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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by revenge&respite

  1. revenge&respite

    Demon King Daimao.
  2. revenge&respite

    A handful of pills, two plain gardenburger patties, and a Dr Pepper.
  3. revenge&respite

    Hell, for $10 you can BUY Detroit right now. XD I don't want it. It's all boarded up, or on fire. Just wait until after the next Devil's Night when all the fires have finished burning, buy it, then rent it to Hollywood to as a place to shoot all their post-apocalyptic movies. You could make your money back tenfold in a heartbeat.
  4. revenge&respite

    Pain meds. @_@
  5. revenge&respite

    I'm happy to have helped ronluna. XD
  6. revenge&respite

    Nope. But it must be nice to get paid to play music off a CD?
  7. revenge&respite

    PM sent. =D
  8. revenge&respite

    Hell, for $10 you can BUY Detroit right now. XD
  9. revenge&respite

    No, respect is earned. Is being a bitch great?
  10. revenge&respite

    Hyde - "The Cape of Storms"
  11. revenge&respite

    VERY helpful, thanks. =D We've actually got all those tracks except for Goth-Trad and The Lowbrows.
  12. revenge&respite

    Dogs playing in the show. =3
  13. revenge&respite

    Why is it that so many supposedly "beta read" fanfics have shitty grammar? What are these people actually fixing?
  14. revenge&respite

    Swiss cheese, which I fucking HATE with the burning intensity of 1,000,000 stars going supernova. Not mentioned: Having zero economy and and ever-growing unemployment rate. (But at least I'm not in Detroit.)
  15. revenge&respite

    I have the Darker Waters omnibus as well as both Darkest Labyrinth ones and Tokyo Dark Castle - in face, I've given copies of one of the Darkest Labyrinth albums & Tokyo Dark Castle to the one DJ had showed some interest in Japanese music but she's never said if she actually listened to them or not. I found them to be kind of hit-or-miss myself and there were more misses than hits but that's only my opinion. As stated, I'm really hoping for help with *specific* song suggestions, not just artist names. To put try and clarify: "If you were going to hand a DJ a mix CD of jrock/VK songs to play at this kind of club, what would you put on it?" kind of thing.
  16. revenge&respite

    Never. Spend too much time in front of the computer?
  17. revenge&respite

    Someone else having to feed the dogs for once. =3
  18. revenge&respite

    Dir en Grey - "WARSAW no gensou"
  19. revenge&respite

    Some not very good mix of shredded beef and potatoes and a can of Monster. I need more energy drinks...
  20. revenge&respite

    I even had this for a desktop background for a while. =D
  21. revenge&respite

    Quit whining and bitching about actually having to feed your own damn dogs once in a while.
  22. revenge&respite

    Yes. Ever seen something online that really did make you throw up?
  23. revenge&respite

    Find their music yet or still need it?
  24. revenge&respite

    TORIUMI Kosuke & SUWABE Junichi - Fero☆men /Loves SUWABE's voice. <3
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