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Everything posted by Trombe

  1. S.Q.F LIVE DVD "SIRQUE DU FREAK 2015~Cloud Cuckoo Land~" will be released at 2015/11/18 (4,500yen) [track list] 01.RISING 02.熱病カーニバル 03.Jackal-怪奇劇場の詐欺師- 04.Asylum Ride Show 05.Break The Cell 06.Vertigo! 07.ラストサマー・キス 08.Fly me to the sky 09.ice cream 10.slowlian 11.悪魔×天使=人間 LOVERS-マテリアル・ラヴァーズ- 12.Labyrinth-迷宮の花嫁- 13.太陽 14.ERASE 15.エンゼルフィッシュ 16.Miracle Melody Land 17.Cloud Cuckoo Land 18.Dizzy Go-Round 19.アイノウタ 20.世界ノ終ワリ 21.恋がメルヘン
  2. 大日本鬼端児組悪童会ゴシップ(Gossip) live-limited single "最終列車(saishuuressha)" will be released at their live at 2015/10/23 (1 song, 600yen, limited 300)
  3. Trombe

    SET-LIST at 2015/10/02: 01.青空時代〜あおぞらジェネレイション〜 02.月の泪と盲目の叙事詩 03.夢幻洋灯~まぼろしらんぷ~ 04.ハーメルン 05.ザ・ファウスト 06.自意識過剰、甘い罠 07.デカダンスゴー・ゴー 08.嘘付小夜曲〜ウソツキセレナアデ〜 09.悦楽処方箋 10.傘月 11.彼岸花 12.トワイライトミックスジュースブギ 13.わかれうた 14.希望都市 15.ダウン・バイ・ロウ 16.戀想遊戯 EN1 01.街角メモリー830 02.雨のプラットホーム 03.ワカバノキヲク 04.雨音伝送路 SET-LIST at 2015/10/03: 01.ぼくのこえ、風とともに 02.ナミダ雲 03.トラヴェラー 04.銃声 05.ロシアンブルーシンデレラ 06.黒イ華箋ト一縷ノ望ミ 07.侵情論 08.悲しみ哀ろにい 09.懐想サアカス 10.蝶 11.感傷的ロッキンスランバー 12.ワールドエンド 13.あまりりす 14.ブラインドアンドロイド 15.Paraphrenia 16.青春ロールオーバー 17.Sai EN1 01.ハロー!!ブランニューデイ 02.各駅停車、めぐり逢い 03.タイムマシン
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm5BjCAh-Cg
  5. CROWMUSIC new band "DIEALO" will hold their first live at Umeda CLUB QUATTRO at 2016/01/05 "DIEALO" members: Vo.鳴(naru) (ex-Lovin'-->Lycee-->VULGAR-->VELGREED-->BIOSPHIA) Gt.晶(aki) (ex-モノドール(monodole)-->FORTE(翼/tsubasa)) Gt.巡(jun) (ex-DiaboluS) Ba.那莉(nari) (ex-SiL*FieD-->QuaLiA) Dr.虚珀(haku) (ex-ZEAK-->Xepher(截/setsu)) http://crowmusic.jp/?page_id=6150 https://twitter.com/DIEALO_OFFICIAL
  6. they have opened their twitter https://twitter.com/sider_sosenkyo
  7. Trombe

    peco session members at 2015/11/17: Vo.まひろ(mahiro) (ex-DIALITE) Gt.Kousuke (sForzato) Gt.peco (ex-アンド(AND)) Ba.龍輝(ryuuki) (ex-ISDEAD, now TRIGGAH(support)) Dr.大河(taiga) (ex-REDRUM)
  8. SET-LIST at 2015/09/29: 01.赤い糸(akai ito) 02.コイトワ(koitowa) 03.黄昏のアシュラ姫(tasogare no ashurahime) 04.蜘蛛女(kumoonna) 05.Prism
  9. SET-LIST at 2015/10/02: ロッソ(rosso) session: 01.激動(gekidou) (UVERworld) 02.CORE PRIDE (UVERworld) 03.Black Cherry (Acid Black Cherry) 04.童貞が!(doutei ga!) (ゴールデンボンバー(GOLDEN BOMBER)) キキ(kiki) & あお(ao) session: 01.Point of view (DIV) 02.アルトラ。(altra) (DOG in the PWO) 03.JOKER (Royz) 04.Re:niver (ユナイト(UNiTE.)) 大輝(daiki) session: 01.Sugar rainy (kannivalism) 02.我伐道(gakidou) (baroque) 03.凛然アイデンティティ(rinzen identity) (baroque) 04.メロウホロウ(mellow hollow) (baroque) キキ(kiki) & あお(ao) session:
  10. S.S.P.D.-STEEL SOUND POLICE DEPT- will hold their last live in Tokyo at 2015/12/22, and their 4 members new band will form in 2016/01
  11. THE BLACK SWAN Dr.煉-LEN- and his cat "虎徹(kotetsu)" have participated in TV program
  12. Trombe

    their live-distributed single "By The Window" will be released at AKI birthday one-man live at Ookubo HOTSHOT at 2015/10/20, which is composed and written by AKI
  13. Trombe

    SET-LIST at 2015/10/03 (all Dolly songs except those marked as DOPPEL): 01.MOONLIGHT xxxx (DOPPEL) 02.紫陽花 03.時を喰らう深海魚 04.アルビノ 05.Word's end 06.サクラ式飴缶 07.JULIET (with yuina) 08.クロゼットレター 09.星の砂時計 EN1 01.金魚 (with yuina) 02.エッグノック (with yuina) (DOPPEL)
  14. Ichiyon new one-coin CD "142" has been available for ordering through mail "[email protected]" since 2015/10/02 (500yen) [track list] 01.タグループ(tagroup) 02.強制コレクション(kyousei correction) 03.クラスメイト(classmate)(晃大(koudai)-less ver.)
  15. Trombe

    btw they will hold 50-attendant-limited 庵-iori- birthday one-man live "circler ilice" at HOLIDAY OSAKA at 2015/12/08
  16. Trombe

    Nobady will revive for one-day at their presents live "無" at Shibuya REX at 2015/11/30 with support Vo.アキト(akito)(ex-the VallQrude-->the VaistЯiger)
  17. メルヴェル(melvel) Ba.りゅう。(ryuu) has tried to commit suicide by jumping from balcony in 2015/09 due to his family reasons and he is now in the process of recovery by having intensive care at the hospital, and their members hope that he will resume activities at their free one-man live "生存謝罪 化猫乱舞 一度死ンダ猫ヲ笑イナサイマセ" at HOLIDAY SHINJUKU at 2016/01/28
  18. Antikythera new mini album "EARLY GREY" will be released in 2016 (1,800yen) [track list] 01.手中の檻(shuchuu no ori) 02.Chocolate flood float 03.Early grey rainbow 04.この傾斜の向こう側(kono keisha no mukougawa) 05.灰色の繭(haiiro no mayu) 06.Dream wall btw they have opened their new OHP http://antikythera.xyz/
  19. ex-メビウス(mebius) Gt.yuna has opened his new blog, and he will hold his one-man live "絶叫。(zekkyou)" at Osaka Cafe and Bar and I at 2015/12/19 http://ameblo.jp/yuna-gtlst/
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