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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Paraph

  1. Paraph

    i had to send actual yen back then. teen bliss. i miss the mountain of flyers they'd throw in.
  2. Paraph

    it bothers me that they don't use their actual band logo on their parka and tshirt. my ocd is quaking.
  3. Paraph

    I found it to be a really odd location away from like everything, or I just went a really long way through the university. But I remember feeling like there was really nothing else around it. Still the staff was quite friendly and since I have memories there I’ll miss not being able to go next time...
  4. Paraph

    the DVD contents of their upcoming single have been posted on their OHP: DVD 1.センチ Music Video Full 2.センチ Music Video Spot 3.メイキング
  5. i am fucking here for puppet mammy
  6. Paraph

    i ordered malice mizer deep sanctuary picks from them a few months back and they took forever to ship, so i mailed them with no response and then disputed with paypal. they miraculously showed up in the mail after that with no shipping notification whatsoever...cancelled the paypal dispute but will never order from them again
  7. I think he was more so just posting about his annoyance of them not shipping overseas. Go to their live! Definitely. Best experience I ever had. Their fans are incredibly nice, some tried to speak with me and find out how I discovered vk and what other bands I liked and where I was from. Kaina himself was very grateful and gave me some gifts of two demotapes and a cheki. He also came out to meet me and shake my hand. He is very very kind and accepting of overseas fans. Please go.
  8. Paraph

    he looks great in that flyer photo. werq
  9. Paraph

    sorry to double post but recently i reached out to Iku and Linz for merch overseas and they were very kind and sold to me. today they announced overseas orders on their website and Linz posted via twitter. please consider purchasing.
  10. Paraph

    i liked track 7...and the death growl in 10....at least
  11. Paraph

    ロゼ「センチ」info 2019/11/06 release [CD] 1.センチ 2.プラスティックメモリーズ [DVD] 未定 (undecided) More info regarding the songs (more applicable to second track as MV is out for 「センチ」obv) 2019年4月平成最後にヴィジュアル系に新たな風と共に舞い降りた「ロゼ」の2nd single 「センチ」。 新たな挑戦として前作のハウルと異なり、EDM系の音を使って自然と身体が動いてしまう様なテンションが上がりやすい楽曲。 イントロは激しいEDMで始まり、サビはキャッチーかつ激しく展開していく。 歌詞の中にはたくさんの皮肉が込められている。人それぞれ持っている「センチ」を楽しんで捉えてストーリーを感じて欲しい。 カップリングの「プラスティックメモリーズ」は今までの「ロゼ」にない、聴きやすいキャッチーなメロディーとノリやすいテンポ。明るい曲 調ながらも切ない歌詞に注目。 ジャケットは「妹がバンギャです。」の著者、竹内星菜さんによる書き下ろしイラスト。 https://puresound.co.jp/user_data/sp_artist_product_detail.php?pid=101095042&aid=roze4&bck=%2Fuser_data%2Fsp_artist_product.php%3Faid%3Droze4 looks like they have wider distribution for this single. amazing. https://tower.jp/artist/2769197/ロゼ http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/RZM-2?s_ssid=e4351d5d8a10c662bd
  12. Paraph

    Present w order
  13. Paraph

    gonna be honest, really love them. this is some solid shit.
  14. Paraph

    i just assumed the vk drop is a move to attract a broader western audience but who knows. i'm sure music-wise their new efforts will slay.
  15. i want that scarf and measuring tape number, i stan fashion queens.
  16. lmao why didn’t i just search the Japanese name to begin with smh. ugh missing them more already.
  17. was it ever said how to order their digital singles?
  18. this look is their best and now they're leaving fml
  19. Paraph

    lame. give me the makeup fantasy i crave.
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