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Everything posted by BrenGun

  1. And the tracklist is known! price 3,500yen Release 2015/01/14 (very long wait) 2014/11/06: available for pre-sale at live venues CD DISC 1: 01. death education 02. vision 03. disorder 04. Sludge 05. Itsuwari to Nikushimi no hazamade 06. Haitoku 07. hedonism 08. insanity (new version) 09. EGOISTIC WORLD 10. break down 11. Uta 12. ANTI FLAG 13. hallelujah CD DISC 2: 01. Shikkyaku no machi 02. emnityforgod 03. PARADOX (new version) 04. GHOST HOUSE 05. Velvet 06. UNDEADMAN (V.A version) 07. Blood Red Shoes 08. Nega x Nega x Nega 09. Yugami (V.A version) 10. SCISSORS 11. Re:born 12. Yami wo tsuranuku gekijou no kagayaki 13. Gareki no yume But I've no clue if it really contains re-recordings from their old songs. But I gonna buy it. but pretty shit that I can't have it before the store release (>_<)
  2. You can trust his bands they are only to stupid to believe his lies. Even if the truth has been showed in front of them. Luzmelt, the fool both bands where fired. Hayato left blood because he didn't like that kiwamu had only eyes for money. Umbrella maybe fired too? Or they simply didn't want someone like kiwamu.. reason is unknown Capella kiwamu broke them apart.some members love him.. 120pun they never really joined... they used kiwamu to release album after album release they straight decided to not work with him again Old lix who knows maybe kiwamu was also the reason. But members always leave because of kiwamu. For exception for soundbee, yuichi left for an unknown reason, but it wasn't kiwamu. Tak left for the reason that he supported to many bands he hadn't really time for calmando qual. But people say that Daisuke is an same ass as kiwamu.
  3. I would love if someone could translate these 6 lyrics for me I also have translated them, and 2 where translated by someone but he/she felt not good about the translation, but my translation doesn't feel correct, so I highly want a 2nd translation from someone. To be able to learn from my mistakes. So the translations at my fanwebsite, at jpopasia and lyricstranslations.com and maybe some other places aren't 100% correct. However lyrics at my fanwebsite are the most up-to-date. I really would be happy if someone could translate it brand new. Not only for me, but also for all fans around the world, since thats most important. ------------------ 歪 Yugami 白く細手首をなぞり 開かれた赤い口元 