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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Paraph

  1. the vocalist has great range. he did an a capella song with kakeru of scarlet valse at a gig in yamagata and i was kind of blown away tbh
  2. Paraph

    it is haha, it should have been on the back and a graphic of some kind on the front at least
  3. Paraph

    haha i know! they used to be only for their birthday live events but for their latest oneman they did release all 5. Ryoga and IZA are my favs so it's a bit easier for me but i hear ya. i think they made one without though, in case of this dilemma lmao.
  4. Paraph

    gonna have to check these guys out asap
  5. Paraph

    the joke is they're all sluts. but srsly they give me pashya vibes with this lewk.
  6. unfortunate because they seemed like a fun group of guys from their twitter videos and stuff...but can't say i didn't see it coming.
  7. shit...i'm a bit worried that a best of is dropping soon after their full-length, and ofc with jaki leaving too... it's purple so maybe NAZUKI will start to compose going forward? trying to remain optimistic, but the fact that the release is so close to their tour final i'm not so sure.
  8. Paraph

    slay me kingssss, love these guys after seeing their energy live
  9. Paraph

    This look slays! Hype
  10. Paraph

    just heard these guys, new stan
  11. Paraph

    aw, i'll miss his flawless lipstick game tbh
  12. Paraph

    they never got back to me lmao so i kind of forgot abt it
  13. they look SO good ugh obsessed
  14. Paraph

    tis good
  15. Paraph

    holy shit MAST? yes pls
  16. Paraph

    at least purple guy put in a bit of effort...
  17. Paraph

    budget queens. glad they're back tho.
  18. people on mh: they need to disband immediately me: *buys merch*
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