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Everything posted by Trombe

  1. it is announced at REALies 2-part one-man live "HARVEST the past" "HARVEST the future" at Takadanobaba AREA at 2015/03/15 that their best album "REALies 2011-2015" will be released at 2015/06/10 (2 TYPE) TYPE A (4,104yen) will include CD+DVD (including PVs), and TYPE B (3,456yen) will include CD only [TYPE A CD track list] 01.NuAGE 02.CHANGE! 03.NEXT⇒ 04.Plugn 05.LaST A GaINST 06.Lv. 07.ユメオイプラネット(yumeoi planet) 08.LiNE 09.彩花唄-いろはうた-(irohauta) 10.セツナキャンドル(setsuna candle) 11.明日世界が終わっても(ashita sekai ga owattemo) 12.STEP▲BY▼STEP 13.HEARTS 14.シネマシンドローム(cinema syndrome) 15.雪時計(yukidokei) [TYPE A DVD track list] 01.NuAGE 02.NEXT⇒ 03.LaST A GaINST 04.ユメオイプラネット(yumeoi planet) 05.LiNE 06.彩花唄-いろはうた-(irohauta) 07.セツナキャンドル(setsuna candle) 08.STEP▲BY▼STEP 09.HEARTS 10.シネマシンドローム(cinema syndrome) 11.雪時計(yukidokei) [TYPE B track list] 01.180 02.NEVERLAND 03.PHASE 04.CЯOWN GAME 05.君と僕、泡沫の夏(kimi to boku utakata no natsu) 06.色彩Polaroid.(shikisai Polaroid.) 07.星の降る街(hoshi no furu machi) 08.ハルジオン(harujion) 09.マリオネットとドレス(marionette to dress) 10.sweet/rouge 11.イロコイロジック(irokoi logic) 12.ヒカルセカイ(hikaru sekai) 13.桜花日-サクラハナビ-(sakurahanabi) 14.Drama 15.ユメオイプラネット(yumeoi planet)-unplugged ver.- btw they will hold their presents live "EVERLASTING" at Takadanobaba AREA at 2015/06/07, at Nagoya ell.FITS ALL at 2015/06/20 and at OSAKA MUSE at 2015/06/21 I wonder whether they will disband soon...
  2. Trombe

    "ブリーメン(brimen)" SET-LIST at 2015/03/10: 01.bloom 02.Another day comes (Pay money To my Pain) 03.Black Rail (MY FIRST STORY) 04.ROCKET DIVE (hide with Spread Beaver) 05.naked drop
  3. llll-Ligro- members session "伏牛花-ヘビノボラズ-(hebinoborazu)" will perform at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/05/13 "伏牛花-ヘビノボラズ-(hebinoborazu)" members: Vo.ヒナタ(hinata) (llll-Ligro-) Gt.kazari (llll-Ligro-) Gt.HRK (ex-反逆的規制noize『ロゼロ』(rozero)) Ba.isn (ex-brick break-->LucaRia(support)) Dr.Kazuharu (ex-MiD DERACINE-->AMARANYX, PSYCHE-プシュケ-, now UNLIMITED RULEBOOK(support))
  4. new limited-period project "As" will hold their first live "There is always light behind the clouds" at Osaka LIVE HOUSE D' at 2015/04/22 "As" line-up at 2015/04/22: Gt.逢沢ゆかり(aizawa yukari) Dr.矢式壮次(yashiki souji) support Vo.りおな(riona) (ex-NovA) support Gt.Shogo (ex-Lougenel) support Ba.十六夜アキト(izayoi akito) http://ameblo.jp/aizawa-yukari/ http://ameblo.jp/yashiki-souzi/
  5. Trombe

