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Mr Bacon

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Everything posted by Mr Bacon

  1. Mr Bacon

    Only Sho (co-)wrote a few songs(mostly the CTC ones), all the others are Yuuki's compositions.
  2. Mr Bacon

    Tokyo Heroes - Fuyu Uta Thomas - Gekijou Manifest amazarashi - 0.6
  3. "Humanity" <3 Yeah, I hope it sounds more like Matsuro. But looking forward to it anyway Well it's only old songs so there's no point in hoping xD
  4. Mr Bacon

    Kiri is a she, actually.
  5. Mr Bacon

    They will surpass Now. Maybe even Music. This already qualifies for worst as the year.
  6. Yea, probably. I wouldn't mind hearing Linda sing Shikkoku though.
  7. YES DO WANT FUCK YES one of my favourite songs. And off-vocal means instrumental I suppose? Or is there a slight chance it means someone else on vocals...?
  8. Mr Bacon

    Nigu and Iori are a killer combination, I hope this band will stay together for a little longer. The scene needs this.
  9. Mr Bacon

    There's also a vid of her eating baby food. For no reason. FKD UP GURL
  10. Mr Bacon

    Oh wasn't he Thomas support as well?
  11. 明海(アカルミ) or Acurmi/Aculmi held their first live on november 18th. Line-up: Vo. 桜井優樹 (ex-cen → ??) Gu. ??舘?? (ex-cen) Ba. ??原寛一 (ex-cen → ??(gu)) Dr. 上??隼人 (ex-ガ??ーシャ → KLACK → トーマス(support)) No info about releases yet, but since it's 3/4 of old cen I can't wait! Source: OHP
  12. Twinkle grew on me really, especially the guitars. And the best part that Linda did some vocals. Plus, the B-sides were good ol Heroes stuff. And now we can be sure it'll be good ol Heroes since they're old songs xD
  13. Mr Bacon

    Their live song they posted a while back is a bit harder so I'm guessing they won't be as hard as Since, but not oshare either. And I like the fact that Since's guitarist is a better singer than Since's singer lol.
  14. ??京ヒーローズ will be releasing a new single, 「冬唄??, on 2011.01.19. Updated Tracklist: 01. 「冬唄?? (Fuyu Uta) 02. 「漆黒?? (Shikkoku) 03. 「生命無???(アコースティックVer.)?? (Seimeinaki Kanade acoustic ver.) 04. 「冬唄(オフヴォーカルVer.)?? (Fuyu Uta off-vocal) 05. 「漆黒(オフヴォーカルVer.)?? (Shikkoku off-vocal) 2 tracks(now 5 tracks), ¥1,260 I'm not sure if it will be shop-sold or live-sold though, the info has only been posted on Art Pop's website, not on Heroes' website. Also, Fuyu Uta will be a rerecording(it was originally released on the 忘?????? mini-album in 2005 with Linda on vocals). Shikkoku might be a rerecording too, but since it was released in 2008 already with the same lineup I doubt it. So no new songs but still. STOKED
  15. Mr Bacon

    This suits you way better than the non-girl look. Just sayin'.
  16. Mr Bacon

    Um... regular lol. Every now and then Drop D. everything below drop C is for I BE METALZ posers.
  17. Good : ) I liked their last single, hope they'll release something new soon.
  18. Mr Bacon

    I only know kamomekamome and Nunchaku, if anyone can point me in the direction of bands with similar sounds...
  19. Mr Bacon

    ohhh yes do want.
  20. Mr Bacon

    Dutch is my native language too, English I've been confronted with for as long as I can remember so I can speak that well too. At school I learned some languages German; Can understand and read without problems, but speaking will be a bumpy ride French; Can read but it ends there. Latin; Used to be able to read a bit, forgotten everything. Latin vocabulary helps me with southern European languages though. Ancient Greek; Let's not go there. And currently learning Japanese though I'm a bit of a slacker so yea.
  21. Mr Bacon

    ...That's actually pretty awesome.
  22. Mr Bacon

    But they did have the 284 namechanges and indefinite hiatuses that are required.
  23. Just release a regular release already :/
  24. Mr Bacon

    Shit sucks, I actually liked them despite being a regular vk band. I even liked their poppy side better.
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