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Everything posted by echo

  1. echo

    ^ Thank you so much for making this video <33333333333333333333 it's so perfect!!! <333 I literally cannot stop dying watching it
  2. echo

    ♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡ ♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡💛♡
  3. echo

    Only 9 days till the 2nd one-man!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
  4. echo

    @Yukimoto Based on his tweets and the lyrics of Shiawase no katachi I'm pretty sure he's retiring from music T_T which is why I was pretty much a mess their whole set. And why I'm still kind of a mess T_T
  5. echo

    @hirokithank YOU for introducing them to me <3 Masashi was definitely feeling all of the feels tonight >< I can't imagine what the one-man will be like... although I think part of it was like 悔しい for them cos they mentioned how for all bands the dream is to like, make it big in Tokyo. You haven't really become successful until you can succeed in Tokyo... and I guess they weren't really able to accomplish that. They mentioned a few times that they had come to Tokyo a lot, but it sounded like they just never really did as well as they hoped... which I guess is part of why they are disbanding... but... yeah. ><;;;
  6. echo

    Tonight was FoLLoW's last Tokyo shusai @ Shibuya REX Set list: I was basically bawling the whole time. How does one cry during Uppercut? I honestly don't know. I think Masashi stepped on stage and i just died. haha Every time I calmed down, Masashi would start singing again, or sing a lyric a certain way and I'd die all over again. FoLLoW's furi is really fun though! I just wish I wasn't dying the whole time haha <3 Honestly this was a first experience to be so torn apart at a live haha Masashi got really choked up occasionally too. He lost the lyrics during Alice in Wonderland and you could just see it in his face and hear it in his voice the whole time. During guitar solos and whatnot I'm pretty sure he was wiping away his tears when he turned around. And he kept slapping his face (like how Japanese people do when they say something wrong) saying that he wasn't being like himself haha <33 Sorry I was pretty much only looking at Masashi the whole time so not sure how the rest of the members were For the encore he said they really thought hard about which song to play. They played LAST DAY in Nagoya the other night because that's where they made the song (something like that). So on the same train of thought, they decided to play Planetarium cos they made that song in Tokyo (I think? Sorry, it was difficult to hear/comprehend between sobs). He said something about seeing a star. A SUPER small star super far away, but that even if it's a teeny tiny star something something something. Probably something really profound but I just lost it cos I could kind of tell where he was going with it lol. Plus he was on the verge of tears himself while telling us about the song. He got really emotional during the song and by the end he was like "what's wrong with me?" kind of thing and then went into Let it go. I'm glad they ended on a happy note <3 Junsei and Masashi were at buppan again! I was really lucky too cos at first it was only Junsei, but Masashi came out right before it was my turn. FATE. <333333333333 I bought 6 cheki and got NO Masashi though. Junsei was like "what?? no Masashi??" (cos I was obviously a Masashi fan lol) so I bought two more and the LAST one was Masashi. And he was like yay!! haha <333 Their next live is November 25th! The next FoLLoW shusai is November 28th!
  7. echo

    Based on the polls it's been decided that Hiroki's LINE chat will be on Saturday (Nov. 19) from 22:00 (JST)! Don't miss it!!!!!! If you haven't added TRA TRA TRA on LINE yet, here's how:
  8. echo

  9. echo

    Hiroki has a survey to decide when to do the next LINE chat!! top button: 11/18 (Fri) 22:00~ bottom button: 11/19 (Sat) 22:00~ so far most of the votes are for Friday it seems. If you haven't participated in the chats, you should! It's fun! ^^ The members will only respond to you up to 3 times though. Unless there arent a lot of people chatting I guess. Last time it was Hiroki's turn he responded a lot <3 Even if you don't understand Japanese, you could just say "hi" Hiroki has a basic understanding of English <33
  10. echo

