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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. Pretsy

    Off-topic: says the guy who probably skipped their albums from 90s, rite? I agree on you with their recent suckage tho. Back to the topic: I never cared that much for Rammstein's lyrics (compare the quality of them to Deg's own) but I still can't resist the bassy voice of Till...and of course, German is the most beautiful (western) language imho Wish their recent albums wouldn't have been so...uninspired tho.
  2. Pretsy

    I liked Omen pv alot - gotta love the dubstep breakdown (yo folks, dubstep ain't that bad!) Looking forward to their new release - gotta wonder why did I ignore non-vk metal/rock acts for a long time
  3. Pretsy

    Yeah Chianti Some good buddies of mine ("occasional" metalheads like Jigsaw above me hehe) queued for that record during its premiere day in Finland (in various stores of course, so there weren't actually any long queues) + I have seen many "true" metalheads walking around with deluxe edition of BTW in their hands (after my driving school lessons) haha
  4. Pretsy

    There were some topics about Kuroyume in the news section...but where's the artist thread for them? Anyways: 黒夢/Kuroyume And once again, wikiquote: Member lineup(s): First lineup: Kiyoharu - Vocals Hitoki - Bass Shin - Guitars Masaru/Taiki - drums (session drummers) Current lineup: Kiyoharu - vocals, guitar (in some tracks) Hitoki - Bass, guitars Session members: K-A-Z - guitars Go - drums + some unknown guy from Misery pv (since he appeared in their recent tour gigs o_o) So, this is my number one favorite band - This band, basically, cured my so-called "degfreak" disease ( I am still trying to get my fandom years back ) Also: my favorite Kiyoharu project Wish there could be more bands like them - with crazy vibrato vocals and catchy bass... My favorite albums by them: 1. Fake star -I'm Just a Japanese Fake Rocker- (their most experimental album) 2. Feminism (beautiful album) 3. Drug Treatment (punky album but there are some nice experimental twists in it) 4. Mayoeru Yuritachi -Romance of Scarlet- (one of the best old school vk releases ever, hands down) Must-try songs: Q3PMqiwhiYo 9OUCG5nfYHg (Kyo, is it you?) U1zsS1coP5s dvhbBnQQZUM Fans around here?
  5. Pretsy

    Still digging this band BUT Oomph wrote better lyrics than they did...unfortunately (they suck nowadays but that's another story)
  6. Pretsy

    Wow...even metalheads seem to like LG's new album : / and me myself as well. She improved herself a lot after her flippy-floppy Fame - album. Even though, Madonna's old hits are gonna haunt me after this album Freakay.
  7. Pretsy

    AHAHAH Good that you mentioned it since they do have the same structure + overused tapping intro... But I thought this was quite neat album A gleam in the eye sounds better than ever Not sure about title track and JUDGEMENT tho My rating 8/10
  8. Pretsy

    2nd random news of the day (after vk comedian case) ... I guess they thought that being vk = gazette-like success with budokan lives Oh well...hehe.
  9. Pretsy

    Cm8vDlj7jaU Ehhh...well, Original one was a big flop but this is a complete disaster (Shores in Newcastle, seriously?) "Dress to impress, that's me" - *stoned guy dance*
  10. Pretsy

    Yo folkz! Can you recommend me something like this? hrWgB3uRYAk KgHgYpTbsSc Doesn't matter if it's vk or not, I am hungering for dreamscapes + non-japanese band suggestions are accepted as well. (p.s. plz don't suggest Luna Sea, Whitesnake or AC/DC)
  11. EDIT: Full pv here: KSllYNUUO4o Hipsterharu and Hipstertoki Duh.
  12. Pretsy

    Beyonceeeyyy bicheezzz She's got humps but isn't that way too much? I mean, did she even credit those apes for making that sampelsample?
  13. Pretsy

    World tour? Finland dates will pop out - that's for sure (it would be a deadly sin for them if they skip fennoscandia) Hoping for excellent songs off that album so I can enjoy the possible future gig of theirs (if I only can afford it )
  14. @dannemannen: -sigh- Back to the topic: Even though rumours claim that Kyo sung DS very well in their recent gig I won't still believe that he could handle two vocal tracks at the same time Have they gone back to their playback era? (ugly kingdom + blitz 5 days concerts) I am getting worried Also, Tsumi to kisei would be a big hit-or-miss track since growls would just ruin it. + once again, singles are not made for extra live tracks - how many versions of Red Soil do we have? 3? 5?
  15. Why do you care so much for hater comments? We are entitled to say what we do think. Period. (ps. as long as it's not personally offensive)
  16. Double vocal layering...DUH. I think that song is quite impossible to perform live, but I am waiting for the full version + quite kinky cover art. I am fine with their doings as long as they won't do more songs with high pitched double vocals.
  17. Pretsy

    Fake tracklists? For mainstream artist fanbases, it's a big sensation For deg fanbase, it's Tuesday.
  18. ark & ray vol. II ? Hmmm no wonder that they took their Heaven's Drive - look back in the recent new look pics....
  19. Pretsy

  20. Pretsy

    Perestroika had same bass drum problems... i guess they should train bass drum hitting with power and emotions daaamnnn Wwwhaat? He is not that bad, unlike most of his UCP colleague singers...
  21. Pretsy

  22. Pretsy

    LOOOL his outfit, so enka-ish btw did someone request good enka? THE PRINCE OF ENKA DELIVERS: EFvsFrUYWl0 Do the zunzunzun dance!
  23. Pretsy

    Tanatos kinda flopped imo Looking forward to muuuch better album
  24. Pretsy

    I thought they are equally stupid : | Whatsoever, aoi's twitter had tons of idiotic mikuhaters, so it's all ok.
  25. Pretsy

    They are getting better and better I might like Masashi-era Bearsigh even more than their LS-Noble -releases Looking forward to new experimental tracks à la Desert Apple
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