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Everything posted by sai

  1. Hey guys! I thought I'd let you know that I'll be leaving for a 3-week holiday to the United States on July 12th. Due to that I won't be able to spend my evenings browsing this forum (because apparently I have nothing better to do). Since I have my laptop with me and most motels have free Wi-Fi I'll pop in to see some news and pick up the latest releases, but that'll be it. As long as my plane won't crash or terrorists won't bomb it I'll be back in three weeks from that day on. sai
  2. Well we all know who Metalaxtor is
  3. sai

    Breaking Benjamin - Evil Angel
  4. sai

    Loves D'ERLANGER
  5. sai

    AWESOME. I hope for some good releases!
  6. sai

    Not going to do a huge review since it's kinda late lol. MASQUERADE I like it, Kamijo did a good job at composing this one. 8.5/10 Philia Heard it on the single, but after a while it started to bore me. I like it a lot less now. 7/10 Thanatos Rather good, nice to see something being composed by Masashi. 8/10 Flowery The best on the album. I still wonder why they don't let TERU compose more often. There hasn't been one song he has composed I didn't like. In fact, his songs are my favourites. 9/10 Remember Forever Nice attempt, but no. Boring ballad. 6/10 DESTINY -The Lovers- Compared to most stuff this one is really weak. 6/10 DRY ICE CREAM [Remove Silence] (pun intented) It's ok, nothing special tbh. 7/10 Threshold Would make a good movie soundtrack? I guess so. 7.5/10 Love will be born again WUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT. The idea is nice, and so is the ballad...but...THAT ENGRISH. I'll listen this when I want to have a good laugh. 4/10 Vampire Could be better than it actually is. 7.5/10 Faith & Decision Compared to God Palace this is NOTHING. Next time I want Kamijo on the long songs again. 6.5/10 The Theme of Holy Grail Blablaoutroblablaidgafbutcompletelyunnecessary Compared to Jubilee this wasn't quite as good. Maybe it will grow on me, but I doubt it. Overall: 7.25/10
  7. sai

    I don't get their popularity either :/
  8. sai

    Knows weird things about gin.
  9. I'll help out with the news as well. I'll try to keep people informed of the latest D news
  10. sai

    Paramore - Born For This
  11. sai

    Keep Parties with loud lousy music?
  12. sai

    I've always seen albums as necessary in keeping a very similar sound. Albums need to have tracks which blend extremely well together but at the same time stand out on their own, and I feel like they're doing it here just like with UROBOROS. If i wanted to hear vastly different sounding songs, I'd just listen to a best of or make a mixtape. I understand what you're trying to say, and I agree on the fact that the individual songs need to be good and need to blend together. The second isn't completely necessary for me, seeing as I have many albums that don't blend well together but are still awesome on their own. For example, D's 7th Rose album doesn't blend that much, but it is an amazing album none the less. Fact here is that, even though they blend well, they don't impress me and all sound the same, not give off the same vibe.
  13. sai

    Awesome idea Furik! I have an iPod Touch 4G, so I'll be waiting for this app!
  14. sai

    Lol this so much. For the Blossoming Beelzebub (seeing as it is 7:35) I want it to be as epic as Vinushka. Also comment on the previews: This will have lots of the growling, screaming, normal vocals chorus thing. That's not what I'm into, and certainly what they shouldn't be doing for a whole album all in one row. It feels like I'm listening to the same song over and over again. Well I didn't like anything except Lotus. I think I'm going to skip listening to the full thing. Dreambox could be nice though. LOLOL @ Juuyoku. HAIAIAIAIA (doing a raindance much?)
  15. sai

    If it's a good album I'll wait for the Europe release.
  16. sai

    Hates people who play around with others *so do I btw*
  17. sai

    Kinda stupid dates for me:/ Oh well, there's always Within Temptation and Megamasso who are maybe coming.
  18. sai

    He would throw a chair at us. Everybody get out your chair protectors. As far as I know, the Japanese have incredibly high taxes on everything they don't necessarily need to survive (as in CD's, videogames, etc.), that's why it's so expensive :/
  19. sai

    So all of this has been moved to the artists thread? I'm getting confused D:
  20. sai

    Never seen it so kick. Supernova?
  21. sai

  22. sai

    Super Junior M - Super Girl
  23. sai

    The Warlock by Michael Scott. <33
  24. Too bad. I understand your reasons though. Hope you'll stick around! Thanks for all the news!
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