. Zeus


      if you wait in the chateau de monochromium long enough someone should drop by

    2. Zeus


      also: YESSSSSS! and welcome again :3

    3. beni


      Hell yes! See you around! x3

  3. Cocklobin's Dark Design Catalog is probably the best VK release I've ever heard and I'm really glad I finally MANAGED TO BUY A COPY. I love having money.

    1. fitear1590


      off-topic, but I just learned yesterday that there used to be a band called "cock robin"...

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      maybe the best by the band, and one of best in vk (but not the best, in my opinion ^^)

  4. Finally bought Sadie's Undead13+2. Been waiting to find a copy cheap enough.

    1. Zeus


      if you have some time, can you upload a lossless copy please?

    2. finnthesubhuman


      Will do. It's the black-slip version but the music is the same as far as I know. 2 bonus tracks.

  5. I got into a university programme that offers a 10 day trip around Japan learning about business and culture. I have no idea how I got picked over the weeaboo students but hey, I'm fucking ecstatic.

    1. Shir0


      congrats! that's awesome :D hope you'll enjoy it :3

    2. finnthesubhuman


      From the schedule I'll be so busy I probably won't even have time to think. But I'll love every minute of it.

  6. People who like anything like Slipknot and Deathgaze should listen to 5diez's most recent album. IT's possibly their best yet.

  7. Preordered THE BLACK SWAN's new single, even though I really want the previous live-limited one. But I can't really buy from Yahoo Japan, so I guess I'll have to wait and see how the debut single is. It was still cheaper than Nega's singles were.

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