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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Sensei Marc is my new hero.
  2. sai

    ^ Apple did recently fix that problem you spoke about btw (justsaying)
  3. sai

    Sounds interesting. Will be looking forward to this!
  4. sai

    Ughhhhh taking next plane to Argentina. I have the same issues
  5. I have no significant other. Never had, probably never will. If they have to put up with the whole real me I don't think someone would be able to take all my emotional hurricanes. I could adapt but shouldn't people love you for who you are and not for someone you're not because you're keeping in all your character traits? foreveralone
  6. sai

    I use Mac OS X on my MacBook Pro and iOS for iPod Touch Lol @ people thinking Mac users are stuck up. Well most Mac users I know actually are, guess I'm an exception? xD
  7. V-fWN0FmcIU Also this guy won the Ig Nobel Prize
  8. sai

    I think either him telling he's Ice, him telling XodiacK will disband, or that he will be leaving XodiacK. Not sure about the last one, it would be pretty douchy if he spent 2 years finding new members for his band and then leave them in the end because he can be in a more famous band with Rame.
  9. sai

    I think so yeah, it's not like A&F where you have to pay more shipping as you order more lol
  10. sai

    GARBAGE - BORN What is the smartest thing you've ever thought before?
  11. sai

    10/10 <3
  12. sai

    We don't celebrate it in the Netherlands (sadface) but if we would be celebrating it I would go as something simple like someone from the Adams family or something
  13. sai

    Kaya - Sorciere
  14. sai

    I don't really like it. It sounds no difference from their usual stuff. I really want some experiments right now or I'm quitting on them
  15. sai

    A few people I know have ordered there before, and everything arrived perfectly, so I think they are quite reliable. They also sell tickets for J-Rock concerts, only the shipping costs are kind of killing if you don't live in Germany. The sizes are regular European sizes btw. What I am surprised at is the price of the rather unique cd's they have, since NeoTokyo is known for its high prices. I'd inform about that a bit more if I were you. The website is reilable, but the prizes sound a bit fishy.
  16. sai

    I'd like one, but I have an XBOX360 xD Mainly because I'm not a huge fan of the Playstation network (and I think lots of people can relate xD)
  17. sai

    This. So did I.
  18. sai

    For me I also like a sense of humor, he needs to be able to make me laugh. Every sign around tells me to date a Capricorn for the humor though xD
  19. sai

    ^ Or you just need glasses
  20. Guess I'm the only one that noticed CANDIE is misspelled
  21. sai

    Yeah I remember having a song of theirs on my iPod once, and I remember liking it so yeah...might check out some other stuff by them
  22. sai

    ^ I think I just died from laughter.
  23. sai

    Lol so what? As long as it's good xD
  24. sai

    Nice to see they've all composed again. That's what I love about DuelJewel, the fact that all members except for the vocalist compose songs. It gives a lot of diversity. Haven't really had an 'album of the year' yet, so I'm keeping my hopes up for this one.
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