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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by revenge&respite

  1. revenge&respite

    First they bitch that there's nothing on cable, even though they've got well over 200 channels. Then they bitch that there's nothing on Netflix, even though they just got it (a 6 month give from someone) and they're too lazy to use the search function or check InstantWatcher to see what's available. This is why I keep them away from the internet.
  2. revenge&respite

    YES! Like caffeine?
  3. revenge&respite

    And I just finished another one. /Buy my love with caffeine.
  4. revenge&respite

    A really stupid argument... XP
  5. revenge&respite

    Located in Helsinki, Finland.
  6. revenge&respite

  7. revenge&respite

    The short version: I'm looking for suggestions on what to play for a gothic/industrial/darkwave/EBM/cyber type crowd in a club. It should be dancable. If the song has a suitable video, so much the better. The TL;DR version: My friend Sophie's (Phylosophie @ LJ) brother has been given the chance to basically take over iNation, which is, as mentioned a goth/industrial/etc. weekly club event (and the biggest one in the area) for a night in March as a "Geek Pride" celebration to cover all manner of things geek-like, including suck things as video games, anime, and Japanese music and culture. As her brother knows jack shit about Japanese music, he's pretty much dumped that off on her to handle. She and I have been trying to figure out what to pick and play and we're having a hard time with it from the fact that trying to cater to the individual tastes of 100+ (an average iNation attendance exclusive of special events) people is a pain in the ass and this crowd is quite vocal about what they do and do not like. Not to mention that of the three regular DJs, only one has had any association with Jrock/VK and that's been very limited (though she has expressed an interest in hearing more). So I'm hoping that the good denizens of TW can help us come up with some suggestions on what to play. Since everything is still in the planning stages I don't know how much air time will be dedicated to j-stuff, but we can deal with that later. Artists AND specific songs would be really helpful. Most of all, thanks for any help! =D
  8. revenge&respite

    I thought Jake was The Goddamn Batman?
  9. revenge&respite

  10. revenge&respite

    Deliciousness wrapped in heaven; they're divine when made by Aizen. You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?
  11. revenge&respite

    Aren't you supposed to be out on the street right now? ;D
  12. revenge&respite

    Why does the caffeine I can buy from United Nuclear have to be not safe for human consumption?!
  13. revenge&respite

  14. revenge&respite

    My cell phone going off - apparently I get real popular around 2AM. =P
  15. revenge&respite

    The Motels - "Only The Lonely"
  16. revenge&respite

    The new U.S. Shonen Jump.
  17. revenge&respite

    Can we round up all the whiny emo attention whores, give them the fucking razor blades, and make sure they all use them properly?
  18. revenge&respite

    Honey dijon chicken breast and steamed mixed vegetables.
  19. revenge&respite

    The fishtank. XD
  20. revenge&respite

    Has a lot of highscores.
  21. revenge&respite

    9:30 PM, EST
  22. revenge&respite

    "delete you cookies" is both Engrish and not a solution to a problem that has nothing to do with cookies.
  23. revenge&respite

    K. back online. =/
  24. revenge&respite

    "Oh yeah, we're gonna go here and here and here and shop and have fun, maybe stop for lunch at this great place..." Ended up being dragged to walmart instead. XP
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