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Everything posted by Senedjem

  1. Senedjem

    Sleeping Beauty is fucking creepy I like.
  2. Senedjem

    99% of the bands I listen to are disbanded, non asian ones included Feels bad man
  3. Senedjem

    Not going to lie would fuck Romeo
  4. I was a pretty rad 13 year old. (still have a soft spot for entombment of a machine) *barf*
  5. Senedjem

  6. Senedjem

    Forgot ??zo:diaek】's 7 min.+ long songs "??実ノ天使 -Reality-" "Rain" and "??????" Fucking incredible tracks.
  7. Senedjem

  8. Senedjem

    I just got the weirdest feeling of Déjà vu first on the list hahahaha i am bettr than every1
  9. Senedjem

    Miyavi is actually kind of hot.
  10. Senedjem

    I like them :/
  11. Senedjem

  12. Pirates? violins? a guitarist who calls himself "mucho cracias"? I think I've found my favourite new VK band.
  13. Senedjem

    lol tits
  14. Senedjem

    Wow. They turned visual kei then died a typical visual kei death awesome
  15. Senedjem

    I like what I'm seeing
  16. Senedjem

  17. Senedjem

    Uggh this D: He's amazing and he needs a new permanent band
  18. Morbidly obese goth girls in ill-fitting rose print corsets
  19. Senedjem

    A Silver Mt. Zion - Movie (Never made)
  20. Senedjem

    Nobody told me brock was a doctor.
  21. Senedjem

    shittypretentioushorrible movie
  22. Senedjem

    Wow you people are dickholes leave her alone ):
  23. Senedjem

    Kind of want
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