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Posts posted by YukiUta

  1. I don't like to post my opinion too much, but just to balance out all the negative reviews here... I like this one.  I've been a fan for a long time, but not a die-hard.  I didn't pay attention to them for many years and have only just come back.  I bought Arche and DSS at the same time and thought they were both awful at first.  Listening to Arche more, I started to like it.  No matter how much I tried, I just can't listen to DSS.  But I've had this new album on repeat since it arrived (late, thanks to Amazon being stupid). 

    I always feel like people who complain too much are just looking for things to complain about.   If the album had a new sound, they complain that it's too different.  If it sticks to the old formula, they complain it's too boring.   For me, I dont care too much about lyrics or sound quality (which most people can't pick up on anyway) or if Shinya's drumming has gotten better (!).  Do the songs grab me?  Are there parts that catch my ear and stay there long after the CD player is turned off?  And, personally, the more Kyo shouts, the better! 

    Well, just wanted to put my 2 cents out there, so anybody who hasn't bought it yet won't be discouraged by the negative reviews.  My review is: :tw_thumbsup:

  2. As a single mother (divorced), I can understand what it was like for this woman.  I've made questionable decisions because of loneliness and such, but if any guy had ever even looked at my child the wrong way, they'd never find his body...   Looking at those photos was heartbreaking.  In every single photo that poor girl looks terrified.    There are always alot of rumors in VK, with the majority being made up by jealous bangya,  but this woman seems to have alot of proof.  Enough to go to the police, at least.  

    My ex was a minor bandman in Osaka and he never really liked me going to Undercode events (I tried not to, but there was one band I liked).  On the rare occasion he played an Undercode event, he did his set, then hid in the band van until it was time to go home!   But this news is a million times worse than anything I've heard about before.  I hope he burns.

  3. I am familiar with a knot tickets and I have used ones purchased through my friend's account.  You do NOT need a fan club card or ID of any kind.  This may change in the future, but for now, you'll be fine.

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