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Everything posted by Dudemanguy

  1. They just shipped out the EP and DVD preorders. So your shopping service or whatever you use should get it soon.
  2. Dudemanguy

    I can't believe they are actually rebooting this old anime, but more Onmyouza is always good.
  3. Dudemanguy

    My Japanese isn't the greatest, but from the annoucement it says: I took "下記" to mean following (i.e. after the January and February lives) and of course later they use "脱退" which means retirement/withdrawal. If they only meant that he wasn't going to be at a couple of live shows, I don't think they would have used that word. Also I don't think they would have said " 今後も皆様の変わらぬ応援を、ZINとJupiterに何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。" AKA, everyone please cheer on Jupiter and Zin. I'm pretty he'll be taking his leave.
  4. Very nice! My only complaint is that the camera guys should figure out what to do when the guitar solo is up. That part of the MV is very awkward lol.
  5. Same here, I just got my preorder in. Well I guess I'm a bit of a D fanboy, so I was probably going to buy it even if it was only halfway decent, but I like being super excited.
  6. To be fair, I do like the remaster of Uroboros over the original. But yeah, I don't see myself buying this release unless the tracklist is something unexpected/weird. Now if a song was exclusive to the compilation....
  7. Just FYI, samples for all the songs are up on their website. This has the potential to be my favorite release from them in years. I'm pretty excited.
  8. Dudemanguy

    I like 10 stars better, but it looks ugly so I'll do 5 stars with halves (i.e. out of a 100 point scale). Here's everything I've purchased so far this year.
  9. Too bad twitter embeds always sound like shit, but the actual music sounds good. I'm getting some Megaromania vibes.
  10. Dudemanguy

    Wow things are getting exciting around here.
  11. Apparently they gave out a live-only single that has "WARRIOR" on it. Someone uploaded it so you can have a listen.
  12. I like this. Not sure about the random language thrown in there (whatever it is), but whatever it started sounding cool halfway through.
  13. Well not without a shopping service anyway. I'm looking forward to this and will definitely buy it.
  14. Dudemanguy

    Literally the first thing I did when I woke up this morning was to check their twitter to make sure I wasn't being bullshitted. I'm very excited for this, and I'm glad that Yoshiki hasn't rubbed off too much on Sugizo. But man, that album title.
  15. Dudemanguy

    Nah, Merveilles is still in print. It's on Nippon Columbia, so it won't be going anywhere anytime soon. You can still buy it new from any of the usual retailers.
  16. Dudemanguy

    They've been very quiet on this front lately, but the band will make an announcement in like 7-8 hours. Hopefully it'll be about the new album.
  17. Dudemanguy

    Oh I can answer this for you. As you probably guessed, it's going to be a Japanese concept album based on the Legend of Kaguya-hime (竹取物語). It's in the video description. The name, 浅葱, is just "asagi" in kanji. You got to have the kanji for the authentic nippon points.
  18. Wow, I'm glad he's apparently selling this one like hotcakes. I've got mine preordered of course.
  19. Dudemanguy

    Hmm, will this be the official thread now? I don't mind. I quite enjoyed that MV. Pleasantly metal and I can dig the cheesy folk elements.
  20. Asagi will finally release his first full length album for his solo project in January of 2018 in the last third of the month. Here's a guest musician list.
  21. Will Zin ever ditch the douche shades?
  22. Dudemanguy

    Now I'm digging this new one the most out of the 3 new songs they released. I'm hoping for a new album this year. They're overdue.
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