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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by revenge&respite

  1. revenge&respite

    Getting caught up on TW. =D
  2. revenge&respite

    BLEACH Kekkaishi Canaan Demon king Daimao Ghost Hound Ghost Sweeper Mikami Golgo 13 Highschool of the Dead Kimikiss ~pure rouge~ La Corda d'Oro ~primo passo~ Kaichou wa Maid-sama Tytania Xam'd Gintama Hetalia: World Powers Gurren Lagann Darker Than Black (will be starting soon)
  3. revenge&respite

    I finally have some time to get caught up here befroe disappearing again. =3
  4. revenge&respite

    Some crappy kids movie.
  5. revenge&respite

    Groceries. =/
  6. revenge&respite

    Matenrou Opera RENTRER EN SOI Deathgaze D VAMPS kagerou 9GOATS BLACK OUT ONE OK ROCK Phantasmagoria Versailles Vidoll D'erlanger
  7. revenge&respite

    I'm still here. =|
  8. revenge&respite

    Miko (shrine maiden).
  9. revenge&respite

    Has a last.fm.
  10. revenge&respite

  11. revenge&respite

    Veggie chips.
  12. revenge&respite

    Yes, all the time. Actually punched someone/something because you were mad?
  13. revenge&respite

    Zeromancer - "Hollywood"
  14. revenge&respite

    I wish my neck would stop hurting. I wish the Borders closest to me had a better selection of manga so I could use this 50% off one item coupon. I wish my friends would actually act like friends so that instead of sitting home and getting into another argument with my psrents last night I could have been out drinking and having fun. I wish I had more time to be on TW. =/
  15. revenge&respite

  16. revenge&respite

    Miharashi (view)
  17. revenge&respite

    Yes. Reads manga?
  18. revenge&respite

  19. revenge&respite

    Google: About 4,670 results (0.44 seconds) Google Image Search: 16 results (0.70 seconds)
  20. revenge&respite

    I'm tired and my back is killing me.
  21. revenge&respite

    -OZ- UnsraW Saruin BUCK-TICK Lin -the end of corruption world- Mar'derayla Vallquar König D'ERLANGER 44MAGNUM X Japan
  22. revenge&respite

    Type O Negative - "Black No. 1 (Little Miss Scare-All)"
  23. revenge&respite

    Gift wrap, tissue paper, ribbons, gift bag.
  24. revenge&respite

    Posts too damn much. XD
  25. revenge&respite

    They move around, do things, get in the way, be annoying... XD I can also send them for a ride in a tea cup and turn them off when I get tired of their antics. Oh, and they can multiply at random so it's not a good idea to take your eyes off them for too long.
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