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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. Pretsy

    Too short and boring - well, as it goes with all neo-vk song previews, chorus part is the "cookie cutter" part of the song
  2. Pretsy

    THIS I guess people thought that they spotted Kei-prefix in that name lol And yeah, Visual kei bands are actually non-existant in mainstream scene nowadays But "visual" bands are still staying up there...
  3. Pretsy

    Gemini was definitely their best album, hands down. Looking forward to this since I liked Blue Flame as well (decent animerock hit? No way folks)
  4. Pretsy

    Whatever Just waiting for the moment when DEG starts to drop their hard/metal/death/"sludge"/nu/psychocore twists/sound completely.
  5. Pretsy

    Oh... Well, some people are just too deaf for good music. Hageshisa and DS are nothing close to heavy, yet Because of their hardcore elements with softy parts (aka choruses)
  6. Pretsy

    Reschwa Limize - Future into Ruin Geez dat guy sounds pretty much like Gackt...
  7. http://vimeo.com/25632163 PV in hd credits: Masamune (damn sorry, i credited voldie first but nvm) Streamable version - you can download hd version by Cat in the video section...
  8. I just don't get the hype around him and his "new Wu Tang" band Must be quite unique, I guess Dunno where to start tho, does he have any good songs?
  9. Vacchus - Get Lost sounds pretty much like Saku by DEG
  10. Pretsy

    Possible hiatus/disbandment all the way Not gonna say anything until the source is shown, I am pretty sure that someone is pulling our legs...
  11. Pretsy

    So what did he mean with "true metal riffs" ? Every riff what DEG has done couldn't be considered as something "Iron Maiden-ish" or "Judas Priest-ish" - they've done only drop tuning riffs with a tinge of nu metal so far.
  12. Pretsy

    I guess "newbies" weren't introduced to our trolling community, yet. (p.s. i know that you lingered longer here than me but still, welcome)
  13. What the heck is going on Asagi shows no respect
  14. Pretsy

    -4b7nCUZWEM Oh my gawd, oh my gawd Boner.
  15. http://www.nicozon.net/watch/sm14826336 streamable version (without login)
  16. http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm14826336 here's the full DS pv for ya - credits: wonrei \o/ Random shoots, piranha-face kyo, hageshisa-ish zombie CGI, hentai, scientists getting raped by tentacles, more crap, more crap etc.
  17. Pretsy

    Yes, here is the advertisement, and here is the making of, with a longer part of the song. Thx Lukrecia for nice links! I thought that it wouldnt fit into their style but since they have that synth-poprocky/punky thing going on, I am fine with it. Loving the new single title as well - makes me think of songs like BEAMS and SEE YOU Go Kuroyume Go!
  18. For the love of god, please: Tell me that this IS NOT real/official preview CRAP TIER PV.
  19. Pretsy

    [2] Even though, folks wouldn't think in the first place that it's all about a tacky extreme-vkster, not some tacky actress from Desperate Housewives, duh
  20. Pretsy

    FIXED off-topic: There is no such thing as "perfect" metal vocalist in vk scene, everyone has it's own flaws and that concerns our lovely ex-vk band as well, DEG. on-topic: I just can't understand all this hate on TtK - I thought you loved Warsaw no Gensou-ish tracks . It's a nice Mr.Bungle-ish asylum metal song with an Opethian part (or parts, more likely) in the middle (is it me, or does Kyo try to emulate Åkerfeldt's growls?) Not gonna comment any further since I've reviewed this already.
  21. Pretsy

    Perfection. Achieved.
  22. Pretsy

    How come I hated this earlier? (visuals were tacky but uuh uuh nvm) Fierte blaah blaah -the last of romance- is a masterpiece! Also: Never Cage is quite nice as well Kamijo's hard rock solos = meeeeeh. My briefly put opinion about them is here ^^ (p.s. they make better ballads than Bearsighs)
  23. Pretsy

    Judging you Satan is overrated Well,well - I am pretty much happy of my new findings ^^
  24. Pretsy

    Alright: DIFFERENT SENSE: how the heck are those pieces combined together? It's like a frankenstein monster of various DEG songs (Lotus-Gaika-ASOM). Also, those guitars smelled a bit...Slipknot-ish :x - the solo was still top-notch and what else should I say? Better than LOTUS and Hageshisa 8,5/10 (for unnecessary song recycling and Mick Thomson-factor) Tsumi to Kisei: alright haters and hateresses - this beats DS down 6-0, no argument needed. This pretty much sounds like WnG but hint: after a few listens everyone will notice that this IS NOT sludge after all - more like a metallized version of Mr Bungle's "My Ass is on Fire" with extraslow gurglemurgle-parts - also, bassline needs some love. 9/10 Red Soil (live): I didn't ask for this - good studio song, but this live version smells like Madeth pretty much - WtD-old school-angst era is over kthanksgudbai 5/10 (not that I hate old school references but DEG just doesn't succeed in this, sry (cosplay era songs no no no)) Final rating: 8,75 sans RS 7,5 avec RS
  25. Pretsy

    Woah woah woah woooooah no more remakes/remixes/whatsoever this is the album I am going to wait from our dear Kisaki-san
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