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Everything posted by ramrod

  1. ramrod

    I'm not gay. Just ask my boyfriend. Ok. ok.. pee pee for meeeee
  2. ramrod

    ugh, so glad im in australia lol.
  3. ramrod

    tehehehe So i still see you are bushwalkign Champ haha. No ruins though??
  4. ramrod

    karma is a cunt, and he will go to hell for that.
  5. ramrod

    curb stomped? WHAT THE FUCK How common is that?....
  6. ramrod

    ...its been a while since my last post here
  7. ramrod

    come out, honestly. life is soooo muc better for it. Hoi, im single. And im over chasing guys, they are cheating sluts. And then when i find a great one, im scared to progress it into a relationship cos im scared ill lose them as friends afterwards if things dont go to plan and we break up. Im loving being single, doing what you want, when, where etc. Not opposed to relationships, but its going to take someone AMAZING to change the fact im single.
  8. ramrod

    i was talking about the asshole neighbours. They dont deserve to live. Serious.
  9. ramrod

    so many people dont deserve to live omfg.
  10. ramrod

    people srsly need a life ... Go out for a walk.
  11. ramrod

    Yeah, asukayakuza1234 was my account, R.I.P, its going to take WAY too long to reupload all those videos, cos i actually split and uploaded each chapter individually and naming it all etc. itll take days... :\ im more gutted aboutthe subscribers i had...now its impossible. and i cant create a new account under my normal google account (which is also linked to my phone >_>) One copyright came from Kiwamu.... Another one was for a vieo from 1980...of a Pink Lady cover. And the last was for POPJAM >_>
  12. ramrod

    Soooo....today is shit, Youtube has deleted my account cos of copyright and violations etc... Goodbye 300 videos. goodbye 800 favourites. FML so bad right now. Who else has had this happen.. :'(
  13. ramrod

    There was two i LOATHED, for no reason. Shinkou Shuukyou Gakudan NoGoD and Himmitsu Kessha Codomo A (because of the bald guy...) deadman and mucc were also on my disliked list. Now i like them all ;D
  14. ramrod

    indefinite hiatus = disband 99% of the time.
  15. ramrod

    sure, parental influences assist in their child's beliefs, but that is only to an extent. Like my family are pastors on one side, and the other side, rednecks. But in saying most of the family around my age (20-30) really dont mind gays. Its just the older generation. Its more the culture and associations the younger people have these days which is most influential. Hence why most people nowadays dont have problems with gays. Just the older generations.....
  16. ramrod

    lol, good on her! Who cares what the fuck a 5 year old dresses as. Looks like the kid has a sense og humour, awesome. When dressing up as women for halloween, i love how if a guy does it and is KNOWN to be gay, its stigmatised as something he did cos he's gay. Whereas there are MANY straight people (as she mentioned) that dress as girls for shits and giggles, especially for halloween. That mum is awesome lol. Cant wait for the older generation to die out honestly. Sooo many ignorant people out there, especially in America (No offense americans lol...but its true). I almost got kicked out of home for my halloween outfit which mum disapproved of which resulted in me calling her an "ignorant fuckwit bitch.". Its weird how this relates to me :s More mums need to be like her.
  17. ramrod

    I use avast free
  18. thanks! everyone is 50 / 50 on it... D:
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