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Posts posted by Seiji

  1. Still no Guniw Tools :emo:

    ^this, but looking forward to those:

    R指定 - ゆらめき (DIR EN GREY)

    OZ - 白い闇 (Rouage)

    ギルド - グレイシャルLOVE (SIAM SHADE)

    ケミカルピクチャーズ - JAM (THE YELLOW MONKEY)


    メガマソ - ROCKET DIVE (hide with Spread Beaver)


  2. So there is this one thing bothering me every time when going into the forum's lyrics section:

    There is a request subforum, but requests still get posted right into the main lyrics forum.

    I'd love to see this more separated.

    Not sure how exactly you could do it, but maybe with a subforum for posting lyrics next to the one for requests?

  3. Couldn't say it better than Uglymouth, you sound good but you could use some more practice to sound even better. And you have a very cool voice. :)

    Thank you ^^

    I've already started taking vocal lessons, I think you can hear a difference to my old covers, but imo "It's usual" is not the best song for showing it - too much playing around with the voice, but also much fun to sing xD

  4. THE SOUND BEE HD Mini Album [Hana]

    April 23, 2011: available for pre-sale at live venues

    June 1, 2011: on sale in stores

    Disc number: SWSB-3

    Label: Starwave Records

    Distribution: Daiki Sound, Tainted Reality, CD baby, Code 7

    Price: 2,100 (tax in)

    Limit 1000 copies

    Specs: 6 page booklet


    01. Utage

    02. Hana

    03. Michibiki

    04. Sakuran

    05. Sho

    06. Eien

    source: http://www.facebook.com/kiwamu.kai

    E: Just realized that I failed at posting something NEW D:

    sorry for that :\

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