滴る熱を帯びた唾液 マニキュアよりも 深く傷みに染まれ 針を刺せ 眼球の奥の鍵を回すように 針を刺せ 雷鳴のような憎悪に 黒いレザーグローブの右手で 高鳴る左胸を掴む 滑り込む舌先で感じる嘘 深く根を這わせる その先の君を食わせろ 針を刺せ 眼球の奥の鍵を回すように 針を刺せ 雷鳴のような憎悪に 歪んだ顔を打つ春の雨 この涙洗え 嘘つき ため息 まただもう これだもんな 愛してる 愛してない 千切られる 残酷な花 針を刺せ 眼球の奥の鍵を回すように 針を刺せ 雷鳴のような憎悪に 歪んだ顔を打つ春の雨 この涙洗え ------------------ Scissors 君の痛みを感じたいから 愛する君の痛みをくれないか 狂い咲き裂く2人の血液絡み合う蛇のように 僕の痛みを君にあげたい 僕の痛みを感じて欲しいから そう想いは全て君に捧げる偽の血の雨 愛してる偽り無く 目障りは消してあげる 世界が君を見捨てたとしても 切り裂く嵐の雨の中でも 強く抱いたまま君を離さない 狂ってしまったのは僕にも分からない 狂ってしまったのは満月のせいじゃない 僕の痛みを奴にあげよう 君の痛みを奴に与えよう 愛してる偽り無く 目障りは消してあげる 世界が君を見捨てたとしても 切り裂く嵐の雨の中でも 強く抱いたまま君を離さない 狂ってしまったのは僕にも分からない 狂ってしまったのは満月のせいじゃない 僕等を追う黒い影 太陽が赤く染まる 欠け行く月、落ちろ空 横たわる二つの心 ---------------------------------------- PARADOX お前が口にするクダラナイ偽善の馬鹿げた話には全く呆れるほどに俺の神経を逆なでる そんな実話など俺には全く興味は無い 正義も悪意も天秤に架ければ同じ物だろう 一匹二匹三匹と出来損ないが歩いて行くよ 四匹五匹六匹と馬鹿ヅラ下げて笑っていた DEAD素晴らしい世界に拍手を DEAD美しい生きる人々よ DEAD素晴らしい夢を残して DEAD死んだらまた会いましょう お前も俺も丸められ捨てられた精液の様な物だろう? 自分を捨て諦めたくせに俺にソレを押し付ける 常識に取り憑かれたナイフで俺の命を狙ってる 一人で居る方がまだマシだ 一人で居る方がよっぼどマシだ 仕組まれた知識の手の掌で お前らは命を使うがいい 漂うだけの自分の小宇宙に ただ存在する泥酔したお前が居る… 親愛なる堕落した神よ 親愛なる腐敗した手で 親愛なる敗北の人々に 親愛なる欠落の罪を 親愛なる下卑ていた正義 親愛なる退廃の国に 親愛なる玩弄の愛で 親愛なる嘘で塗り変えろ ------------------------------------------- 死よりも深い死の中で 産声をを上げた汚物塗れの 脈打つこの僕は痛みの上 腐ったワインを飲み干すように 背中合わせの裏切りを知る 偽りの鋭利にこの胸は貫かれ 空を塗りつぶす嵐のように 鉛の雨が僕に降り注ぐ 闇より黒く深い憎しみ僕の姿を醜く変える 偽りの鋭利にこの胸は貫かれ 剝がれ落ちる焼かれた肌 死の神の仮面をかぶる 死よりも深い死の中へ 偽りの鋭利にこの胸は貫かれ 剝がれ落ちる焼かれた肌 死の神の仮面をかぶる 死よりも深い死の中へ ------------------------------------------------------ Born Iqual pain 思考能力も無くただ垂れ流すガラクタ頭のスクリーンに 映し出す記憶とエゴにもなれないエゴを振りかざす盲目者 原色を無くしたこの腕にある天使の死骸を抱きしめた 世界の終わりもまだ来ないのに自分の終わりもまだ来ないのに My pain was born of this world I have lost nothing A fallen angel born from the gutter I was given nothing here 覚醒される性 息も出来ずに舐める快楽の交わり 出し入れするマリアの臭いに群がる下等な生き物にもなれず 触発された日のあの午後の空に天使の死骸を抱きしめた 世界の終わりもまだ来ないのに自分の終わりもまだ来ないのに My pain was born of this world I have lost nothing A fallen angel born from the gutter I was given nothing here 産み落とされる事など 喜んでいなかった だけど 乾いたこの地図の上に 産み落としてくれた罪には 感謝しよう My pain was born of this world I have lost nothing A fallen angel born from the gutter I was given nothing here --------------------------------------------------------------------- 美学 [bigaku] 我ノ美学 音楽世界 我ノ美学 悪魔的音 我ノ美学 退廃音楽 我ノ存在 音楽神 毒牙の翼で踊れ 瞳孔に刺激を剌したまま 死んでも構わない様な 悦楽にその身を捧げ狂え 乱脈した青と赤の管に溶け込む愚説と交わる性 先天性偶像破壊 脈々と流れる自我を解き放ち鳥合に別れを告げよ 情性に生き恥曝して生きるなら我は死に抱かれよう 我ノ美学 音楽世界 我ノ美学 悪魔的音 我ノ美学 退廃音楽 我ノ存在 音楽神 末世の大道芸だ 片輪の豚の餌の時間だ だらしないその口元から 欲望の唾液を垂れ流せ 淫売の陰部に媚びり付いて離れない汚物のお前 先天性偶像破壊 偶像という腐れ落ちる下卑た花に集う虫けら達よ 目覚める力を無くして怯えるだけの盲達よ
  4. BrenGun

