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Posts posted by edgelady

  1. On 4/30/2017 at 5:29 AM, reminiscing2004 said:

    You don't suck! Just keep practicing, sing all the time, and you will find improvement! Based on what serox said, I was worried it would sound worse, but when I watched the video, I found you were hitting most of the notes, which is what really matters imo. No one starts out with a crazy interesting starting voice the first note they sing, you basically do just this, practice, practice, practice, and the sky is the limit.


    As for practical advice, I would say feel free to try singing the lowest parts of the songs that may be difficult an octave higher. If you are interested in lowering your vocal range, you can obviously just keep practicing trying to hit those low notes and you will find they become easier over time. However, for the time being, it might be useful to sing them an octave higher when they are very difficult. I am a male and so MOST of my vocal heroes (even that are male) have atleast like 6 or 7 high notes above me that I can't hit. So, what I've grown used to doing is try to sing as much as possible at the same note, but then when there is a crazy high part I just bring it an octave down and it allows me to continue singing with full strength and actually sound good. And then I tend to find that if I sing for an hour or so, two or three higher notes will open up that I may not have been able to hit when I started that day. And then you just kind of slowly push yourself over time to keep hitting the absolute highest (or lowest) note you can. Since I've started singing I've definitely extended my range like this.


    Anyway, hopefully there is SOME sort of hopeful advice from this, but you are good and have a lot of potential. Don't give up if it means a lot to you. Also, not sure what your living situation is, but you might find singing LOUDer will give you some more expression with the voice.




  2. On 4/26/2017 at 10:30 AM, Serox said:

    You will not be good at singing but the important thing is to have fun and put effort in what you do! ;D I like to sing even visual-kei songs! (Even if I'm not a singer, I do not take singing lessons x'D) You are very courageous to show yourself in webcam while singing, the only advice I can give you is to be more loose and safer than you while singing, try to impart you more in what you say, even gesture helps! ;) I promise you that as soon as I have some time and I'm just aloneat home, I also make a cover of Shuuen No Campanella and I show it to you :'D 



  3. Hmm, I'm only familiar with the artists on the second half of your list, from Kagrra downward. I don't really listen to Skillet anymore though.


    1. Lovelyz - 라푼젤 

    2. Icon for Hire - Pulse 

    3. Born of Osiris - Free Fall

    4. MALICE MIZER - 破誡の果て

    5. Juliet Simms - Before It Rains

    6. Christina Grimmie - Without Him

    7. BORN - Vermin's Cry

    8. Aerosmith - She's On Fire

    9. CLC - I Should Be So Lucky

    10. Emilie Autumn - How Strange

    This... is a strange list. I wasn't sure what to choose as my favorite, but then I remembered "Without Him" was the last song Christina ever sang before she died.

  4. On 4/24/2017 at 7:14 AM, The Reverend said:



    You'll have to tell us how Monolith was the first VK band you heard.... I don't think I've seen them mentioned as anyone's gateway band before.



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