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Status Updates posted by Befafes

  1. 30 more minutes till I gotta leave my house and head to the airport 


  2. :tw_pensive: Someday I'll get my hands on Renny Amy's the Puberty shit

  3. tenor.gif?itemid=5637398
    My reaction when I noticed Kisaki staring at me.

  4. unknown.png
    Still like this doodle I did of me. Lmao

  5. Black Pig by Dexcore was my bop of 2k18. 

  6. Curious about how other people on here feel about what Kyuho has posted today. Do you agree or Disagree? Vktwitter definitely had some choice words.

  7. I am officially 1 album away from completing Born's discography ( as far as I know ) 😉 I'm sure there might be live limited stuff out there. Someday I'll find them eventually. 

  8. I wish someone would pop up selling 6 Ryo cheki from My Bacteria Heat island. Lmao its all I ask. It's wild he left the scene to become a Pub-g twitch streamer. 

    1. Aferni


      Pub g? Rip MBHI

    2. Befafes


      @Aferni Yeah lol He does Youtube + Twitch. Sometimes he posts a cover but not often. 

    3. Aferni


      The last cover I saw that he did was Osen Kuiki 

  9. Late , but RarezHut is finally up again! We're excited and hope you all enjoy the new site.

  10. Really excited that I've finally completed my discography of Saruin. I'm happy that ironically my first band in the scene is also the first band I completed. 
    Thank you to my friend who helped get the last two cds needed for this to be possible.

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      1. That's awesome! Saruin were cool for being so short-lived.


      2. Wondering how a tiny band like Saruin was your first VK band???

    2. Befafes


      1. Yeah! It was a small discography. I'm not sure if they released outside of the 4 albums I have (maybe)
      2. Man, Honestly I don't know how either. I blame the YouTube algorithm at the time. 

      technically they're not my first band? I have no idea what my first is. Either Nightmare or some other band. Since I was exposed to it when i was 5? But I didn't get actively into it until around I was 9+?

      Then It delved into having an interest in bands like Metis Gretel, Born, Unsraw , Distraught overlord and a few of  the UCP bands( namely Nega,Megaromania and ClearVeil ) 🤷‍♀️ 

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