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Everything posted by Trombe

  1. Trombe

    Miss Rainy has resumed activities after their members session live at Shibuya REX at 2016/07/12 Miss Rainy current line-up: Vo.唯人(yuito) (ex-honey drop) Gt.syo-ji (ex-GHOST) Ba.志乃(shino)
  2. their live-distributed single "GAMERA" will be released at their presents live "「火」の面 灼熱の執行人" at Ikebukuro RUIDO K3 at 2016/08/24 their live-distributed single "エリクサー(elixir)" will be released at their presents live "「水」の面 絶対零度の執行人" at Ikebukuro RUIDO K3 at 2016/09/15 their live-distributed single "J.D" will be released at their presents live "「風」の面 突風の執行人" at Ikebukuro RUIDO K3 at 2016/10/21
  3. SET-LIST at 2016/07/10: 01.faith 02.Defective spec 03.Why we cry? 04.死亡フラグ(shibou flag) 05.ALIVE 06.世界ー(sekai minus) 07.START LINE 08.愛のかたまり(ai no katamari) (二階堂隼人(nikaidou hayato) & 三好雄哉(miyoshi yuuya)) (KinKi Kids) 09.rhythm session (鈴木達也(suzuki tatsuya) & ロア健治(roa kenji)) 10.傷失Anatomy(shoushitsu Anatomy) 11.009 12.Ultra Heaven 13.Latria 14.Baby Butterfly
  4. "Grimoire" [track list] 01.resent 02.Limited Governor 03.Distracture 04.傀儡destination(kairai destination) 05.Rusty 06.Dystopia 07.Vagrant 08.月ノ涙(tsuki no namida)
  5. Trombe

    [track list] 01.SolitudeCry 02.KillerMephisto
  6. Jin-Machine live-limited album "THE BEST OF Jin-Machine" will be released at their one-man live tour since Sapporo COLONY at 2016/07/15 (1,000yen) [track list] 01.2人占め / ルーベラ・木村・カエレ 02.僕はアキバが大好き / あっつtheデストロイ 03.僕の思いは634メートル / マジョリカ・マジョルカ・マジカル☆ひもり 04.I LOVE 東京タワー / ブッシュドノエル・ 水月・アリッサ 05.オシャレラブレボリューション / featuring16 06.Go To Victory of the SSA / あっつtheデストロイ 07.SSA / ルーベラ・木村・カエレ 08.そうだ!蕨にいこう! / マジョリカ・マジョルカ・マジカル☆ひもり 09.男 ロック 埼玉 / featuring16 10.草加せんべいのロックンロール / ブッシュドノエル・ 水月・アリッサ 11.フリーター岡崎ちゃん(20)を追いかけろ! / マジョリカ・マジョルカ・マジカル☆ひもり 12.忘れないで岡崎CITY / ブッシュドノエル・ 水月・アリッサ 13.でら名古屋OPED / あっつtheデストロイ 14.岡崎 / featuring16 15.おかざき巡恋歌 / ルーベラ・木村・カエレ
  7. Trombe

    special band "愛と平和(ai to heiwa)" will perform at Ikebukuro CHOP at 2016/08/15, at which they will play SOFT BALLET songs "愛と平和(ai to heiwa)" members: Vo.加納摩天楼(canou matenrou) (MUNIMUNI) Syn.Shinpei Mörishige (ex-PLASTICZOOMS, now in FOXPILL CULT) Gt.古木太三(furuki taizou) (ex-Bordeaux, now in シトクロム(cytochrome)) Ba.朋(tomo) (emmuree, MUNIMUNI) Dr.武井誠(takei makoto) (ex-cali≠gari)
  8. GE+IM support Gt.桜華(honoka)(ex-DIS★Marionette-->LucaRia-->ManaReactor) will cease activities after their live at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2016/07/25, as he would like to devote to his activities as designer and song composer GE+IM support members at 2016/08/06: Gt.ShinyA (ex-Signal, now in 暴食楽団~MEGA盛XX~(boushokugakudan~MEGA MORIXX~)) Ba.SUBARU (ex-End;Re) Dr.まつり(matsuri) (ex-C.o.A(Crest of Aleist)-->ManaReactor) GE+IM support members at 2016/08/13: Gt.ShinyA (ex-Signal, now in 暴食楽団~MEGA盛XX~(boushokugakudan~MEGA MORIXX~)) Ba.御珠(otama) Dr.しゅう(shuu) (ex-Luzmelt-->AUBE) SET-LIST at 2016/07/12: 01.Strawberry [Coma] 02.Calling 03.致死量パラドックス(chishiryou paradox) 04.Undermine 05.Infection 06.XとYの後遺症(X to Y no kouishou) 07.「右手にメス」を「左手に絶望」を(「migite ni mesu」wo「hidarite ni zetsubou」wo) 08.面会謝絶(menkaishazetsu) 09.解剖イデオロギー(kaibou ideologie) 10.ドラスティック-STU-(drastic-STU-)
  9. マイナス人生オーケストラ(minus jin-say orchestra) Vo.ハル(hal) session "厭世サブカル倶楽部(ensei subcult club)" will perform at HOLIDAY OSAKA at 2016/10/20
  10. Trombe

