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About nia

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    Maria's Cross
  • Birthday 10/31/1990

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  1. nia

    You can call me either nia or nai ♡ How you found THE NOVEMBERS: Even though I've been into japanese music for as long as I can remember I had never really ventured myself too far from these few bands I had known for ages or checking out a few recommendations from friends here and there. About three years back I've kind of made a hobby out of trying new stuff, being more knowledgeable about the scene and these kinds of things! So far, my most important discovery has been that the songs I really like usually fall into the indie / shoegaze categories, and I have THE NOVEMBERS to thank for that. You see, one day I heard Last Exit to Brooklyn on a web radio and added it to my playlist on a whim. Not because I was particularly crazy about it but rather because there was this something about the mood I really enjoyed, you know? Then, after completely forgetting about it I came across 裸のミンク and immediately liked how similar to SUPERCAR it sounded to me. To my surprise, the moment I wrote their name on the search bar I realized they were already part of my library and I remember going "Whaaat, is this really from those same guys?" Just like it was the case with SUPERCAR, I found myself repeating that question a lot as I got to hear more of their work. Gotta love how diverse their discography is, huh! Turns out that contrast between dreamy and noisy was everything I never knew I needed more of up until that point. Favorite songs/Recommendations: Changes all the time but Romancé is that one song I never skip. It really manages to transport you into the white, dreamy horizon; so immersive and beautiful... ♡ When it comes to their heavier stuff, Blood Music.1985, 出る傷を探す血 and 236745981 are my favorites - Better heard at really loud volumes, of course! Also, @indigo's introduction was a lot of fun to read because I totally see myself in that same situation of listening to their older material and thinking "whoa this is actually pretty good!" now despite having given it a try in the past and deciding I couldn't really get into it. Favorite Album: Tough choice but I'm gonna go with zeitgeist. Not only I have a thing for conceptual albums in general but the dystopic themes and references in there are also very appealing to me. --Not that I knew about most of them beforehand, to be honest. Kobayashi seems to have some really obscure tastes haha. But it's always great to learn more about them, I suppose! What you hope to achieve in this Club: Get to know you all, for sure! It's great to get in touch with others who like the band. I was just thinking the other day about how I had no one to share these thoughts with, so being part of this club makes me very happy Extras: Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I found out about MH (and looked forward to joining) while randomly searching for more THE NOVEMBERS content on the internet, so... Cheers to that?
  2. nia

    WHOA I thought I was dreaming when I read "new arukara album" on the newest topics, heh. Great news!!
  3. I'm glad I finally have an account to say: GREAT JOB! Thank you so much for this. Oh you've been so great to us already! ♥ If you feel like it/when you have the time some rhapsody in beauty or zeitgeist songs would be nice? (I have searched online a bit but didn't come across any translations)
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