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Everything posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. ShanethVarosa

    I'm glad that their promotions and activities are going on as planned, but they still haven't acknowledged the elephant in the room, have they?
  2. Very, very campy. I love everything about it.
  3. ShanethVarosa

    Sounds pretty good. Not as amazing as Missing, but solid anyway. I feel like their next album is going to be really, really great tho.
  4. ShanethVarosa

    So I'm just gonna throw this out there. Its june second. Is there any information? Anything? Officially stated about this?
  5. ShanethVarosa

    This is hella exciting. I cannot wait!
  6. ShanethVarosa

    I will have to check again later, but when I went to buy it there was no track four. I have no explanation other than "this is what I saw." I only had enough yen for 5 tracks anyway haha.
  7. ShanethVarosa

    So, Japanese iTunes only has 5/6 of the tracks. It's missing Kaleido which is weird. But I did buy the other 5. I could share those, but I know most people probably want the whole EP. I'll see what I can get my hands on in the next few days unless it gets uploaded before that. Sorrow is incredible. Really a big fan of Trigger too. Black Out Destroy is okay. Dies Irae is less than okay and Sin is actually SO good, but the first like 40 seconds are the same as Bastille by Kamijo. Literally. Not making it up.
  8. ShanethVarosa

    @Delkmirophit feels more like Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
  9. This is such a great song. If anyone has the kanji lyrics, I'm interested in translating it!
  10. ShanethVarosa

    Just getting to watch this now, that was really good. I'm very very excited for the full thing!!
  11. ShanethVarosa

    Not available in my country :/ I'll have to try one of those unblocking sites later when I'm home.
  12. Yyyyyikes. That's ... embarassing. And pretty rough for them.
  13. I personally think Naoki's band is amazing, but of course that doesn't mean they're gonna be popular. They're just like kind of unheard of really so I wonder if they'll have a big VK break at all. But if I may ask how did Ai like lose all the fans or whatever? Is he really so impossible to be around or work with?
  14. ShanethVarosa

    Poor guy, he must seriously be bumming over this. Hopefully they caught it early enough that it won't be a big deal.
  15. ShanethVarosa

    Cover art is interesting. I have high hopes I've really been loving them recently.
  16. ShanethVarosa

    @Vercingetorix'daft bint' is the greatest insult I've ever heard. Anyway, I love the song already and the video looks great. Can't wait to see and hear it in full. Kamijo is so charismatic and fun to watch!!
  17. ShanethVarosa

    Not surprised and barely let down. The band started as a unique thing that was ruined by incessant single releases that were far too similar. I do hope they use this hiatus to regroup and come back with original ideas. But we'll see.
  18. ShanethVarosa

    If they're not cancelling shows at this time, then it's likely a lot will go on as planned. At least in terms of live shows, but wouldn't one think that the live shows and appearances be the things that need to be cancelled and not a studio recorded album that's been "99% done" forever? I, of course, idolize Yoshiki. I think he's an absolutely brilliant man and his passion for music seems to be unparalleled to the point of detriment. I hate that this is happening for a number of reasons, but it does seem like he needs to retire for his health at this point. Release this album maybe play one big ol' show and then be done or he's going to totally paralyze himself.
  19. ShanethVarosa

    I'm not necessarily all that impressed but I'm not all that disappointed either. I'll probably be really obsessed with some of them for a week or two and then forget it exists.
  20. ShanethVarosa

    What's funny, @Seimeisen, is that I thought the same thing and already have a verified PayPal account, so I went in to transfer the money I would need to pay on OffGamers and it's gonna take 3 days to process anyway. And I won't even be around on Thursday to reap the benefits of it. I guess if no one uploads these singles by Friday there's a chance I might be able to do it
  21. ShanethVarosa

    Just attempted the tutorial, but Japan Codes was out and OffGamers wouldn't let me pay. I'm not really sure why. But I've had verification issues through my bank/Visa before so I'm not very surprised. I'm wondering if I can get someone I know to do it for me and just give them the cash as needed... Hmm...
  22. ShanethVarosa

    That was awesome. A totally different side of them. What am I going to look forward to on Mondays now though?
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