    春(haru) session "春林檎(haruringo)" will perform at his birthday presents live "桜ノイローゼ(sakura neurosis) vol.4" at Shinjuku LOFT at 2015/05/14 "春林檎(haruringo)" members: Vo.&Gt.春(haru) (SCAPEGOAT) Vo.柳(ryuu) (ex-MoNoLith) Gt.おたけ(otake) (アヴァンチック(avanchick)) Ba.龍史(ryuuji) (REIGN) Dr.NIKKY (ALSDEAD)
  6. リウ(RIU) new CD-R "少年は紅をさす" will be released at his live since 2015/03/21 (1,000yen) [track list] 01.青天の霹靂 02.少年は紅をさす 03.君の名を刻もう 04.Bonus track
  7. their new maxi single "Mrs.Jeminia" will be released at 2015/05/13 (1,620yen) [track list] 01.Mrs.Jeminia 02.渦(uzu) 03.鼓動、それに伴う創双(kodou sore ni tomonau sousou)
  8. Trombe

    support Ba.Seiya(ex-音影(otokage)) has officially joined Sevenlize at 2015/03/14
  9. Trombe

    DECADE Gt.YUKI & Ba.1342 have also departed after their presents live "Fetal movement" at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/03/11 their members session "偽'SKO" will perform at Ikebukuro RUIDO K3 at 2015/05/05 "偽'SKO" members: Vo.TENMA (I'm oblivious to the WORLD) Gt.YUKI (ex-DECADE) Gt.Ritsu (ex-DECADE) Ba.1342 (ex-DECADE) Dr.tau (ex-DECADE)
  10. Gt.Ryu-ya(ex-No.Limit.-->Birth of sixx-6-) has commenced to act as their support Gt. since their live at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/03/11
  11. they will disband after their presents live "小悪魔卒業式(koakuma sotsugyoushiki)" at Shinjuku FNV at 2015/04/20
  12. Trombe

    btw they will hold 深須-miss- birthday presents live at Birth SHINJUKU at 2015/05/22
  13. ex-Love it members new band "アポロ計画(aporo project)" will hold their first live at Takadanobaba AREA at 2015/04/18 "アポロ計画(aporo project)" members: Vo.神谷 悠介(kamiya yuusuke) (ex-メサイア(messia)-->ボクラノ(bokurano)(SAIRA)-->Love it) Gt.3310 Gt.リュカ(ryuka) (ex-Zipcy-->セインティア(saintia)-->Love it) Ba.L (ex-dorothy-->アシンメトリー(asymmetry)-->the Darling(Liv.)-->Love it) Dr.きゅー(kyu) (ex-毒りんご(dokuringo)(もゆ/moyu)-->Love it) http://aporo-project.com/
  14. their member sessions will perform at their presents live "The Shadow Of Daybreak" at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/07/23
  15. Trombe

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h9xhoe2mK8 btw they will hold their free one-man live "従民獲得戦争 侵略" at Ikebukuro BLACK HOLE at 2015/06/13
  16. Trombe

    Albion will disband after their live at Kichijouji CRESCENDO at 2015/04/11
  17. Trombe

    ex-Virgil ロア(roa) & るた(luta) will hold their live at Meguro LIVE STATION at 2015/05/02, at which ArcrêveFaire & their sessions will perform and ONE NOT'E will act as guest ロア(roa) session: Vo.&Dr.ロア(roa) (ex-Virgil) Gt.叶真(touma) (D.I.D.) Gt.るた(luta) (ex-Virgil, now in ArcrêveFaire) Ba.たつや(tatsuya) (ArcrêveFaire) Virgil session: Vo.ロア(roa) (ex-Virgil) Gt.晴樹(haruki) (ex-Virgil, now in RUVISH) Gt.るた(luta) (ex-Virgil, now in ArcrêveFaire) Ba.たつや(tatsuya) (ArcrêveFaire) Dr.中西祐二(nakanishi yuuji) (ex-baroque-->Virgil(support))
  18. Gt.にく(niku)(ex-the Scylla) has joined メルヘン(marchen) at 2015/03/07 たつや(tatsuya) will act as store staff at Like an Edison Tokyo store at 2015/04/26, and his 28-song demo album will be provided if purchasing たつやfromめるへん(tatsuya from marchen) album "ロリィタコンプレックス(lolita complex)" at that date
  19. Trombe

    limited edition (1,620yen) of their new maxi single "黒薔薇(kurobara)" will include CD+booklet (16 pages), and regular edition (1,620yen) will include CD only [track list] 01.背徳者に敬礼を(haitokusha ni keirei wo) 02.anticlockwiseの心臓(anticlockwise no shinzou) 03.三丁目の神隠し(sanchoume no kamigakushi) (included in regular edition)
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