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Posts posted by Seiji

  1. Anyone read the manga/watched the anime?

    This is one of my favorites!

    I think all that band stuff with rehearsals and especially the atmosphere is caught very well

    Everytime watching/reading a it of it I want to go straight to rehearsal! xD

    Also: Has anyone seen the live action movie?

  2. Revelation Enterprise

    just recruited

    w「Here?? L'iber;ty

    Vo: (Aoi) (→ ZercVelle → Le'visage → Shedde → シニカルビスケット → MASK → 彩冷??る-ayabie-)

    Gt: Ruiza (→ Distray → LAYBIAL → Syndrome, Ruiza → D, Ruiza)

    Gt:零花 (Reika) (→ La'miss†fairy → DEViL KiTTY →)

    Ba: マヤ (Maya) (→ り????。 → ドレミ團 → mayabeya → AXBITES (support) → アナクロクロック → mayabeya, SHILFEE AND TULIPCOROBOCKLES (support), SHEENA)

    Dr: eishi (→ Raisonne → Luinspear (support))

    Debut Album:

    If you <=> Your Enemies


    PV Track: I went their L♥VE

    E: just realized that I took the last 2 words of the quotes :\

    If only there was another vocalist D:

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