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Everything posted by NightFall

  1. NightFall

    Thanks for the recommendation! I'll check out those singles for sure About when did Kaji leave? And is their bassist different as well?
  2. NightFall

    Welcome! Pretty obsessed with Dadaroma myself so I hope to see you over on their artist thread! Haha, I can relate to this actually xD
  3. NightFall

    I was a really big fan of AND, so I was pretty disheartened when they disbanded. I checked out REIGN when they first formed but I wasn't really feeling their music. I've listened to some of their latest songs on YT and I really like what I'm hearing. From what I understand, they've had some member changes recently?
  4. NightFall

    I'm not actually sure whether Innocent passion or PERSONALIT NONCONFORMITY is my favourite song, they're both so good xD Those two and 浄土の花 (Joudo no hana) are probably my favourite three songs from DIMLIM so far. I really like the title track too, and 塵外 is a decent listen, but not my fave song from them so far. I can definitely agree with that!
  5. NightFall

    I like the first ~40 seconds of the new song, the rest was a decent listen I guess. The chorus is kinda catchy? That little vocal melody right at the end of the last chorus was heaps good though I'd love to hear more of those xD
  6. NightFall

    After all this I've definitely realized who my favourite Meji members were lol Here's hoping for a new band with koichi and tzk xD Still love MiA though and would like to see him around the scene in one way or another
  7. NightFall

    New year postcard from FC Uruha's looking good xDD Sorry for the poor quality lol
  8. This is scary, I really hope he hasn't done/isn't planning something drastic. Japan is pretty notorious for having a heavy stigma against mental health, so it's hard to imagine this kind of thing happening less frequently any time soon. I just hope he turns up alright.
  9. NightFall

    I think 2017 turned out really well for GRIMOIRE. I liked Frabjous Nacht (the single, but especially the song), and felt it was a good start to the year (I think it was my first CD of the year). The Album was super solid and had a nice tracklist, as well as two kickass re-recordings of some pretty awesome songs. But definitely my favourite was the most recent single, Uranometria. The title track is just one of the most beautiful songs I've heard, and shows great improvement for the band. The other two tracks sprinkled in semblances of their earlier tracks (or were caked in it in regards to Hello & Goodbye xD) I'm really looking forward to future GRIMOIRE releases; I think they can make 2018 another really great year.
  10. NightFall

    The back of the CD case looks really beautiful for some reason.
  11. NightFall

    GRIMOIRE - Uranometria [Type A+B] DIMLIM - The Silent Song [both editions]
  12. NightFall

    I definitely think they've improved a lot, but I think the style of SEs have changed as well. They used to kinda just be snippets of cool little beats at the start and end of an album, but since DIM they seem to be trying to make SEs that fit with some sort of theme with the album. I think DIM was an earnest attempt, but I agree that they feel pretty lacklustre now - especially compared to the recent albums' SEs. I also think the songwriting on DIM is really high level, and the SEs thus feel sorta slapped together at the last minute.
  13. NightFall

    So the booklets that came with the CDs don't seem to mention Issei or Tsubasa at all. Does anyone know if they were involved in this single at all before their departure? Particularly Issei with composition
  14. NightFall

    Please yes, I need this!! LOL of course it will xD - DADAROMA's mini-album will also split the fandom - DIMLIM will either struggle with finding new members and slowly fade into abyss, or get some kickass new members and make some of the best tracks of the year
  15. NightFall

    Do they offer international shipping or do we have to use a proxy shopping service?
  16. NightFall

    Mini-album is now up on CDJapan Type A: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/DAKTRCL-166 Type B: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/DAKTRCL-167 Also, cover art! Type A: Type B:
  17. NightFall

    This sounds even more like the GazettE than the other songs xD Not that I mind lol
  18. NightFall

    The new song sounds good, and I think their music production is getting better xD But now I can't wait for my CDs to actually arrive!!
  19. NightFall

    It's quite catchy but not really my cup of tea. I can definitely see them becoming quite popular, and I think they're better than most happy-pop-kei bands I hear. I'll probably keep an eye on them at the least.
  20. NightFall

    I definitely see the similarities to DOGMA, but Asuka really helps give it its own unique vibe. And the music composition does stand up on its own as more than just a copy. Still looking forward to this release Did anyone else get Tzk (Mejibray) vibes for vocals, especially during the chorus, or am I imagining things? XD
  21. NightFall

    You're not the only one, I still adore #3. I think it's just that it was a far cry from the first two DADAISM mini-albums - which isn't a bad thing, but was just a little underwhelming having the moniker of DADAISM.
  22. NightFall

    F**king HYPE!!! Those looks are so good, especially Takashi <3 Can't wait for the pre-order to open!!! I wouldn't completely discount the Dadaism series yet, though I am interested to see how they might change things with this mini-album. While I actually quite enjoyed #3, I don't particularly see it as deserving of the Dadaism title after the first two. I think not going with the Dadaism title will allow them to expand more musically.
  23. I think it was around 2010/2011, a friend introduced me to Silly God Disco from NIL and I thought it was really catchy. Eventually ended up buying Stacked Rubbish at one point as I was getting more into them, and I started listening to DIM which really opened by eyes. When Division was announced, I decided to go all in and pre-order the limited edition version and haven't looked back yet. The GazettE were my first foray into VK, and it took a while before I really got into VK thanks to Mejibray but the GazettE (especially recent releases) have become a staple of my music selection
  24. NightFall

    Any idea what kind of music these guys will be playing?
  25. NightFall

    Oh shit, they haven't even written all the songs? I hope this album doesn't end up being rushed, but a time frame might help them keep motivated. Personally, I actually really liked Beautiful Deformity. It wasn't a straight catch like some of their other albums, but I find myself constantly listening to more songs from BD than other albums. I like the idea of DOGMA, but a lot of the songs were kinda same-y, but I felt that the two post-singles really carried on and improved upon the same feelings from DOGMA. Hopefully they do some more power ballad kinda songs like DERACINE, 'cause I really like when GazettE do that and it was probably my favourite song (after WASTELAND) from DOGMA. I really liked UNDYING, there wasn't a track on that single I didn't like, and I wouldn't be disappointed at all if that is the direction this new album goes.
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