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Everything posted by rosalyrica

  1. Saki is not in the visual kei anymore. I know, that's why I said I will miss him.
  2. OHSHI- I'm glad to see those 3 in a band together again. Will miss Saki, though. 3
  3. I hoped Kaie would join another band. I don't know if I've ever listened to them before but I'll give them a try.
  4. I love his voice so I'm happy he's active again but I will never understand why he had that hissy fit and broke up Canzel for no reason. :/
  5. rosalyrica

    I guess that's how they wanted it to be read. I've heard Ayakashi used to refer to some kind of ghost/spirit/demon (which works with "monster" that ShanethVarosa came up with).
  6. rosalyrica

    Edit: Herpderp, I mean Rookie. I didn't realize he was doing the operatic back vocals. Yeah, he needs to turn it down a notch. Also, I like that they actually went to the ocean to film instead of being cheap and just throwing in some random clips of water.
  7. rosalyrica

    I noticed they put up a preview for the Shangri-la PV. For some reason youtube embedding doesn't work for me so I'll just link it: I like the last part of it.
  8. rosalyrica

    断罪の銃士(ガンナー) means that "銃士" should be romanized as "ガンナー(gunner)" instead of normal one "juushi" I did romanize it as gunner. I'm saying it's read as gunner.
  9. rosalyrica

    An interesting bit of information: I was just looking at Asagi's blog and they're on GOD CHILD RECORDS (D's independent label). Asagi said he didn't originally intend to bring other bands onto the label but since they're friends he wanted to help them out.
  10. rosalyrica

    They have the title on Brand X as 断罪の銃士(ガンナー)/ Danzai no juushi (gunner). So, yes, that's how it's supposed to be read. (:
  11. rosalyrica

    They must not be allowed to sell things that were released on Avex. They only sold indies releases when they came to the U.S. as well. The tour documentary from last year was on GCR so they can sell that.
  12. rosalyrica

    Pretty much. ):
  13. rosalyrica

  14. rosalyrica

    Ah, that's good to hear! I was hoping they'd release something soon.
  15. The PV is on youtube now: I think it's pretty cool. The song's ok but I'm not super into it. I tend to enjoy their harder stuff more.
  16. rosalyrica

    From: sakuracon.org Sakura-con is April 6-8 in Seattle, WA. Kanon Wakeshima is also a musical guest so it sounds like it will be an interesting show. Don't think I'll be going but I have friends who will.
  17. rosalyrica

    Oho, Xi on vocals with blonde hair. Well, the preview on the site doesn't thrill me but I wish him luck.
  18. rosalyrica

    I enjoy the song and Toshiki's vocals! Looking forward to their next release.
  19. rosalyrica

    South American tour dates have been added on their official site! Thursday, May 17, Buenos Aires, Argentina Saturday, May 19, Sao Paulo, Brazil Monday, May 21, Santiago, Chile
  20. I still don't get why he "retired" in the first place. Seriously. All my cries.
  21. rosalyrica

    I really hope they release a best of album. I was hoping for a full album all along. ):
  22. rosalyrica

    Whoa, how did I miss this? Great to see some live footage of them.
  23. lol this. But if he's really recovering then I hope he gets better, I like his voice a lot.
  24. rosalyrica

    It's not up for pre-order yet. It will be available on cooljapanstore.com for overseas customers.
  25. rosalyrica

    Track list update: A TYPE (CD+DVD) 「Huang di ~yami ni umareta mukui~」Limited Edition GOD CHILD RECORDS / GCR-020 / ¥2,980 (Tax In) / 5 Song CD & 1 Song DVD / Special Limited Edition On sale 2011.11.21 through 12.31 [CD] 1. Huang di ~yami ni umareta mukui~ 2. Makutsuenshuuki 3. Honoo no Kairou 4. Gikyousouden 5. Ryuugan no Shizuku [DVD] ・ Huang di ~yami ni umareta mukui~ (Music Video) B TYPE (CD) 「Huang di ~yami ni umareta mukui~」Regular Edition GOD CHILD RECORDS / GCR-021 / ¥2,500 (Tax in) / 7 Song CD [CD] 1. Huang di ~yami ni umareta mukui~ 2. Makutsuenshuuki 3. Honoo no Kairou 4. Gikyousouden 5. Ryuugan no Shizuku 6. Sansuishi 7. Huang di ~yami ni umareta mukui~ (Voiceless) They also have their new profile pictures up~ http://d-gcr.com/profile/profile.html
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