    TRA TRA TRA played at LIVE HOUSE D’ in Osaka tonight! They had a very similar set list as Nagoya. I guess they’re back to playing Melt and KAMIKAZE first. They’re a great intro to their set, but I still think playing 「所詮、女宿り」after the MC is a bit strange. Judging by all of their tweets, it sounds like the circle mosh (during Shangri-La) went down a lot better in Osaka than it did in Nagoya! They all seemed really happy with tonight’s live! Their next live is their 2nd one-man!! If you’re in Japan and have time, you should definitely go!! Date:  November 25, 2016 (Friday) Venue:  Shibuya REX Time (Open/Start):  18:30/19:00 Tickets (Advance/Doors):  ¥3,000/¥3,500 (You can purchase tickets on eplus) I’m hoping their play a new song or two at the one-man! Pic spam: For those who don't know, I'm also managing a TRA TRA TRA fanpage! <3 Check it out if you're interested!! ⇒⇒UNNEVER END⇐⇐
  11. echo

    @emmny SO ACCURATE. hahaha I feel like I'm watching reality TV or something haha I don't even care about any of these bands but I'm following this drama so closely LOL Meary's Reona just tweeted in support of Kiryu. He's basically just saying that Kiryu is not the type of person to lie and is a respectable human being.
  12. echo

    He's referring to the picture that Kiryu posted of their LINE conversation. He said that it was a group chat with him, Kiryu and Irodori and is basically saying that Kiryu cut it at a "convenient" place and it makes it seems like Kiryu harbored ill will towards Avanchick from the beginning. I'm not sure what that last line is. I think it was just a group chat that they were told to make by the label? but all the bangya responding are calling bs and saying if that's true he should just screenshot the whole conversation instead of saying that it was being taken out of context or cut conveniently or whatever. haha
  13. echo

    Today TRA TRA TRA played at Nagoya ell.SIZE! set list: 1. メルト 2.KAMIKAZE - MC- 3.「所詮、女宿り」 4.Shangri-La 5.Que sera! sera! I wish they'd stop playing 「所詮、女宿り」 after the MC... it's kind of anticlimactic. haha I hope they were able to get the crowd to join in the circle mosh for Shangri-La though! Also, apparently they all stayed at Hiroki's house (Hiroki is from Aichi not sure if he's actually from Nagoya though) last night haha <3 Hiroki and Yukia also did a twitcast last night, but I wasn't able to listen T_T But! They all posted lots of pictures throughout the day lol Picspam: And now they're off to Osaka! They play tomorrow at Nishi-Tenma LIVE HOUSE D' Time Open/Start: 17:00/17:30 Tickets Advance/Doors: ¥3,300/¥3,800 They're playing with KAVKA, Reirei (麗麗 ), BABY I LOVE YOU, and Link If you like any of those bands and/or are in the area, go check them out!!! <333
  14. echo

    The boys have been working really hard! (or at least Omi has lol) Today Ryo recorded vocals! Hopefully this means a new release soon!
  15. Omg Seiya...



    LOLOLOLOL <3333333

  16. echo

    Hey guys! So remember how Tra played at the Senka Ryouran event that was broadcast live on YouTube? So everyone who attended that live got a free artist booklet magazine thing containing pictures and interviews of all 8 bands. You can now purchase it online! http://v-live.futureartist.net/store/62830 It's not even a rip off either cos it's only 700 yen and it comes with a live artist photo of your choice, which were also available at the live house for 700 yen... So... price-wise it works out the same as if you went to the live and bought a photo haha GO FORTH AND SPEND MONEY <3333333333 (the live artist photos are really nice btw <333)
  17. echo

    @Yukimoto yeah well first she came to ask if we wanted to write a message for Omi's birthday cos they're putting something together for him for the one-man and then she asked us about saizen lol.
  18. echo

    I've literally been listening to this all night lolol
  19. echo

    lol more like the shikiri wasn't there so dosen and one spot in shimote was open (I think there's always one spot open that she just fills with her friends) so another girl from the saizen girls came and asked if my friend and I wanted to be saizen since we always go see Tra lolol I don't think there were any other Tra fans there other than the 5 of us in saizen O_O
  20. echo