    Airish new maxi single (title not yet finalized) will be released in 2016/10, although details have not yet been announced
  11. La'veil MizeriA new support Ba.ミリア(miria) & roadie Gt.セイル(sail) have opened their new twitter https://twitter.com/miria_offcial https://twitter.com/SaiLnnnnn
  12. Trombe

    "浅川祝い隊2016" SET-LIST at 2016/07/11: SE.ズルい女(zurui onna) (シャ乱Q(SHARANQ)) 01.Helter Skelter (Lil.y) 02.カマキリ(kamakiri) (黒夢(Kuroyume)) 03.I'm sick, b'cuz luv u. (lynch.) 04.GREED (lynch.) 05.アテナ(athena) (Avidit.)
  13. Trombe

    地平線に沈む(chiheisen ni shizumu) Gt.SOU has changed his stage name to "rain" at 2016/07/13
  14. Trombe

    they have uploaded various songs in their YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy8Ww7iRxFRONInmSEyTdsw
  15. Trombe

    their live-distributed single "ミライセカイ(mirai sekai) / 極彩式Drive(gokusaishiki Drive)" will be released at their live since Ikebukuro BLACK HOLE at 2016/08/04 [track list] 01.ミライセカイ(mirai sekai) 02.極彩式Drive(gokusaishiki Drive) their live-limited mini album (title not yet finalized) will be released at their live since 2017/02, although details have not yet been announced
  16. new project "Alice & Co." has formed "Alice & Co." members: Vo.miyu (ヌクヌク企画(nukunuku project)) Gt.Nori (ヌクヌク企画(nukunuku project)) Ba.KYOYA (THE MUSMUS) Key.&Seq.ryd. (Ideograph Decode) Dr.樹(tatsuru) (CLØWD) https://twitter.com/Alice_a_Co
  17. Trombe

    SET-LIST at 2016/07/10: 01.天狼星(tianlangxing) 02.則天武后(sokutenbukou) 03.華詠清流(kaeiseiryuu) 04.神景(shenjing) 05.天河(amanogawa) 06.蒼天飛翔(soutenhishou) 07.光蒼彩々(kousousaisai) 08.転生回帰(tenseikaiki)
  18. Trombe

    after being on hiatus since 2016/04/17, AIDE will resume activities at their live at Shinsaibashi soma at 2016/07/24
  19. Ba.アダー(ada)(ex-WHITEBLACK-->ロマンシング性(romancing saga), now in ヴィジュアルラボ(visual laboratory)) will act as their support Ba. at their live at Shinsaibashi SUNHALL at 2016/07/26 and at Shinsaibashi VARON at 2016/07/27
  20. Trombe

    their live-distributed single "欠落少女(ketsuraku shoujo)" will be released at their live since Urawa Narciss at 2016/07/31, which is written by 英人(hideto) and composed by うたまる(utamaru)
  21. CRIMSON FLARE Ba.まーつん(martsun) has departed after their live at Kichijouji CRESCENDO at 2016/06/19, Ba.shoko has joined the band at 2016/06/27, and new line-up will hold their first live at Kichijouji CRESCENDO at 2016/08/27, since which their new CD (type & title not yet finalized) will be released, although details have not yet been announced CRIMSON FLARE current line-up: Vo.keiichi (時空海賊SEVEN SEAS(jikuukaizoku SEVEN SEAS)) Gt.kazuki (Baskerville) Ba.shoko (ex-Albion, now in Sobremesars) Key.yui (UNDHIFEAT) Dr.takahiro (Hac)
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