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Everything posted by Mr.Higgins

  1. Mr.Higgins

    Giggle furiously? 1/10 trying too hard.
  2. Mr.Higgins

    ^If you want a good album, stop listening to japanese visual kei music.
  3. Mr.Higgins

    Sadie have turned into one of the shittiest sell-out bands in j-rock. Jesus, and I really used to love them but lately... why
  4. Mr.Higgins

    Awful preview. What happened to them?
  5. Mr.Higgins

    They're trying to be like their idols Linkin Park and take the soft direction.
  6. Mr.Higgins

    Major debut? Minor suck to major suck?
  7. Mr.Higgins

    Oh god, it's like Mucc does Fuzz all over again. ;3;
  8. Mr.Higgins

    Will always compares The GazettE to Dir en grey. It never fails. In fact it's hard for me to find a post in which he doesn't mention Dir en grey, atleast somewhere perhaps subliminally.
  9. Mr.Higgins

    ^Nah, there was another b-side along with Kugutsue. "?????? ??????" (don't remember the romaji). The drum patterns are kinda similar, and the overall structure of the song as well.
  10. Mr.Higgins

    ^LOL. Nice, this band is really moving up.
  11. Mr.Higgins

    It creates a good atmosphere and is technically superior to Shiver. I find it a bit similar to Kyoum.. K.... WHATEVER THAT B-SIDE WAS FROM GUREN. Have you noticed: Shiver - up-tempo pop song Hesitating Means Death - the heavy song Naraku or whatever - somewhere inbetween their label probably dictates this. whatever happened to artistic freedom? I've been thinking about how this relates to The GazettE and i feel that if given their artistic freedom to make any kind of single they wanted, they have a lot of potential to be a really great band. It's unfortunate this potential goes wasted on being told what kind of music they will give to their audience.
  12. Mr.Higgins

  13. Mr.Higgins

    ^OHLOLFGHSDJF SOLID SNAKE, YOU ARE CLEVER. Let's just say this single is a gas, or a liquid, but not a solid.
  14. Mr.Higgins

    Jive turkeys would be proud of the revival of vintage slang in this thread.
  15. Mr.Higgins

    I say they make an album filled with masterpiece songs, they win a Grammy for "Best Album Ever", a Nobel Peace Prize for solving world hunger with glorious music, then disband because you all didn't believe in them. You sick people!
  16. Mr.Higgins

    Oh Jesus.I am going to haunt this thread until a more descriptive word is used to describe this single. Can someone get a thesaurus please?
  17. Mr.Higgins

    Say solid again. I dare you muthafucka say solid one more time. -Samuel L. Jackson-
  18. Mr.Higgins

    It's about as solid as a solid pile of doo doo. Solid Count: over 9000.
  19. Mr.Higgins

  20. Mr.Higgins

    ^That's just like, your opinion, man.
  21. Mr.Higgins

    Why do people in this forum always have to quote other people in their posts and then say nothing else? It's fucking stupid. If you're trying to assert someone else's point, try not to copy and paste it. It just makes you look like a jerk. Edit: and excuse me Champ213, I hadn't read your previous post. I'll discontinue this argument, I just had to let that out. I don't post in this forum often (didn't in the other either) so you'll hear no more out of me : D
  22. Mr.Higgins

    every year is a sucky year for visual kei. because visual kei sucks.
  23. Mr.Higgins

    Damn, more bad news ): Rakujou is one of the best songs i've heard from a visual kei band. What a shame such potential is lost.
  24. Mr.Higgins

    Kagerou was one of the bands that introduced me to Japanese rock. I feel like a bit of my history has died away with Daisuke. Tragic. Really tragic.
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