    date of 15? that's a few days ago. They will give trackingnumber. sometimes they simply forget to give you one. And since they ship with EMS. you will have it in about 6 days.
  5. no more people who have love for starwave bands? 27 people only? (laugh) should be more <3
  6. BrenGun

    Any more yes?
  7. BrenGun

    They are visual kei, said by yasu himself. And also black list is a concept album too.
  8. Ah, but its still hella much work. Since then you need to create a big database with all bands... And yes they working on it. By creating one at "DS" which will be the biggest website to find all information by every band. Nowdays at band websites and blogs there are all versions written on. If not, ask fans.
  9. its almost impossible to know. sometimes you know shop A has bonus B. but then you still don't know what is on bonus B disk. It's really difficult to know or to find out. Its only possible if you find a Japanese fan who really buys everything. which is almost impossible or almost impossible to keep.
  10. @hiroki well simply try out every band! I'm sure there is one more or there was one more who you would enjoy
  11. BrenGun

    Its his birthday today
  12. Nope vampire rose is not a starwave band.
  13. yeah, 燭台(怪)-Syokudaikakkokai- but they are more a comedian music band. the vocalist, he is a funny guy. I don't dislike them but I don't like them too. I wished that I could understand Japanese better, because it really seems you need to understand it to really understand their music and stuff. And they don't really seem to care about getting money out of CD's. so maybe someday I will be into them.
  14. I really do wonder about this for already a long time. So I simply ask it now. I don't know out of my head which are not under Kiwamu's power anymore, since a bunch also broke their contract or didn't sign up for another year. And there are also a few bands disbanded due his time with him, aka Capella and Suicide Ali. <- still added the 2 in the poll list. I general like a bunch of those bands who are under him or broke the contact with him. My favos are; Calmando Qual LIV'ERT Tokami lix (the first lix only) Bands I like which are not under him anymore SaTaN, Vanished Empire, 2 Bullet, marlee, umbrella (LIVE ONLY) and BESPA KUMAMERO (at least I believe that bespa are not under him anymore?) And I lost interest in these Misaruka, Synk;yet, BLOOD, THE SOUND BEE HD But I still check every release from these bands. (via spotify) So how much are Starwave/Darkest Labyrinth bands loved under us?!
  15. BrenGun

    people should not judge on someones English. also with saying, learn English better. 100% because you don't know if that person has an disability for learning languages. Because if someone has, their language skill will be never perfect. Even if they write in their own language. They always need someone who will check their language. And since its impossible to have someone who always checks what you write. People those who have no difficulty in language should simply shut up, and being the helping hand. and not tell the person "you English suck, learn it!". No be kind and help that person. and simply ask if you don't understand something. before getting upset or mad or whatever. Because I also can be mad at you, because you can write such perfect English... Then I'm even willing to ask you to learn my language until you really can write it perfect. which would you take also a long time or maybe even impossible for you to master my language. o_o so thats out.. feel much better now
  16. BrenGun

    (2,160yen, limited 1000), which will include CD (3 songs)+DVD MAN that's so expensive! -___- Why can't he simply sell a CD without PV and then selling PV's on a PV dvd? Oh well, since I don't care about PV's I gonna for the digital version
  17. oh... nu weer opeens amstelveen? vaak zijn die concertjes ook in denhaag. maar maakt kwa kosten niet veel uit. maar ik geloof dat amstelveen voor mij weer wel net wat duurder is. plus dan moet ik bij iemand pitten. treinen rijden niet meer als het concertje is afgelopen. en dat geld hetzelfde voor keulen.
  18. BrenGun

    I mean it like this: Japanese Rock WORDS & IMAGES [_ interviews [_ live reports ^ kinda like that.
  19. BrenGun

    maybe then simply 2 new subforums? so one for interview and one for live reports?!
  20. BrenGun

    Well we also upload music without permission. But from what I know its okay if you post 1~3 questions and answers. And then simply a link to the interview. Happens a lot, and nobody bitch about it. But of course someone can ask the website first. But nobody has every bitched to me, always kind with yes, but only the first questions. And in the whorse case we can simply make a sceenshot and then linking it to the website. So kinda if its not your work own interview, you cannot post the whole thing. If its your own thing then go ahead. Just I wonder what about magazines translations or website interview translations? Would they be alright too?
  21. ik zou wel willen maar ik vind denhaag zo ver weg. misschien ga ik naar keulen op 5 december. weet ik nog niet. tegenwoordig is ASTAN-MAGAZIN staff team zo groot. dus ben je al gauw overbodig. Kost me kwa reiskosten overigs ongeveer hetzelfde.
  22. BrenGun

    Soo, people do you want it? yes or no? answer please! I say yes, and of course I'm willing to contribute. @Shmilly Of course it needs a tag, hopefully people won't forget. just a simple tag as for example "interview - acid black cherry" "interview - BUCK-TICK" But of course we always can use the search option too to find a interview. works too. (only if a band name contains more than 3 letters)
  23. PS3 PS2 (Still somewhere I guess) PSONE (no idea if we really still have this one) and I got a PSP (the old one) But I'm no gamer anymore.
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