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Everything posted by BrenGun

  1. vkei is a religion! 乾杯🍷
  2. BrenGun

    For me it also simple visual kei is something from Japan. Of course you can play visual kei if you are not from Japan. But then I prefer simply Japanese visual kei. But there are enough bands of the west which can be also named as visual kei. actually all kind of not normal dressed rocking emo screemo bands. It's still also a bit of visual kei.
  3. BrenGun

    as so long you have money it's all possible. haha but beside that their music is really good.
  4. BrenGun

    haha already sold out? could you maybe share it? would be amazing. Yes totally time to deliver their music, after my first listen I already thought that they are an amazing band. Still shit, that I couldn't go to their FIRST GIG. because I had a different gig to go to. (>_<)
  5. BrenGun

    WOA REALLY?! FINALLY! Maybe gonna buy that one. Depends if I can afford it.
  6. their last single is really a last single.... 1 more song and then it's over. A pity.
  7. BrenGun

    their last single wasn't live limited, it's available to purchase at some stores, but yeah that one only did got 1 song. but it's good news! hope they get sometime soon a single which is available national wide
  8. BrenGun

    well I guess he didn't delete because it's linked to his own private LINE. XD
  9. BrenGun

    yeah get back to topic.... So Reno blog and twitter are deleted. so he is gone now from the interwebs, hopefully he will appear someday again.
  10. BrenGun

    There is no news about that one isn't? Anyway if you or someone here could write a message in Japanese, I could ask Double River Record...
  11. at 2017/01/22 vocal Nobumichi has left the band, because of his throat problems, which made it impossible to continue as a vocalist. The band already decided to continue as Raptor 9 and ask everyone to support them also in the future. Full message http://raptor9.jp/information/index.html#entry161222
  12. music is freaking horrible but the MV is funny XD
  13. BrenGun

    黒百合と影 / 昨日の怖い夢。

    webshop/live limited 2017/04/09 Title: 昨日の怖い夢。 1. 昨日の怖い夢 2. 発狂カルテ 1200 JPY
  14. BrenGun

    new look new album will be released in mid-march also hayato birthday will be at 5/15 at ikebukuro chop. and each visitor will get a gift.
  15. BrenGun

    Lot's of people love yasu's version of 青空. But I can't like it because the original was a too much master piece. But still a nice version, only the real beauty of the song has been gone. @KomorebiThanks for liking this review @jiangshi girlWell everyone has an own taste of the songs. Would be strange if everyone would like everything the same. @sybilI know one more person who said she like that version. I really wished that Yasu also would have done it for 青空.
  16. BrenGun

    can someone link me to their twitter/website/ or something? XD
  17. and you can listen for free on spotify
  18. BrenGun

    LOL XD The idea really should be born by stoned or drunk people XD But its not my taste at all. but still kinda fun to watch.
  19. BrenGun

    better to copy past it before its deleted
  20. BrenGun

    btw it's still strange that this announcement happened a few days after kinda their RETURN message... As why couldn't they find this out way sooner? that dude already did this over a freaking year....
  21. BrenGun

    OMG.. I really said it isn't.. T_T I would be sad if they really break up...
  22. BrenGun

    I still have my connections. And I still follow a few SW bands. But I just remember that my friend said that she didn't support the band anymore because of a "member" . So yeah the money thing is 100% true.
  23. BrenGun

    My friend kinda said something about this not that long ago... Kinda "They only care about the people who give them money" But I wonder in which band he would have played in secret o.o anybody?
  24. BrenGun

    No i guess the vocalist is kurono usagi
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