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Everything posted by Wonrei

  1. Wonrei

    "My lips to overlip your lips" yP0TUaslQ1E it's a new song!
  2. Wonrei

    holy shit I really laughed out loud when I read this Don't even listen to them,but what the hell,this sounds exactly like god tier trolling.
  3. Wonrei

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYKTGTkETlE&sns=em Seems to be Arcadia. Miya played it while DJ'ing on some club It could be a remix though,as it seems Miya also played Falling Down a lot before it was released but it was a remix without guitars lol
  4. Helios was pretty good,but this already sounds a lot better. The title song sounds really awesome! The b-sides are nice too! It's nice to see they've been trying new stuff on their power/symphonic style.
  5. Wonrei

    That preview sounds really crazy lol
  6. Wonrei

    I like it a lot! Their next album is going to be really good if this keeps up
  7. I just noticed Cascade's song fits Adapter so much it's not even funny
  8. Yay! I remember watching their live videos and hoping they would release something!
  9. Wonrei

    Good question (I wanted to ask that too). xD There was a Japanese live report about this gig (maybe on Natalie?), and at the time they listed it as an untitled 'new song', so that would be my guess based on that info. Although it does start the concert an' everything, sooo~...not sure. I remember reading a long time ago it was a new SE and it also had another name....but I don't know, I can't read japanese lol
  10. Wonrei

    Maybe they could record a full lenght for the lulz
  11. Wonrei

    Is My lips to overlip your lips a new SE?
  12. Sux 2 be u! >Being pretsy >saying it sucks to be me I seriously hope you guys are not doing this Also guys...I know everyone wanted Matina and more underground artists... but this is almost impossible. Many of those bands people on the internetz listen are just really motherfuckin' underground on Japan. An album with Das:Vasser and Madeth Gray'll covers wouldn't sell even 1% an album with hide and TM Revolution covers is going to sell
  13. I'm listening to this mostly because of 9goats.Now that's going to be good. At least Yurameki is the worst Dir en grey song ever(for me lolz) so there's nothing to worry if they ruin it. And I srsly hope Megamasso doesn't fuck with the song that made me start listening to music! EDIT: Oh wait I didn't notice OZ was covering Shiroi Yami.That's a damn fine song.But I hope OZ does it well!
  14. Wonrei

    industrial tribal jungle rock latin house is the style.lol Daishi Dance sounds really good.Nice house! I really hope this single is going to be good! Also...fuzz?Re-recording or remix?
  15. Wonrei

    Well,my favorite sample didn't disappoint me.Even if its kind of just an alternative rock song with electronic parts,it's really good.Better than all the singles.
  16. Wonrei

    One of my favorite japanese bands The day these guys decide to finish that hiatus shit's going down man
  17. Wonrei

    I don't really like how My Devil On The Bed sounds...the "let's record our own Beautiful People cover" thing isn't funny, but all japanese bands insist on doing it...
  18. Wonrei

    This is kind of a master troll...I wasn't expecting that much electronic stuff you know I like how Sludgy Cult,Suicide Circus,Untitled sound the singles don't sound shit like this this is actually better than what I thought it would be this may actually be better than Dim for me.
  19. Wonrei

    it better be something REALLY good because a year waiting isn't really fun
  20. Wonrei

    I like this!Sounds better than their other recent releases Specially weird because I liked all the previews.This one's going to be good,I hope. also who is singing on Little Mary with Jyou?that was interesting haha
  21. Wonrei

    probably going to be some pseudo metalcore thing or typical vk hard song with swing influences
  22. Wonrei

    What a name lol specially the【SAD】part
  23. Wonrei

    Too bad I don't know japanese.People who speak japanese generally say their spoken tracks are really funny
  24. Wonrei

    This is going to be a damn fine single.Nice A-side(really like dem guitars and the whole pop feel this song gives me) and one of my favorite L'arc B-sides acoustic.
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