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Everything posted by Dudemanguy

  1. Dudemanguy

    Well at least it doesn't sound like he'll try to pass off the We Are X soundtrack as a new album.
  2. Dudemanguy

    That setlist is actually amazing; holy shit.
  3. Yeah, that's a huge relief. Well it still blows for the few people that actually buy anime BDs, but I won't be affected by that. As for Amazon, it could be that Avex wasn't very clear, so they just played it safe and banned everything. Although, you still can't buy anything Avex off of Amazon. As long as HMV lets me buy though, I won't mind too much since I use them the most (for the sweet coupon promotions and stuff).
  4. I went ahead and placed a preorder for the new Wagakki Band on CDJapan. It went through okay, so I guess I'll just have to wait and see if it gets canceled or something.
  5. You can trivially download from Crunchyroll as well.
  6. Man, I don't even care. Just let me buy your shit lol.
  7. It's not like it's a law or anything that forbids you from taking CDs outside of Japan. It's just Avex refusing to sell their products overseas which is stupid. I guess it's all a conspiracy theory between forwarding services and record companies.
  8. Surely there can't be that many pirating in Japan. I mean you can get jailtime there. It still doesn't make sense. Okay, so now some people who never paid for your products anyway still won't pay for them.... What's the point? It just hurts the few people overseas that actually do buy your shit. Even if their North American distribution thing works perfectly and I can magically get everything on Avex from there, it's still going to hurt me anyway since I shop from your usual Japanese websites (HMV or whatever). I don't need a middleman and realistically the CDs are going to be much lower in quality (in terms of packaging and everything).
  9. It's possible that's the "reason." It's still stupid though. I don't want crappy subpar localized stuff. I want the actual thing.
  10. Yup, everything is banned. Try to buy a waggaki band CD right now or anyone else on Avex Trax. This just fucked my day. I was greatly looking forward to the new Waggaki Band album next month. Hell, I might have even dropped the stupid amount of money on the limited edition too. I know I have a fair amount of Avex CDs in my collection. It's basically a big "fuck you." Protectionism is one thing, but that is usually in the reverse direction (banning foreign imports). This just seems to have no real benefit whatsoever for anyone involved.
  11. Dudemanguy

    It's not listed on HMV or any other retailer yet.
  12. Dudemanguy

    At least we have Yoshiki perfume right?
  13. Scamming 3 million yen from an old woman? Wow, what a scum bag.
  14. Dudemanguy

    That's the plan.
  15. Dudemanguy

    And as I suspected, it seems like the regular edition will be sold for 2,500 yen in stores. I guess Marionette will be rarez. http://chateau-agency.com/versailles/information/release/1514
  16. Dudemanguy

    I didn't even know this band existed until today lol. This sounds absolutely awesome though with the vague prog and dissonance everywhere. Can't wait for this album to drop.
  17. Dudemanguy

    Yikes. So only the limited edition is going to have all 6 songs (source). The regular is going to have just the first five. Also, it's going to be on Sherow Artist Society and not Warner curiously enough. I'm still assuming this is going to end up in stores, but it is starting to look like the limited edition will be live only.
  18. Dudemanguy

    They've got another new PV out. Honestly, I do wish this was overall less restrained/subdued, but the last minute or so of the song is absolutely fantastic. I'll be optimistic.
  19. Dudemanguy

    It's not even that. It's just boring. I'll take an album full of cheesy glam rockers like Desperate Angel over half-assed ballads.
  20. Dudemanguy

    Well, it looks like he finished recording. Here's a sample.
  21. Dudemanguy

    Yeah, this is pretty unfortunate. I thought she had a fair amount of good bass licks in "right NOW." I wonder if they'll grab a former Destrose bassist as a replacement lol.
  22. Dudemanguy

    Well they are on freaking Warner, so it's not like they should be releasing rarez or anything. I'm pretty sure it's just a marketing gimmick to get people to show up at their live, and then right after it's over, it'll get a proper release in retailers.
  23. Dudemanguy

    I also quite enjoyed every track. Hopefully, this will be released in stores right after the concert is over.
  24. Dudemanguy

    Oh yeah, I love this band. That weird style of prog/psychedelic or whatever you want to call it rules. It's a shame that the stuff before the 2012 album is all out of print; I still need to get my hands on those albums. Of the 4 I have, I think 0088 is probably my favorite by a slight hair, but ○△□ and 攻撃的国民的音楽 are both really close. 日本 is definitely a slight step down, but it's nowhere near a bad album. Here's to hoping the next album comes out soon.
  25. Dudemanguy


    I enjoy the majority of their output without any issues, so eh personal taste and all I guess. Neo Culture is probably my favorite and then followed by 7th Rose. After that it gets hairier (probably Tafel Anatomie in third), but I do like their earlier, more gothic sound a bit more. The only release of theirs I didn't really like was the namonaki mori no yumegatari EP. That was a classic case of too much synths/electronic stuff and not enough actual instruments. Thankfully Kingdom later got back on track. I guess my only real wish is that Asagi would tone down all fancy electronic/synth stuff in the production. It works fine sometimes, but other times I feel like the songs would be better if it was more guitar-oriented. I'm curious to see what they'll do in the future though.
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