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Everything posted by TomoMAD

  1. TomoMAD

    I remember LOG with these guys hahaha, like it
  2. I really miss Grieva 😢 WHY AINS WHYYYYYYY!!!!

  3. TomoMAD

    Kpop Kei Shit as fuck
  4. TomoMAD

    Another one fuck
  5. TomoMAD

    Wow really love it ❤️
  6. Maybe Wilson appears in their next release
  7. TomoMAD

    Ooooooh yeeeees babe ❤️
  8. TomoMAD

    I feel the same i always love the "kotekote bands" that makes me feel so "😍🌊" and the most of them the singer is pretty "bad" hahaha seriously o love that, they sing with all their feelings (and without tone) but it's makes me love them more ❤️ Really want he start a new project with ALL KOTEKOTE STYLE ❤️
  9. This look very nice! 😮 Hope that other labels release interesting omnibus 😪
  10. TomoMAD

    I hate the vague teasers too , it's like Ru:natic teasers from sometime ago, they put only the year, then they delete the video and put another with other year only -.- So i hope he give more info soon
  11. TomoMAD

    Fuck I really like them, hope Zin don't stop! x2
  12. Hikari in him Twitter account posted a video that said "2018.XX.XX", "Latest release" and "Coming soon". So maybe he will start a new project or this will be the last release of his music carrear(?). We all know that he was composing for Vampire Rose, personally i love the music that he make, hope this will be a new project ❤️ If someone know something more please comment ❤️ thanks!
  13. The first song is like VORTEX (the Gazette) hahaha, btw love it ❤️
  14. TomoMAD

    They look interesting, i saw the official page and they only have one release, a mini album named "CALLING" limited to 100 copies In their twitter are two short videos of their lives.
  15. TomoMAD

    Oh that is sad
  16. TomoMAD

    Commentary one by one of the members
  17. TomoMAD

    Nice!!! ❤️ I need listen the preview
  18. TomoMAD

    Holy fuckkkkkk
  19. Mmmm the form that he pick the guitar and the model is like the guitarist (Z) of R指定 (R-shitei) Very interesting band
  20. TomoMAD

    Welcome! interesting carrear, good luck in your studies! In MH you will found a lot of things of Angura Kei ❤️ see you
  21. TomoMAD

    Im not expecting that, but it was really nice, i want to hear the full album!!
  22. Yep hahaha but if in japan exist some law that punish who made "cyber bullying" or expose some private photos, this must have ended a long time ago i don't know
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