    I'm on book three, Ruin and Rising, of The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo. It's really good! If you like fantasy books you'd probably love this trilogy! Hopefully it ends in a satisfying way!
  21. So I just posted about it in the TRA TRA TRA thread, but I saw TRA TRA TRA! lol They played at KAVKA's shusai tour the other night at Ikebukuro RUIDO K3! :DD I was really happy cos I think people got interested in them! A few people went to go pick up copies of KAMIKAZE (free demo CD) at the merch table too! <3 I wrote more about Tra in the artist thread so I guess I'll write a bit about the other bands here ^^ They played with ラミエル, Link, BLaive and KAVKA. It was my first time seeing all the bands other than Tra pretty much haha. ラミエル was kind of "meh" for me. They weren't horrible, but not very memorable? That's all I really have to say about them lol I mostly just remember them all wearing white haha. Their music was pleasant though ^^ Link is pretty hilarious. The vocalist was telling us a story about when he went to a coin laundry and like he saw a couple making out on a bench outside or something out of the corner of his eye. When he looked they were both guys and he was super shocked (it's really rare for couples to have any form of PDA, let alone a gay couple) so he kinda just looked away and went on with his business. And as he was leaving he heard them whisper 見られちゃったね ("he saw us" but like a feeling of "we got caught") LOLOL and the vocalist was like "I hope you remember our band, even if it's just for the fact that I saw a gay couple kissing" LOL <3 "We're not gay, but please remember us as 'that gay band'" hahaha and then during the next song after the MC he like made a move on the guitarist and during the song was like 見られちゃった! lolol their set was really fun and everyone definitely got into it more after his "gay story" LOL BLaive was fun too! But by the time they were up I was kind of dying. I only had 2 hours of sleep and went to the live right after work haha. Tra played before them so I was kinda out of energy lolol BUT they were fun! There was only one song that was weird to me where the bassist literally put his bass down and just rapped on some parts. It was weird cos he had one of those headset mics so like... what was the point of putting your bass down if you're not holding a mic? idk haha The last song we did this weird "mosh" thing where you put your hands together above your head and kinda just jump around in the middle LOL The vocalist said that if you feel like "Oh no it's my first time so I'm too embarrassed!" then just put your hands together above your head and he'll understand lolol <3 Last up was KAVKA of course. They were really good!! But I don't remember anything specific about their set tbh lolol When they came out for their encore it was really awkward though lol. like the guitarist and the bassist were talking and were just like... "uh, you guys gonna come out soon? come out... please????" like they didn't know what to say haha and then the shimote guitarist came out and just kind of repeated the next tour dates haha and they were just like uhh where's our vocalist?? The bassist put on the vocalist's feather boa and mimicked him (声ちょうだい) and the kamite guitarist was like "that's only funny to people who know us..." lol and finally the vocalist came out and it was awkward. the kamite guitarist made him go back and had us call out the vocalist's name and he came out again... the exact same casual way? lololol okay so it's weird that I remember the encore MC more than their actual set, but it was a lot of fun lolol sorry. Like I said, I was pretty exhausted at that point. wow. I wrote a lot more than I thought I would haha
  22. echo

    Last night's set list @ Ikebukuro RUIDO K3 Que sera! sera! is so much fun!!! :DDD I mean all their songs are fun live, but yeah. haha (Que sera! sera! is the towel song) Also, Ryo looked DAMN good lol We must've looked like we were having a really good time cos all of them were commenting on how much fun the crowd was having and how happy they were to see our smiling faces etc Also, Yukia cut his bangs! lol <3 AND! I got to be saizen for the first time!! yay!! <3333 They'll be in Nagoya (11/11 @ Nagyoa ell.SIZE) and Osaka (11/12 @ Nishi Tenma LIVEHOUSE D') next!! Tra's 2nd one-man is coming up on the 25th too!! <33
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